pSummer Break centers on the summer adventures of two thirteen-year-old boys, Luke Meyers and Josh Johnson. Luke, the main character, is an avid daydreamer. He learns of the death of his teacher's son and is obsessed with finding out where he is buried.ppppWhile shopping one evening with his mother, Luke crosses the paths of two criminals. Little does he know it, but this won't be the last time he
Popis produktu
pSummer Break centers on the summer adventures of two thirteen-year-old boys, Luke Meyers and Josh Johnson. Luke, the main character, is an avid daydreamer. He learns of the death of his teacher's son and is obsessed with finding out where he is buried.ppppWhile shopping one evening with his mother, Luke crosses the paths of two criminals. Little does he know it, but this won't be the last time he encounters these men. After being arrested, the two criminals blame Luke and Josh for getting caught, and they aim to get revenge.p
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