Ruth Snowden begins by exploring Jung's upbringing and the environment into which he was born. She then goes on to analyse the influences on the man himself and how they came to shape his ideological and spiritual development. The intricacies of Jung's complex systems of thought are discussed in a straightforward and jargon-free way with particular focus on Jung's lifelong fascination with the spiritual,
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Ruth Snowden begins by exploring Jung's upbringing and the environment into which he was born. She then goes on to analyse the influences on the man himself and how they came to shape his ideological and spiritual development. The intricacies of Jung's complex systems of thought are discussed in a straightforward and jargon-free way with particular focus on Jung's lifelong fascination with the spiritual, the numinous, the inner world and the self-realization of the unconscious. Jung’s exploration of mythology, dreams, visions and fantasies, as well as his studies into the journey of the psyche, are all looked at with engaging objectivity, making his often complex beliefs and work easy to get to grips with. Ruth Snowden also looks at his legacy today and how his work and ideas have shaped psychology – many therapists are still trained in the Jungian method.
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