Paní de Winterová - Mrtvá a živá 2 (Hill Susan) (česky)
0,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 27.07.2024
Paní de Winterová - Mrtvá a živá 2 (Hill Susan) (česky)
0,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 27.07.2024

Trůn lebek - Démonská trilogie 4 - Brett Peter V.
26,07 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Trůn lebek - Démonská trilogie 4 - Brett Peter V.
26,07 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

4. díl démonského cykluKrasijský Trůn lebek zůstává prázdný.Trůn sestavený z lebek padlých vojevůdců a démonských princů je sídlem cti a prastaré mocné magie, která drží démony v šachu. Z tohoto trůnu chtěl Ahmann Jardir dobýt celý svět a vybudovat jednotnou armádu, která by vytáhla do boje a skoncovala s démonskou válkou jednou provždy.Jenže Arlen Sedlák, Tetovaný, se proti tomuto plánu vzepřel. Vyzval Jardira na souboj a ten na něj musel přistoupit, aby si zachoval čest. A než aby riskoval porážku, oba je raději svrhl ze srázu, čímž obral svět o spasitele a zároveň spustil boj o následnictví, který může Svobodná města Thesy rozdělit.Na jihu musí Jardirova první manželka Inevera najít způsob, jak zabránit synům, hnaným snahou uplatnit nárok na trůn, aby se navzájem zabili a zavlekli tak svůj lid do občanské války.Na severu se Leesha Papírova a Rojer Půlručka pracně snaží sjednat mezi Angierským a Milnským vévodstvím spojenectví proti Krasijcům dřív, než bude pozdě. V této křížové palbě uvázne Laktonské vévodství – bohaté, nechráněné, zralé na dobytí.A jadrnci mezitím stále nabírají na síle. Bez Arlena a Jardira se asi nenajde nikdo tak silný, kdo by je zastavil. O osudu obou pohřešovaných mužů možná něco ví jen Renna Sedlákova. Jenže i ta zmizela…

Psychopat v rodině - Raven Argoni
14,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Psychopat v rodině - Raven Argoni
14,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Po delší odmlce napsal Raven Argoni svou další knihu, tentokrát silně autobiograficky zaměřenou. Popisuje v ní své životní zážitky a setkávání s různými lidmi. Právě na základě těchto zážitků ukazuje co znamená, když má nějaká osoba psychopatiké sklony. Čtenář se alespoň rámcově dozví z této knihy jak tuto poruchu osobnosti tozpoznat, jak reagovat. Mnozí lidé o této své nemoci totiž ani nevědí.

Únikovka: Strašidelný dům - Arthur Ténor
7,59 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Únikovka: Strašidelný dům - Arthur Ténor
7,59 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

JSTE UVĚZNĚNI, MALÍ NÁVŠTĚVNÍCI! Ze strašidelného domu vede jediná cesta ven. Abyste z něj vyvázli živí a zdraví, musíte vyřešit řadu hádanek a získat sedm slov tvořících kouzelnou formuli. Dům je plný nočních tvorů od krvežíznivých upírů přes duchy až po Frankensteinovo monstrum, které zastává post kuchaře. A všichni vidí v malém návštěvníkovi hlavně chutnou svačinku.

Remove before flight - Zuzana Almáši Koreňová
9,50 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Remove before flight - Zuzana Almáši Koreňová
9,50 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Toto je úplne prvá rozprávková kniha určená prioritne pre dospelých. Je vhodná aj ako inšpiratívne čítanie rodičov deťom. Obsahuje 7 pútavých príbehov inšpirovaných životom, prerozprávaných do rozprávky. V týchto rozprávkach čitateľ nájde paralely napríklad aj so svojím životom alebo životom blízkych ľudí. Písané sú štýlom, ktorý čitateľa možno zastaví, aby porozmýšľal nad sebou, svojím správaním a zároveň motivuje k pozitívnym zmenám. Z odborného hľadiska sú v príbehoch zachované pozitívne transformačné princípy NLP a je to úplne prvá rozprávková kniha na Slovensku písaná týmto spôsobom. Za každým príbehom je voľný priestor pre sebauvedomenie - vlastné zápisky. Napriek tomu, že je kniha rozprávková, radí sa do kategórie osobného rozvoja.Použité ilustrácie sú fotografie autorských bábok, ktoré autorka vyrobila špeciálne pre túto knihu a sú len po jednom kuse na celom svete. Tématicky sú bábky ladené ako piloti a názov knihy REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT je použitý zámerne ako metafora. Toto heslo sa používa v leteckej terminológii a bývajú ním označené červené dlhé štítky, ktoré sú pripevnené na rôznych častiach lietadla. Tieto časti - kryty, poistky - chránia lietadlo, keď stojí na dráhe. Pred odletom ich treba naopak sňať - zložiť preč, lebo by bránili bezpečnému letu.Podobne je to aj so životom. Keď chceme slobodne a bezpečne lietať, potrebujeme odložiť rôzne zábrany (strachy, krivdy, presvedčenia, ...), ktoré by nás inak obmedzovali.

Průvodce neklidným územím III - Příběhy česko-slovenské fotografie - Horák Ondřej
41,53 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Jak srozumitelně přiblížit historii české a slovenské fotografie i její současné podoby? Průvodce neklidným územím III navazuje na úspěšné předchozí díly, věnované modernímu českému výtvarnému umění a architektuře. Tentokrát se tvůrci zaměřují na oblast fotografie, na osudy jejich autorů a příběhy, které je doprovázejí. Jejich záměrem je opět vytvořit publikaci mapující srozumitelnou a atraktivní formou vývoj fotografie na našem území od první poloviny 19. století do dneška. Jádro knihy tvoří výběr více jak šesti desítek nejvýznamnějších autorů, představuje jejich dílo a životy. František Drtikol, Jaromír Funke, Josef Sudek, Jan Lukas, Dagmar Hochová, Josef Koudelka, Jan Saudek, Jindřich Štreit, Libuše Jarcovjáková, Karel Cudlín, Antonín Kratochvíl, Tono Stano, Ivan Pinkava, Miroslav Tichý a další. Text je doplněn o komiksově zpracované příběhy zachycující zásadní okamžiky vývoje naší fotografie.

Diaľavy - Bojan Angelov
7,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Diaľavy - Bojan Angelov
7,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Bojan Angelov, riaditeľ vydavateľstva Bulharský spisovateľ, predseda Zväzu bulharských spisovateľov a mimoriadny člen Spolku slovenských spisovateľov, okrem vyše dvadsiatky básnických zbierok je autorom aj niekoľkých vedeckých monografií, publicistických a literárnokritických kníh. Charakterizujú ho uvažovanie, kontemplácia, stlmenie citov. Tieto črty sú badateľné v jeho neskoršej tvorbe. Vo svojej poézii nie je obdivovateľom ani silných tónov, ani jasných farieb. Ako tvorca uprednostňuje mäkké pastelové farby: akvarely, namaľované s vycibrenosťou a ľahkosťou. Jemu je cudzí pátos bijúci do očí, suchopárnosť. Ide o vedome zvolenú pozíciu, ktorá zodpovedá adekvátnejšie estetike a poetike súčasného umenia - svetového aj bulharského. Jeho lyrika je ovplyvnená množstvom kultúrnych asociácií v oblasti mytológie, histórie, geografie, vojenských záležitostí - to znamená takmer vo všetkých oblastiach života. Jeho snaha o originálnosť sa prejavuje na všetkých úrovniach: zmyslovo obrazne a rytmicko-intonačne.

Vatikán a Československo ve 20. století - Šmíd Marek
62,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Vatikán a Československo ve 20. století - Šmíd Marek
62,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Kniha se věnuje diplomatickým stykům Československa a Svatého stolce ve 20. století.Jde o mimořádně dramatickou dobu, která ve vztazích Československa a Vatikánu v mnoha ohledech odráží dějiny habsburské monarchie, dvou světových konfliktů, dvou totalitních ideologií 20. století – nacismu a komunismu – a meziválečné i poválečné doby. Již na první pohled je čtenáři zřejmé, že se jednalo o období mnoha těžkostí, nepochopení a řevnivostí, a to jak na české, resp. československé, tak na vatikánské straně.Toto vzájemné stýkání i potýkání utvářelo úroveň vzájemných vztahů a zrcadlilo se v působení místní katolické církve. Československo-vatikánské vztahy vnímáme jako mnohovrstevný příběh, jako neopakovatelný fenomén 20. století, který jen těžko umožňuje komparaci jednotlivých diplomatických misí či širší zobecnění. Každý aktér spoluvytvářel specifickou podobu československo-vatikánských vztahů v jiné době, v rozdílné politické situaci, v době odlišného pontifikátu a osobnosti státního sekretáře, s nestejnými politicko-diplomatickými zkušenostmi, v kontaktu s jinými politicko-církevními představiteli v Československu a ve Vatikánu. Kniha nejen předkládá množství zajímavých historických faktů, ale také živě vykresluje dynamiku diplomatických vztahů.

Concise 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene, Profile Books Ltd
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Concise 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene, Profile Books Ltd
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

A guide to the strategies of war. Spanning world civilisations, and synthesising dozens of political, philosophical, and religious texts, it features the subtle social game of everyday life. It contains examples of the genius and folly of those from Napol

Na love - Ries Michala
10,97 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Na love - Ries Michala
10,97 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Pokračovanie románu Na útekuOdpustiť niekomu, kto vám ublížil je nesmierne zložité, no ešte oveľa ťažšie je odpustiť sebe, ak ste ublížili iným. Dokáže to Júlia? A bude to koniec jedného príbehu, alebo sa začne hneď písať nový, ďalší? Júlia už nevládze utekať sama pred sebou, chce raz a navždy vyriešiť svoju zradu Adama. Rozhodne sa s ním opäť stretnúť, no namiesto vyriešenia sa všetko ešte viac zamotá. Opäť prepukne láska a vášeň, tentokrát snáď s ešte väčšou intenzitou ako minule. Obaja si však bolestne uvedomujú, že sú lovci a v tomto vzťahu by jeden musel byť korisťou. Adam už raz kvôli Júlii stratil hlavu a nakoniec mu ostali len oči pre plač. Bude schopný úprimných citov aj po druhý raz? Alebo iba potrebuje vybiť svoju zlosť?

... takový je život - Miloš Velemínský, Ivana Karásková
8,83 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
... takový je život - Miloš Velemínský, Ivana Karásková
8,83 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Povídání s průkopníkem neonatologické péče Milošem Valentou.

Slovenskí zbojníci / Ako to naozaj bolo - Matúšková Renáta
9,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Slovenskí zbojníci / Ako to naozaj bolo - Matúšková Renáta
9,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Kniha má dve samostatné časti, preto v nej listujte a čítajte ju z oboch strán.Slovenskí zbojníci – povesti a iné zvestiPribližuje zbojnícky život, zbojstvá a miesta, kde zbojníci žili a ktoré sa spomínajú v ľudovej slovesnosti. V povestiach sa prelína reálny život doby s nadprirodzenými silami, ktoré dodávajú junákom silu a chránia ich od nebezpečenstva. Testíky sú zábavnou možnosťou zopakovať si všeličo o prečítanom. Fotografie a dobové predmety čitateľa pobavia. Vtipné ilustrácie Juraja Martišku knihu prežiarili jemným humorom.Ako to naozaj bolo – slovenskí zbojníciVýznamný slovenský historik profesor Matúš Kučera predkladá obraz skutočného života chudobného ľudu v Uhorsku v dobách poznačených povstaniami a nepokojmi. Autor vysvetľuje, prečo sa zrodilo zbojníctvo. V krátenej básni Jána Bottu Smrť Jánošíkova je zobrazený Jánošík ako junák slobody. Básnik opisuje hrdinské skutky, city, osudy poddaných, aj odvahu slovenského národa. Deti potešia ľudové piesne so zbojníckou tematikou.

Rosé – veselý i vážný vícebarevný svět vína - Stávek Jan
10,39 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Rosé – veselý i vážný vícebarevný svět vína - Stávek Jan
10,39 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Publikace je přehledně rozdělena do devíti kapitol, ve kterých se autor věnuje jak historii výroby rosé ve světě i u nás, tak podrobně její současnosti. Zavádí čtenáře do hlavních oblastí výroby rosé vín a seznamuje jej s regionálními zvláštnostmi. Obsáhle je zpracována statistika výroby rosé vín v České republice za poslední desetiletí. Její přehled naznačuje současné pevné postavení rosé vín v naší zemi a trend jeho posilování do příštích let. Další text je věnován základním technologickým praktikám a odrůdám pro výrobu rosé, druhům barev rosé vín, typovým rosé vínům a jejich použití v gastronomii. Kniha je doplněna četnými obrázky, které poukazují na technologické, ale i obchodní zvláštnosti rosé vín. Autor využil svých praktických zkušeností s výrobou této moderní kategorie vín a také teoretických poznatků načerpaných v průběhu svých zahraničních cest a své doktorské práce pojednávající právě o vínech rosé. Kniha odpovídá též na řadu otázek a nepřesností, které se kolem světa rosé vín vyskytují. Právě proto by neměla chybět v knihovně žádného vinaře, obchodníka s vínem nebo sommeliéra, ale i zasvěceného konzumenta rosé vín.

Okolo sveta s Justinom Bieberom - Oliverová Sarah
1,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Okolo sveta s Justinom Bieberom - Oliverová Sarah
1,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Chceli ste sa stretnúť s Justinom Bieberom? Potom je táto kniha práve pre vás! Pozri sa s nami do zákulisia, ktorým ťa prevedú Justinovi fanúšikovia z rôznych kútov sveta! Nájdeš tu aj tie najtajnejšie pikošky o tom, ako stretli Justina, Scootera a Kennyho. Preži s nimi zážitky, o ktorých by si sa inak nedozvedela. Sophie je líderkou fanklubu Perth Bieber Team, ktorý organizuje stretnutia v Austrálii a výlety na akcie s Justinom. Cestovala až do New Yorku, aby ho videla na vlastné oči. A bolo to zaujímavé... Anna bola zasa na koncerte počas Justinovho turné All Around The World a stala sa jeho rakúskou One Less Lonely Girl. Zisti, aké to je, keď Justin na pódiu spieva pesničku len pre teba! Kaelyn z Los Angeles sa stretla s Justinom v jeho tanečnom štúdiu a bola šokovaná, aké prekvapenie jej i ďalším fanúšikom prichystal. A spoznaj i jeho tanečníkov – dozvieš sa, aké špeciálne predstavenie pripravili na letisku v Atlante! Sarah Oliverová ti toho odhalí ešte viac... Aké krajiny miluje Justin, jeho tanečníci a celý jeho štáb? Akým šialeným veciam sa venujú, keď práve nie sú na pódiu? Tak sa pohodlne usaď a nasleduj Justina a jeho kroky na ceste okolo sveta spolu s touto knižkou!

Rozsviťte světla! Tančím - 0
8,26 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Rozsviťte světla! Tančím - 0
8,26 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Romantická a špetku ironická básnická sbírka o pětadvaceti básních. Vytahuje na světlo všechny emoce a pocity, kterých jsme jako lidé schopni. Láska, vášeň, touha, krása, neštěstí a smrt v ní hrají hlavní role – a patřičně si je užívají. Texty doprovázejí smyslné ilustrace, které způsobují to pravé chvění v našem srdci.P. S.: Čti se sklenkou červeného.

Liščí země - Frixeová Katja
18,23 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Liščí země - Frixeová Katja
18,23 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

V Liščí zemi jsou všichni šťastní, myslí si Juna a její nejlepší kamarád Ilo. Každý tu má svůj vlastní kouzelný předmět – čarověc. Jednoho dne se však objeví cizí kluk Fion a poklidný život Liščanů je tentam. Fion čelí obvinění, že rozbil nejmocnější ze všech čarověcí, čímž z Liščí země zmizela všechna kouzla. Když se po okolí ještě začnou toulat záhadné zlaté lišky, hněv Liščanů nezná mezí. Jediná Juna Fionovi věří. Aby dokázala jeho nevinu, vydává se na nebezpečnou cestu a musí odhalit prastaré tajemství své země…

Twisted - Emily McIntire, Bloom Books
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Twisted - Emily McIntire, Bloom Books
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

From BookTok sensation Emily McIntire comes a dark and delicious fractured fairy tale reimagining of Aladdin. She's his diamond in the rough. He's her worst nightmare.Yasmin Karam, daughter to one of the richest men in the world, has never known strife. So, when her beloved father falls ill, she's determined to make his final days his happiest. His last wish? To see her married to a man of his choosing.Except Yasmin's heart already belongs to someone else. A servant. A street rat.A man her father would never consider worthy. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Yasmin strikes a desperate deal with her father's right-hand man, Julian, not realizing he has his own twisted agenda. Julian Faraci has one goal: become the most powerful man in the world.He's built a future from broken bones and faded bruises, never caring who he hurt along the way. But when his mentor falls ill, he finds himself on the verge of losing everything, and he'll stop at nothing to inherit what is rightfully his. Even if it means forcing a woman he can't stand into marriage.Yasmin is a brat who speaks out of turn, and he's the villain of her story. But he decides she'll be his-no matter what it takes to convince her.

První Samuelova - Petr Chalupa
15,57 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
První Samuelova - Petr Chalupa
15,57 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Proč Izrael nezůstal u kmenového uspořádání? Muselo skutečně vzniknout království? První izraelský král Saul je rozporuplnou postavou. Znamená snad Boží vyvolení za krále nezrušitelnou kvalitu člověka, nebo ji může takový člověk zničit svým pošetilým jednáním? Zapadající hvězdu tragické postavy na královském trůnu (Saula) střídá vycházející hvězda mnohostranně nadaného mladého muže (Davida). Vypravěč využívá komplikované spleti vztahů v Saulově rodině a politické dění chápe vždy jako události, které jsou těsně svázány s výraznými kněžskými postavami. Celkově vyznívá První Samuelova jako kritika monarchického uspořádání společnosti. Saul jako král neuspěl, nepodařilo se mu vybudovat království jako instituci, která by zajišťovala budoucnost. Ve chvíli jeho smrti je Izrael pořád ještě kmenovým svazem.

Centennials - Alex Hill, Cornerstone
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Centennials - Alex Hill, Cornerstone
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Start-ups rarely survive their second birthday. Even established firms in the UK and the US average a life of only fifteen years. So how can your company build and sustain success for decades to come?Professor Alex Hill has conducted thirteen years of groundbreaking research into a clutch of organisations that have outperformed their peers for over 100 years - from NASA to the New Zealand All Blacks, from Eton College and the Royal College of Art to the Royal Marines and the Royal Shakespeare Company.And what he has found is that these very different organisations all share remarkably similar strategies when it comes to building and maintaining excellence and success - strategies that frequently fly in the face of conventional business wisdom.Here Professor Hill shares the twelve traits that have set these organisations apart for over a century, from the way they analyse success and failure to their approach to finding the best people and the brightest new ideas. In so doing, he identifies the strategies and habits that you can employ in your company to create a strong and stable core and to ensure the same long-term prosperity. In short, he shows you how to build a promising enterprise into an enduring, great organisation._____________________________________________'An instant classic.' Charles Handy, author of 'The Empty Raincoat' and 'The Second Curve''Every CEO should be given a copy with their morning coffee.' Robin Dunbar, Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at the University of Oxford'If you want to learn what it takes to achieve truly sustainable success in an organisation, then this is a book for you.' Shaun Fitzgerald, OBE, Director of the Centre for Climate Repair at the University of Cambridge

Česká gramatika v kostce ukrajinsky - Lída Holá, Pavla Bořilová
2,61 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Česká gramatika v kostce je čtyřstránková příručka o něco většího formátu než A4, tištěná na oboustranně laminované křídě. Její inovovaná, rozšířená verze z roku 2010 je určena začátečníkům a středně pokročilým studentům češtiny jako cizího jazyka, k občasnému nahlédnutí ji však využijí i pokročilí mluvčí. Představuje jednoduchý přehled základních gramatických a lexikálních jevů, důležitých pro úspěšnou každodenní komunikaci, který je vždy po ruce. Nekopíruje mechanicky tradiční gramatická pravidla, ale přizpůsobuje výklad vnímání a potřebám cizojazyčných mluvčích (využívá např. barevné kódování pro značení gramatického rodu, zjednodušené schéma ilustrující vyjadřování směru a lokace apod.).

The Four Winds - Hannahová Kristin
10,39 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The Four Winds - Hannahová Kristin
10,39 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

She will discover the best of herself in the worst of times . . .Texas, 1934. Elsa Martinelli had finally found the life she'd yearned for. A family, a home and a livelihood on a farm on the Great Plains. But when drought threatens all she and her community hold dear, Elsa's world is shattered to the winds.Fearful of the future, when Elsa wakes to find her husband has fled, she is forced to make the most agonizing decision of her life. Fight for the land she loves or take her beloved children, Loreda and Ant, west to California in search of a better life. Will it be the land of milk and honey? Or will their experience challenge every ounce of strength they possess?From the overriding love of a mother for her child, the value of female friendship and the ability to love again - against all odds - Elsa's incredible journey is a story of survival, hope and what we do for the ones we love.The Four Winds is a deeply moving, powerful story about the strength and resilience of women and the bond between mother and daughter, by the multi-million-copy number one bestselling author of The Nightingale, Kristin Hannah.

Lift-the-Flap Questions & Answers How Does it Work - Katie Daynes, Usborne Publishing Ltd
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

This excellent addition to the ever popular Questions &,amp, Answers series lifts the flap on all kinds of gadgets, systems and ideas. It answers questions such as How does electricity get into our walls? Why do waves go up and down? and Where does money come from? Perfect for every inquisitive child.

The Red Haired Woman - Orhan Pamuk, Faber & Faber
11,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The Red Haired Woman - Orhan Pamuk, Faber & Faber
11,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Shortlisted for the EBRD Literature Prize for best work of literary fiction translated into English. On the outskirts of a town thirty miles from Istanbul, a master well-digger and his young apprentice are hired to find water on a barren plain. As they struggle in the summer heat, excavating metre by metre, the two will develop a father/son bond that neither has known before.But in the nearby town, where they spend their evenings, the boy will find an irresistible diversion. The Red-Haired Woman, an alluring member of a travelling theatre group, catches his eye, and she seems as fascinated by him as he is by her. But in his distraction a horrible accident occurs, and he will spend his life unaware of the outcome, or who the Red-Haired Woman was, until many years later.

House of Sky and Breath - Sarah J. Maas, Bloomsbury Publishing
19,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
House of Sky and Breath - Sarah J. Maas, Bloomsbury Publishing
19,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller. Sarah J. Maas's sexy, groundbreaking CRESCENT CITY series continues with this second installment.Bryce Quinlan and Hunt Athalar have made a pact. As they process the events of the Spring they will keep things ... platonic ...until the Solstice. But can they resist when the crackling tension between them is enough to set the whole of Crescent City aflame?And they are not out of danger yet. Dragged into a rebel movement they want no part of, Bryce, Hunt and their friends find themselves pitted against the terrifying Asteri - whose notice they must avoid at all costs.But as they learn more about the rebel cause, they face a choice: stay silent while others are oppressed, or fight. And they've never been very good at staying silent. In this sexy, action-packed sequel to the #1 bestseller House of Earth and Blood, Sarah J.Maas weaves a captivating story of a world about to explode - and the people who will do anything to save it.

When to Rob a Bank - Steven Levitt, Stephen Dubner, Penguin
13,78 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
When to Rob a Bank - Steven Levitt, Stephen Dubner, Penguin
13,78 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Why don't flight attendants get tipped?If you were a terrorist, how would you attack?And why does KFC always run out of fried chicken?&,nbsp,Over the past decade, the blogs of Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner have entertained us and changed the way we understand the world.&,nbsp, Now the very best of these have been carefully curated into a book – with added extras – for the millions of readers who love all things Freakonomics. When to Rob a Bankdemonstrates the counterintuitive, irreverent brilliance that has made Levitt and Dubner's books an international sensation.'A phenomenon . . . their approach has won them a cult following.'&,nbsp,&,nbsp,Observer'Prepare to be dazzled.'&,nbsp, Malcolm Gladwell'Lie back and let Levitt and Dubner's bouncy prose style carry you along from one peculiarity to the next.'&,nbsp,&,nbsp,Sunday Telegraph&,nbsp,'You are guaranteed a good time.'&,nbsp,&,nbsp,Financial Times

Kúzelná zvieracia kaviareň 1 - Stella Taraksonová
9,49 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Kúzelná zvieracia kaviareň 1 - Stella Taraksonová
9,49 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Pre čitateľov od 7 rokov. Ellie s mamou začínajú nový život – presťahujú sa do veľmi starého domu po starom otcovi. Chcú si otvoriť mačaciu kaviareň, ale najskôr musia v dome privítať nových nájomníkov. Ellie sa nechce o nové bývanie deliť s nikým cudzím, hlavne nie so susedom Blakeom a jeho neposedným šteňaťom. Potom však spolu objavia zázračný starý telefón a myš, ktorá ich chce stoj čo stoj dostať z ich nového domu. Ellie a Blake musia spojiť sily a vymyslieť, čo s tým.

Mezitah: Chyba lávky - Albert Maršík, Filip Zatloukal
26,08 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Mezitah: Chyba lávky - Albert Maršík, Filip Zatloukal
26,08 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Akcí nabitá druhá kniha Mezitah: Chyba Lávky přináší napínavé dobrodružství z prostředí, kde se nejdřív střílí a pak teprve kladou otázky. Poté, co lidská společnost našla způsob, jak cestovat mezi hvězdami, se vše změnilo. S nálezy prakticky neomezených přírodních zdrojů, bezpočtu úžasných, životem oplývajících planet a dokonce i několika inteligentních živočišných druhů se lidé rozutekli po všech koutech vesmíru. Současná vesmírná civilizace je bohatá a mocná, ale zcela decentralizovaná. A historie jde dál. Informace cestují rychleji a ve větším objemu, lidé se stěhují za prací a tržní ekonomika vzala nadprodukci na zcela novou úroveň. Ve společnosti neomezované možnostmi jediné planety už to ani nikoho nevzrušuje.

Právě teď
7,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Právě teď
7,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Každý rukopis, který se dostane do nakladatelství přináší nové myšlenky. Největším dobrodružstvím jsou autorské prvotiny. Roman Pytelka je mladý člověk a přichází se sbírkou básní "Právě teď". Snaží se poctivě o čistou poezii. Je přímočarý, nahlíží na denní život kolem sebe očima svého věku v době, kdy je málo času na poezii. Umí se zastavit ve chvílích, kdy všichni někam spěchají a zachytit krásu života. Sbírka Romana Pytelky má plné právo ucházet se o přízeň čtenářů poezie. Autor se jistě nezastaví na pomyslném prahu. "Právě teď" půjde určitě dál.

Nechoď pryč!
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Nechoď pryč!
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Julie Naismith vám nabízí život, který neovládá separační úzkost vašeho čtyřnohého společníka – život bez stresovaného psa, naštvaných sousedů a pocitů viny. Majitelé psů se separační úzkostí se často nacházejí ve svízelné situaci: nejen že mají psa, kterého nemohou nechat samotného, ale navíc se potýkají s kritikou ze strany svého okolí a také s nedostatkem informací, které potřebují k tomu, aby svému psovi pomohli překonat problém, o němž mnohdy ani nevědí, že je řešitelný. Pokud máte pocit, že je to i váš případ, pak Julie Naismith napsala knihu právě pro vás. Ač je sama certifikovanou trenérkou psů, napsala tuto knihu jako majitelka psa se separační úzkostí pro jiné majitele psů se stejným problémem. Na základě vlastních zkušeností si totiž uvědomuje, že k překonání separační úzkosti zdaleka nestačí jen tréninkový plán. Ten v její knize samozřejmě najdete, ale vedle něj se dozvíte i to, které často dávané rady nikam nevedou, jak se vypořádat s pocitem viny a jak komunikovat problém vašeho psa s vaším okolím. V knize Nechoď pryč! najdete: Srozumitelný systém, jak z vyklepaného nerváka vychovat spokojeného a sebejistého psa Konkrétní příběhy z praxe Přehled častých mýtů, které mohou stav vašeho psa jenom zhoršit Tipy na to, jak váš problém řešit s vaším okolím

Pod krídla havrana
12,83 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Pod krídla havrana
12,83 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Láska, boj, vášeň, čary... Jedno prepletené s druhým na pozadí historických reálií. Uhorsko, rok 1467. Kráľ Matej konečne zúčtuje s bratríkmi, mnoho rokov sužujúcimi krajinu. Mladý považský zeman Gašpar Suňog sa do likvidácie poslednej bratríckej pevnosti vo Veľkých Kostoľanoch zapletie viac, než plánoval, a dostáva sa i so svojím druhom Jánom Podmanickým do pozornosti panovníka. Mladíci priťahujú ako magnet dobrodružstvá, v ktorých ide o život. Pátrajú po nezvestnom Jánovom strýkovi Blažejovi, ktorý zradil bratríckeho kapitána Švehlu, po desiatkach záhadne unesených dievčat, bojujú so zbojníkmi, ktorí sužujú žilinských mešťanov a čelia pomste. Ich cesta je plná dobrodružstva, odvahy, priateľstva a lásky, ale i zrady a nenávisti. Dostanú sa napokon pod ochranné krídla kráľa, ktorý má v rodovom erbe havrana, alebo ich púť predčasne ukončí ruka nepriateľa?

Sila melanchólie - Susan Cain
16,14 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Sila melanchólie - Susan Cain
16,14 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Prečo nás baví smutný film, počúvame smutnú hudbu a čítame srdcervúce príbehy? Ak vás upokojuje daždivý deň, čerpáte inšpiráciu zo samoty a intenzívne reagujete na krásu v umení či v prírode, nie ste sami. Sladkobôľny pocit mali v sebe filozofovia, básnici, vedci, skladatelia či maliari a asi ho máte aj vy. Susan Cain sa touto knihou snaží ukončiť tyraniu pozitivity, a tvrdí, že je v poriadku a prospešné zažívať smutné emócie. Bez smútku tlmíme plnosť našej radosti, melancholický a nostalgický pohľad na život pomáha našej kreativite a spája nás s inými ľuďmi. Uvedomili si to aj v Pixare, a tak Smútok obsadili do hlavnej úlohy v úspešnom animovanom filme V hlave. Autorka v knihe prináša prekvapivé lekcie z prežívania smutných emócií, ktoré nás učia o kreativite, súcite, spiritualite a smrteľnosti.

V službách zla - Robert Galbraith (pseudonym J. K. Rowlingovej)
20,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
V službách zla - Robert Galbraith (pseudonym J. K. Rowlingovej)
20,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Predstavte si, že jedného dňa dostanete balíček s odseknutou nohou... Neohrozenú Robin Ellacottovú, asistentku súkromného detektíva Cormorana Strikea, tento záhadný balík na smrť vydesí. Jej šéf je síce zvyknutý na všeličo, ale túto výstrahu neberie na ľahkú váhu. Spomenie si na štyri osoby z minulosti, ktoré by to mohli mať na svedomí. Spolu s Robin začnú pátrať na vlastnú päsť a ponoria sa do temného a zvráteného sveta ostatných troch podozrivých. Ďalšie zločiny však obom sťahujú slučku okolo krku ...

Boj o svobodu (Keating Mark) (česky)
1,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 27.07.2024
Boj o svobodu (Keating Mark) (česky)
1,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 27.07.2024

Minecraft - Kniha prežitia so samolepkami, 2. vydanie
8,54 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Minecraft - Kniha prežitia so samolepkami, 2. vydanie
8,54 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Túžite po dobrodružstve? Urobte prvé kroky do nebezpečného sveta Minecraftu s touto oficiálnou Knihou prežitia so samolepkami. Vnútri nájdete stovky samolepiek, pomocou ktorých vytvoríte užitočné predmety, zhotovíte si úžasné brnenie a postavíte svoju prvú základňu.

Na úsvitě nové doby (Žák, Jaroslav,Krulichová, Marie) (česky)
0,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 27.07.2024
Na úsvitě nové doby (Žák, Jaroslav,Krulichová, Marie) (česky)
0,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 27.07.2024

Mazlíčci 2025 - stolní kalendář - autor neuvedený
2,78 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Mazlíčci 2025 - stolní kalendář - autor neuvedený
2,78 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Formát kalendáře: 17,1 x 13,9 cm Kalendárium: české/slovenské týdenní řádkové Počet stran kalendáře: 56 + 2 Stojánek: se zámkem Prostor pro přítisk: 17,1 x 2,5 cm

Hard Like Water
19,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Hard Like Water
19,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

A breakneck adventure story following the erotic love affair of party cadres Aijun and Hongmei during China's Cultural Revolution On his return to his village in the Balou Mountains, soldier Gao Aijun sees a young woman wandering barefoot along the railway tracks in the warm late-afternoon sun. Her name is Hongmei. Aijun is instantly intoxicated, his wife - waiting patiently for him at home - quickly forgotten. Both Aijun and Hongmei hurl themselves into their town's revolutionary struggle. Spending their days and nights stamping out feudalism, writing pamphlets and organising rallies, they become inseparable: they are the engines of history. The couple dig a 'tunnel of love' - to further the revolution, of course, but also to connect their homes and provide a chamber for their secret rendezvous. While the unsuspecting villagers sleep, they sing political songs and compete in shouting-matches of Maoist slogans before making earth-shattering love. But when Hongmei's husband finds them together one evening, their dreams of a life together begin to fall apart. Hard Like Water is a novel of immense emotional force from one of China's greatest contemporary writers, a universal human drama about the nature of power and the dangers of hubris, as well as the freewheeling momentum of love and sexual desire.

17,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
17,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

"i closed my eyes to look inward and found a universe waiting to be explored" From poet, meditator, and speaker Yung Pueblo, comes a collection of poetry and prose that explores the movement from self-love to unconditional love, the power of letting go, and the wisdom that comes when we truly try to know ourselves. It serves as a reminder to the reader that healing, transformation, and freedom are possible.

Live Flesh
9,98 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Live Flesh
9,98 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Victor Jenner is a sociopath. After ten years in prison for shooting - and permanently crippling - a young policeman, Victor is released to a strange new world and told to make a new life for himself. It's hard to adjust to civilian life, but at least there's one blessing - he was never convicted for all those rapes he committed. Then Victor meets David, the policeman he shot, and David's beautiful girlfriend, Clare. And suddenly Victor's new life is starting to look an awful lot like the old one.

Cestovný lexikón Slovenskej republiky 2014/2015
17,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Cestovný lexikón Slovenskej republiky 2014/2015
17,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Cestovný lexikón Slovenskej republiky sústreďuje dôkazy o jedinečnom prírodnom, historickom a kultúrnom dedičstve národa a národnosti, ktoré odnepamäti obývajú túto časť Európy. Cestovný lexikón Slovenskej republiky vzniká v spolupráci s viacerými inštitúciami. Dokumentuje, že SLovenská republika sa vie svojou marketingovou stratégiou začleniť medzi turisticky vyspelé krajiny, ktorým záleží na propagácii svojich možností v prospech turizmu ako hospodárskeho odvetvia, prispievajúceho k rozvoju ekonomiky krajiny. Naším želaním je, aby sa aj toto vydanie stalo návodom na šťastné a nezabudnuteľné chvíle pre všetkých, ktorým naše Slovensko - neveľký kúsok zeme medzi Tatrou a Dunajom - učarovalo.

Lov na prívlač
9,42 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Lov na prívlač
9,42 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Táto knižka je o zásadách lovu na prívlač, súčasne poskytuje doteraz najpodrobnejší návod na lov rýb prívlačou a je výnimočná tým, že sa predovšetkým zameriava na vodný svet slovenských riek.

18,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
18,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Mrakodrapy se zrodily před více než sto lety - od té doby se rozšířily po celém světě a dnes patří k nejtypičtějším budovám modernismu. V době svého vzniku představovaly naprosto nové pojetí, jehož základem bylo nakupit na sebe mnoho pater a při konstrukci využívat masově vyráběných panelů, které byly pro nový průmyslový věk typické. Ve skutečnosti však spojovaly archetypy paláce, věže a zvonice (ale také hory, kaňonu, rokle a stalaktitu), které někdy až výstředním způsobem kombinovaly s futuristickými prvky jako ze sci-fi filmů. V tomto ohledu jsou mrakodrapy vlastně současníky kinematografie - sedmého umění a desáté Múzy - a multimedií, jež v současné době představují její další vývojový stupeň. Není proto překvapením, že mrakodrapy, které tvoří přirozenou součást dnešní společnosti zábavy, komunikací a masové avantgardy, hrály již od svých prvopočátků důležitou roli i v oblasti kinematografie a multimédií. A jako kinematografie oslavila své sté výročí celou řadou nových zpracování starších filmů nebo jejich pokračováními, i nové supermrakodrapy, jež se v roli dominant spolupodílejí na vytváření panoramat dnešních měst a které bychom mohli označit za "nové obry", na sebe berou novou podobu. Dnes již nejsou výjimkou superstavby ve tvaru kuželů nebo plachet a přitom je nikdo nepovažuje za kýč. Jsou výstředními sny světových architektonických hvězd, jež nejsou svázány konvencemi běžných stavebních postupů, které přední stavitelské firmy proměňují pomocí moderních technologií ve skutečnost.

Před zraky Tzulana
13,54 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Před zraky Tzulana
13,54 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Po krvavé bitvě u Telmaranu převládají obavy, že její výsledek zpečetil osud Ulldartu - staré proroctví spojující Lodrikův osud s návratem zapuzeného Temného boha Tzulana se stává skutečností. Panovník je stejně jako předtím vystaven vlivu démonických sil, jeho bývalí spojenci a přátelé se ocitli buď ve vyhnanství, nebo ve vězení. Nebo je snad někde ještě možnost záchrany? Překvapivě se objevuje chlapec, jenž nepoznán vyrůstá na vzdáleném kontinentu Kalisstron. Je to Lodrikův syn Lorin, jemuž je předurčeno postavit se mocnostem temnoty. Odváží se čelit v boji svému nesmírně mocnému otci? Nebude už pozdě?

New English File Elementary Workbook + MultiROM without Key
10,94 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
New English File Elementary Workbook + MultiROM without Key
10,94 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

This is the elementary coursebook that gets students talking, and that helps teachers and students more than any other.

Thor by Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman
29,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Thor by Jason Aaron & Russell Dauterman
29,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The God of Thunder has become unworthy. Mjolnir lies abandoned. But when Frost Giants invade Earth, a new hand will grasp its handle - and a mysterious woman will take up the mantle of the mighty Thor! Who is this new Goddess of Thunder? That's exactly what the Odinson wants to know - so brace yourself for Thor vs. Thor! All-Father Odin isn't happy either, and he'll call on some very dangerous, very unexpected allies in a bid to reclaim the enchanted hammer. Meanwhile, Malekith the Dark Elf forges his most dangerous pact yet! But as the new Thor faces the unstoppable machine of death and destruction that is the Destroyer, she will prove herself a worthy successor to the heroic mantle! COLLECTING: THOR (2014) 1-8, ANNUAL 1

Engaging Online Language Learners: A Practical Guide (Pawan Faridah)
44,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Engaging Online Language Learners: A Practical Guide (Pawan Faridah)
44,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

While engaging and motivating students in the classroom has always been critical for student success, it is even more important and challenging in the online learning environment. This practical guide will provide English language educators with a number of strategies and ready-to-use activities to help them engage and motivate their students for improved learner outcomes. It also covers trends in online learning, engagement and motivation principles and competencies, as well as ways administrators can support teachers' professional development. As an additional resource, the book comes with a companion website.

Professor Charlatan Bardot's Travel Anthology to the Most (Fictional) Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild World (Guignard Eric J.)
18,08 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pstrongAt Last, an Authoritative Compendium to Fictional Haunted Buildings for the Delight and Exploration of Reader-Travelers Around the Globe.strongppFor nearly forty years, renowned paranormal investigator Professor Charlatan Bardot has examined, documented, and acquired stories of haunted buildings around the world. Partnered with leading anthologist Eric J. Guignard, and gifted artists Steve Lines and James Gabb, the greatest of Charlatan's discoveries are made available now in this comprehensive travel anthology!ppFrom the Philippines' tragic Ame-Soeur Clothing Factory, to Sweden's reverent Fish Church from Tanzania's vengeful Unguja Restaurant, to Canada's cursed Crow Island Lighthouse, Charlatan Bardot presents a lifetime of experience and insight into paranormal architecture.pp27 feature stories and 36 tiny tales are included of haunted temples, diners, hotels, shops, hospitals, outposts, theaters, and other building types, along with maps, travel notes, illustrations, and more, all designed to provide an immersive experience for veteran travelers and armchair ghost hunters alike!ppEnter emProfessor Charlatan Bardot's Travel Anthology to the Most Fictional Haunted Buildings in the Weird, Wild Worldem and explore the strange and curious locales of the globe and of your imagination.p

The Belonging (Genet Katherine)
21,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The Belonging (Genet Katherine)
21,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pstrongA month to decide whether to be a witch.strongppbrppIn Wilde Grove, the wheel is turning, and the veil between the worlds grows thinner.ppWith just a few weeks left to decide whether to take up the mantle of her inheritance in Wilde Grove, Erin is beginning her training in the ways of magic and walking the path of the old gods.ppHer family thinks she's crazy. Her family thinks Wilde Grove is a cult.ppBut Erin is discovering that magic is real, and learning to control it will be the difference between rescuing her own past self stuck in a desperate initiation, or being doomed to live there too.ppbrppstrongAnd then there's the mess the present world is in - where does magic fit therestrongppstrongCan something so ancient and wild actually be the answerstrongp

300 Large Print Word Search Puzzles (Lockhaven A. B.)
20,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
300 Large Print Word Search Puzzles (Lockhaven A. B.)
20,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

300 Large Print Word Search Puzzles with solutions p16-point font size for easy reading.ppThere are so many benefits to solving word search puzzles. Among them are pp1. Enhancing cognitive skillspp2. Overcoming anxiety and relieving stresspp3. Enhancing problem-solving skillspp4. Helpful when learning new languagespp5. Boosting memory and brain developmentpp6. Improving concentrationpp and much more....pBuy the Word Search puzzle book today and enjoy hours of fun

Angels: Who They Are and How They Help...What the Bible Reveals (Jeremiah David)
15,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pbThe remarkable truth about angels, the agents of Heaven, unveiled through Scripture--from the iNew York Times ibest-selling author of iEverything You Needibbrb bbrbOutstanding As one would expect from David Jeremiah, this book reflects a theologian's concern, a pastor's heart, and a Biblicist's accuracy.--Dr. Bruce Wilkinsonbbri ibrPeople have long been fascinated by stories of angel sightings, yet many contemporary beliefs about angels are based on misconception and myth rather than solid, biblical truth. As he's done so brilliantly for decades, respected Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah of Turning Point Ministries uses Scripture to unveil the remarkable truth about these agents of heaven and their role in our world and our lives. pWhat are angels What is their role in God's plan Are they present Do they appear Do they give us personal insight about our work and our worship In this broad and thorough survey of Scripture, Dr. Jeremiah clearly and simply separates fact from fiction as it relates to angels. His enlightening findings are supported with illustrations and insights from prominent teachers, such as Billy Graham, Corrie ten Boom, C. S. Lewis, and more. pDr. Jeremiah's down-to-earth style guides readers around the hype about angels and directly into everything you need to know about the substance of things unseen pp

Song for Jimi: The Story of Guitar Legend Jimi Hendrix (Smith Charles R.)
18,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

bJimi Hendrix's talent was epic, and so is this fifty-six-page lyrical account of his life, with spectacular artwork by Edel Rodriguez.b piLet me tell you a story, ibria story 'bout a boy, ibriwho became a man, ibria git-tar man, ibrinamed Jimi.i pFrom his turbulent childhood through his epical appearance at the Monterey and Woodstock festivals, Charles R. Smith Jr. covers it all in this rich and rhythmic account of a singular life, accompanied by the psychedelic splendor of Edel Rodriguez's acid-tinged artwork. pWritten as a series of verses beginning with intro and ending with outro, this unique mix of rhythm and rhyme captures the essence of rock icon Jimi Hendrix and his struggle to live life on his own terms.

The Wall: A Parable (Evans Gloria Jay)
14,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The Wall: A Parable (Evans Gloria Jay)
14,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pThe Wall is the story of an incident or a lifetime. It is one woman's dilemma or the dilemma of all mankind. The Wall is a modern parable about what happens when we surround ourselves with protective walls of our own making - we shut ourselves in and deprive ourselves of light and love and fellowship. We can build walls so high we can't get out - at least not without help. But there is help, help that sometimes comes in ways we don't expect...p pThe Wall is a very wise little story about people and God and relationships. Read it, lend it to a friend, give it as a gift The Wall is sure to make you think...and to lift your heart.p

Fundamentals of rs Lifestyle (Origunwa Obafemi)
25,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Fundamentals of rs Lifestyle (Origunwa Obafemi)
25,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Obafemi Origunwa, founder of the Orisa Lifestyle Academy and creator of the Orisa Lifestyle Agreements, articulates an in-depth, yet simple blueprint of the world's fastest growing spiritual movement. In his insightful study, Origunwa surveys a full range of traditional and modern African thought expressed through religion, sacred poetry, philosophy, mythology, psychology and business. He demonstrates that Yoruba sacred culture is far from being doomed to destruction or irrelevance at the hands of Islamic and Christian incursion. Instead, Orisa Lifestyle is evolving into a world wide cultural empire that is capable of actually using foreign tools to propogate its basic values. The Fundamentals of Orisa Lifestyle presents an invaluable insight into the foundations of the unique and vital tapestry of Yoruba indigenous knowledge systems practiced by over seventy million Africans all over the world.

Crude Awakening (Holly Christine)
33,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Crude Awakening (Holly Christine)
33,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pChristine Holly is a small-town girl from Maryland's Eastern Shore, raised in a conservative home in a family deeply affected by the death of her sister at a young age. She meets and falls in love with a younger man, an Oklahoma farm boy whose prominent family owns substantial land and oil wells. p pShe marries, CJ, her Prince Farming, and moves to the Plains to become a devoted farm wife. Her fantasies of an all-American agrarian life soon become nightmares when she discovers her new relatives are not the wholesome crowd she perceived. She finds herself thrust into a twisted drama of dysfunction, aberration, and shocking revelations that make her question her future-and her own sanity.p pIn Crude Awakening, Holly narrates a fictionalized account of her experiences as she's extracted from her staid and stable environs and moves into a crazy and chaotic environment with her new family. She tells of mustering the courage to leave her marriage and her dreams behind.p

Operative Techniques in Laryngology (Rosen Clark A.)
213,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Operative Techniques in Laryngology (Rosen Clark A.)
213,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pWritten by well-known experts, this surgical atlas offers step-by-step descriptions of surgical procedures for various laryngeal procedures, encompassing both microlaryngeal surgery and laryngeal framework surgery. It also covers postoperative care and complications to round out the information needed by the surgeon in the perioperative period. The atlas is richly illustrated with photographic representations of all surgical steps and superb artwork illustrations to highlight the difficult three-dimensional anatomic concepts. p pThis unique guide, filled with cookbook descriptions of laryngeal surgical procedures, provides a quick and simple reference for all surgeons interested in laryngological surgery.p

Collins Greek Dictionary: Essential Edition (Collins Dictionaries)
8,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Collins Greek Dictionary: Essential Edition (Collins Dictionaries)
8,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The home of trusted Greek dictionaries for everyday language learning.

ESV Children's Bible (Keepsake Edition)
21,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
ESV Children's Bible (Keepsake Edition)
21,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pTheem ESV Children's Bibleem is designed to help children ages 5-10 see Bible stories come to life. Included with the complete ESV Bible text are more than 200 vibrant, full-color illustrations of Bible events and characters. Additional content includes a dictionary, Old and New Testament timelines, child-friendly maps, and help in directing children to key Scriptures on various topics. The emESV Children's Bibleem is a colorful Bible that kids will love!p pFeatures p ul liSize 5.375 x 8.5li li9.5-point Lexicon typeli li1,504 pagesli liDouble-column formatli li200 full-color illustrationsli liDictionaryli liOld and New Testament timelinesli liChild-friendly mapsli liGod's Word for Me When... and God's Word for Me About... pagesli liSmyth-sewn bindingli liPackaging L-cardli ul

Earth's Aquarium: Discover 15 Real-Life Water Worlds (Kaufman Alexander C.)
21,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

bA beautiful, oversize nonfiction book about aquatic life, filled with facts and presented in vibrant full-color illustrationsb p Discover the wonder of 15 real-life aquatic habitats all around the world, from mysterious deepwater vents to majestic coral reefs, teeming with life. br Award-winning environmental writer Alexander C. Kaufman takes us on a tour of rainforest waterways, oyster reefs, seagrass meadows, and more, then introduces the incredible species that live there, each specially adapted to their unique ecosystems. br The following habitats are featured in this book p Channel Islands National Park, United States - Kelp Forests br Chesapeake Bay, United States - Oyster Reefs br Gulf of Saint Lawrence River, Canada - Estuaries br Amazon River, South America - Fast-moving Freshwater br North Pacific Ocean - Open Water br Wadden Sea, Northern Europe - Mudflats br Phang Nga Bay, Thailand - Mangrove Forests br Wadi el Gemal, Egypt - Seagrass Meadows br Great Barrier Reef, Australia - Coral Reefs br Southern Ocean - Sea Ice br Drowned Land of Saeftinghe, Netherlands - Salt Marshes br Lake Baikal, Russia - Slow-moving Freshwater br Norfolk Broads, United Kingdom - Wetlands br Gal pagos Rift, Ecuador - Vents and Seeps br Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy - Deepwater br

Stick It (Carpet Bombing Culture)
17,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Stick It (Carpet Bombing Culture)
17,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

STICK IT, the adult sticker book, is a beautiful collection of over 250 stunning full colour stickers lovingly created by over 50 artists, illustrators and agent provocateurs - bringing you the perfect book to customise your life STICK IT will appeal to both artists and art lovers, designers and students - in fact its the must have publication for anyone with a passion for creativity. Commissioned cutting edge illustration rubs shoulders with stunning typographical messaging, hand lettering, photography and fresh design. From school exercise books to laptops, from folders to making your mark in the urban jungle - the myriad of designs and formats provides unlimited opportunity to brighten up the dull corners of your life. Every child is an artist. Then they beat it out of you. Let the art collected here inspire you to reclaim your birthright. Placement is everything. Finding the right context for each sticker is about you expressing yourself in conversation with the artist and your own real life. How you spin each sticker gives it the magical personal touch. Placement is your art. Carpet Bomb your Culture. Artists from all over the world Brazil, Spain, England, USA, France, Argentina, Germany, Spain, Australia, Portugal, Chile. Including Wasted Rita, Nick McFarlane, Jeff Meadows, Lee Crutchley, Philip Morgan, RAE, Pure Evil, Mr Penfold, Dave the Chimp, Tosco, Mittenimwald, Hey Mercedes and Jay Roeder.

The Emerald Guide to Zygmunt Bauman (Best Shaun)
34,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The Emerald Guide to Zygmunt Bauman (Best Shaun)
34,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The influential sociologist and social theorist Zygmunt Bauman was a prolific commentator on contemporary social life. The extent and range of his published work is so vast that it is easy for the uninitiated reader to feel daunted by the sheer scale of works and where to begin. br That is, until now. iThe Emerald Guide to Zygmunt Baumani is the first introductory guide to the work of Zygmunt Bauman, designed specifically for students and those new to his work. It provides a clear, comprehensive and authoritative overview of the emergence and development of key themes and arguments across the whole body of Bauman's work, from his early publications in Poland in relation to actually existing socialism, to his Marxist revisionism, his influential analysis of the Holocaust, and his contribution to ethics and critiques of modernity and liquid modern neoliberalism. Critically, the book also places Bauman's work in context by discussing the influence of his personal biography on his ideas. br This book provides a firm foundation for the independent reading of Bauman himself and for exploring the many discussions and interpretations of his influential ideas. It is essential reading for readers in sociology, politics, history, law, religion and other areas of the social sciences to which Bauman made a contribution.

Hairy, Scary, Ordinary: What Is an Adjective? (Cleary Brian P.)
6,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Hairy, Scary, Ordinary: What Is an Adjective? (Cleary Brian P.)
6,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pstrongAdjectives are words like hairy, scary, cool, and ordinary. strongp pSimple, rhyming text and colorful cartoon cats help children expand their vocabularies and gain an appreciation for the rhythm of language in this lighthearted book of rhyming verse. Adjectives like frilly, silly, polka-dotted, fizzy, and spunky are printed in color, and all the words will tickle you pink p

Models of Learning, Tools for Teaching (Joyce Bruce)
35,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Models of Learning, Tools for Teaching (Joyce Bruce)
35,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

EAN: 9780335234196Joyce BruceOpen University Press 2008Models of Learning, Tools for Teaching.

Constellations of Care: Anarcha-Feminism in Practice (Barukh Milstein Cindy)
21,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

EAN: 9780745349954Barukh Milstein CindyPluto Pr 2024The world we dream of is already here

Cromulent Cameo (Dev Parakram Raj)
7,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Cromulent Cameo (Dev Parakram Raj)
7,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

EAN: 9781398472679Dev Parakram RajAustin Macauley 2024

Shark Attack!: Stories of Survival (Watts Robyn)
10,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Shark Attack!: Stories of Survival (Watts Robyn)
10,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

p strongCome on an underwater discovery tour and learn more about one of the world's oldest and most dangerous predators, the shark.strong ppExplore the differences between sharks and dolphins. Discover how deadly some sharks can be to humans, and learn about the important role they play in the underwater food chain and in the health of the whole ocean ecosystem.p

The Secret of the Stars: A fun way of learning how to be happy (Silva Maggie)
6,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pMaddie was blown away when she found out about the secret of the stars From that day on, life would never be the same.p pstrongThe Secret of the Starsstrong is the first book of a series that aims to teach children stronghow to be happystrong.p pThe series strongA fun way of learning how to be happystrong consists of several books, each with a simple and fun story, involving situations to which children can easily relate to.p pEach story has a moral that is in alignment withstrong core values that promote a better relationship with life's everyday challengesstrong and help children strongdevelop skills that will empower them to be their happiest-self as they grow up into adulthoodstrong. p

Diagnosis and Management of Astigmatism (George Ray)
122,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Diagnosis and Management of Astigmatism (George Ray)
122,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

This book discusses various aspects of astigmatism. In the past few years, major advancements have been made in the field of astigmatism. This book explores the growth, optics and composition of astigmatism and places this knowledge in the perspective of current management of this form of refractive fault. The objective of this book is to help specialists dealing with astigmatism to comprehend its manifestations and its treatment through optical and surgical strategies. We intend to help our readers understand the defect thoroughly and use it in their respective researches.

Catholic Dad 2: More (Mostly) Funny Stories of Faith, Family, and Fatherhood (Frost Jake)
14,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Here are more stories of heart and humor from the sacred circle of the family. There is nothing we fathers do that is more important than raising our families--and nothing more joyful, exasperating, challenging, and rewarding. Here is another dose of fun and encouragement for the journey of fatherhood. It's been six years since the first Catholic Dad book was published and there have been lots of new adventures. This is a new collection of stories, with nothing here that was included in the first Catholic Dad book. The kids are older, with new capabilities and new questions, but the charge is the same protect these babies, give them love and joy and encouragement, and do our best to help them become the people God made them to be. Buckle up and get ready as the ride of a lifetime continues

The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series (Sabatini Rafael)
15,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series (Sabatini Rafael)
15,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Rafael Sabatini wrote the historical book ''The Historical Nights''. The goal of this collection of Rafael Sabatini's short stories is to bring together many of his well-known ideas and make them accessible to everyone for a reasonable price consolidated in a single draft. Some tales are amazing and interesting at the same time, while others quietly approach and draw you in. This edition of The Historical Nights is contemporary and readable, with a striking new cover and expertly typeset copy. The plot includes so many turns and twists that it may keep a reader interested. As always, Sir Henty does a superb job of skillfully mixing fiction with historical facts to provide the reader with a compelling story and a deeper grasp of history. The Sea Hawk 1915, Scaramouche 1921, Captain Blood 1922, and Bellarion the Fortunate are among his best-known works 1926. The Lion's Skin 1911, The Strolling Saint 1913, and The Snare are some other works of Sabatini's other well-known pieces 1917.

Teaching Teens About Relationships: A Guide for Teachers, Counselors, and Youth Group Facilitators (Rhoades Chuck)
89,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pTeaching Teens About Relationships describes how to teach a relationships course for adolescents. This book includes many learning activities and instructional strategies, along with student reactions. The course integrated mindfulness work into each session and examines such topics as flirting, jealousy, infidelity, gossip, starting and ending relationships and other ubiquitous aspects of adolescent relationships rarely found in school curricula. This course gives teens access to a safe environment to discuss issues that were in the forefront of their lives.ppp

Zero (Crescent Sam)
12,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Zero (Crescent Sam)
12,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Zero's foolish mistake could get them all killed. Ten years ago, Zero tortured a man for killing his friend. Then Zero set the building on fire, to kill the man and torch the evidence. When he left the burning building, he thought the man was dead-but he wasn't. Now, Zero's enemy is back, and the game of cat and mouse is about to start. Prue has loved Zero for a long time. He was her brother's best friend, and he's protected her through thick and thin. After she got shot by his enemy, he's there to save her life. The ghost of his enemy lurks everywhere, hitting out when they least expect it. No one can stop him, and no one can save them. One by one, Zero's friends fall, and he's helpless to stop it. His enemy has all the control, and there's nothing he can do. The only one he can trust is Prue. She's been with him through everything, and now it's time for them to take the man responsible for tearing their lives apart and put him in the ground. How much can Zero sacrifice before it's too late

Dandelion's Magic (Champeau Brandy J.)
10,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Dandelion's Magic (Champeau Brandy J.)
10,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

EAN: 9781732482302Champeau Brandy J.Bookbaby

Complex Geometry of Slant Submanifolds (Chen Bang-Yen)
152,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Complex Geometry of Slant Submanifolds (Chen Bang-Yen)
152,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

EAN: 9789811600234Chen Bang-YenSpringer Nature

Value of Dexamethasone in the Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting (Gilles Gael Aghoagni Gouajio)
62,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Background From November 2013 to May 2014, we conducted a randomised, single-blind study on the value of dexamethasone prophylaxis in the occurrence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in ENT surgery at the Gabriel Toure University Hospital in Bamako. This study was based on the analysis of pre-anaesthetic consultations, anaesthesia records, postoperative treatment records and patient questioning.Objectives The aim was to study the interest of Dexamethasone in the prevention of PONV, through the description of the characteristics of PONV, the determination of the risk of their occurrence, and the analysis of their risk factors in relation to Dexamethasone prophylaxis.Results A total of 158 patients were enrolled 43 patients had PONV, i.e. an overall incidence of 27.22 of which 35.4 2879 in the absence of prophylaxis Group B versus 19.0 1579 with Dexamethasone prophylaxis Group A.Key words PONV postoperative nausea and vomiting, prophylaxis, Dexamethasone, risk of occurrence, incidence.

How to Be Old: Lessons in Living Boldly from the Accidental Icon (Slater Lyn)
21,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

bA personal memoir in which Lyn Slater, known on Instagram as Accidental Icon,b bbrings her characteristic style, optimism, forward-thinking, and rules-are-meant-to-be-broken attitude to the question of how to live boldly at any bbr When Lyn Slater started her fashion blog, iAccidental Icon, i at age sixty-one, she discovered that followers were flocking to her account for more than just her A-list style. As Lyn flaunted gray hair, wrinkles, and a megadose of self-acceptance, they found in her an alternative model of older life someone who defied the stereotypes, refused to become invisible, and showed that all women have the opportunity to be relevant and take major risks at any stage of their life. Youth is not the only time we can be experimental. p iHow to Be Oldi tells the ten-year story of Lyn's sixties, the sometimes-glamorous, sometimes-turbulent decade of Accidental Icon. This memoir is about the hopeful and future-oriented process of reinvention. It shows readers that while you can't control everything, what you can control is the way you think about your age and the creative ways you respond to the changes in your mind and body as they happen. Rather than trying to meet standards of youth and beauty as a measure of successful aging, Lyn promotes a more inclusive and empowering standard to judge our older selves by. p In this paradigm-shifting memoir, Lyn exemplifies that even with its unique challenges, being old is just like any new beginning in your life and can be the best and most invigorating of all of life's phases, full of rebellion and reinvention, connection and creativity.

The Burning Of The Bibles: Defense Of The Protestant Version Of The Scriptures Against The Attacks Of Popish Apologists For The Champlain Bible B
39,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The Burning of the Bibles is a book written by John Dowling and published in 1843. The book is a defense of the Protestant version of the scriptures against the attacks of Popish apologists for the Champlain Bible Burners. The Champlain Bible Burners were a group of Catholic priests and laypeople who burned copies of the Protestant Bible in 1837 in Canada. The book argues that the Protestant Bible is the true and authoritative version of the scriptures and that the actions of the Champlain Bible Burners were unjustified. Dowling provides historical and theological evidence to support his argument and also addresses common objections raised by Catholic apologists. The book is written in a clear and concise style and is intended for a general audience interested in religious controversies and debates. Overall, The Burning of the Bibles is an important work in the history of religious debates and provides valuable insights into the ongoing tensions between Protestant and Catholic communities.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

The King's Scarlet (Danielski John)
21,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The King's Scarlet (Danielski John)
21,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pChivalry comes naturally to Royal Marine captain Thomas Pennywhistle, but in the savage Peninsular War, it's a luxury he can ill afford. Trapped behind enemy lines with vital dispatches for Lord Wellington, Pennywhistle violates orders when he saves a beautiful stranger, setting off a sequence of events that jeopardize his mission. The French launch a massive manhunt to capture him. His Spanish allies prove less than reliable. The woman he rescued has an agenda of her own that might help him along, if it doesn't get them all A time will come when, outmaneuvered, captured, and stripped of everything, he must stand alone before his enemies. But Pennywhistle is a hard man to kill and too bloody obstinate to concede defeat.pp p

Crisis and Disaster Management for Sport (Shipway Richard)
48,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Crisis and Disaster Management for Sport (Shipway Richard)
48,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pemCrisis and Disaster Management for Sportem is the first book to introduce key concepts and best practice in crisis and disaster management in sport and international sports events. ppThe book draws from multiple disciplines to provide insight into the issues and challenges involved in planning for, and managing, crises and disasters in the context of sport. With an initial focus on sports event and venue resilience, the book also explores social, community and individual resilience within sport and examines concepts and issues such as fandom, risk perception, crowd control and management, crisis communication and reputational risk and the growing challenges posed by climate change. The book includes real-world case studies as well as disaster management-related simulation and scenario-building exercises and looks ahead to what might be the most significant threats in future to the safe and sustainable management of sport.ppWith the devastating impacts of COVID-19 illustrating the central importance of resilience and proper preparation for crises and disasters, this book is an essential read for all researchers, students, practitioners and policy-makers working in sport, tourism, entertainment, leisure and critical event studies.p

Sterling Script 2019: A Local Author Collection (Hojnacki Katy)
16,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Sterling Script 2019: A Local Author Collection (Hojnacki Katy)
16,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Sterling Script 2019 is an eclectic anthology featuring the talent of over twenty authors from metro-Detroit. Our collection highlights artists, journalists, poets, and novelists with award-winning books and years in the writing industry, as well as newcomers experiencing their first published appearance. In these pages, learn why you Don't Put All Your Dragon Eggs in One Basket, visit the Kingdom of Googol, or climb aboard for The Tale of the Ferry. Dive into the variety of creative works in this second volume of Sterling Script.Contributing authors in the 2019 edition of Sterling Script are Sarah Lynne John, Michelle DeRoche, Katy Hojnacki, Rebecca Eve Schweitzer, Weam Namou, Teresa Moy, L. Broas Mann, Mel Werner, Danielle Bernock, Cynthia Anne Hurt, Loretta Sponsler, AF Jerzowski, Mark Morgan, Jr., Judith K. Smouter, Jim Stone, Kalle Kivi, Pamela Flanigan, Nicole e. Castle, A.J. Douglas, Zan Giese, Marie Thyrnn, Rena Davis, Liza Young, and Terry Hojnacki.

Foshag, William F. Photographs of Paricutin Volcano, No. F211A - F228, 1944 (Foshag William F. (William Frederick))
14,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.ppWe appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

French, Early American and English Furniture (Galton Orsburn Company)
16,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
French, Early American and English Furniture (Galton Orsburn Company)
16,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.ppWe appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

Histoire De La Litterature Revolutionnaire (1879) (Duval Georges)
39,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Histoire De La Litterature Revolutionnaire (1879) (Duval Georges)
39,80 €
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Histoire de la Litt6553365533655336553365533rature R6553365533655336553365533volutionnaire 1879 est un livre 6553365533655336553365533crit par Georges Duval. Il s'agit d'une analyse compl6553365533655336553365533te de la litt6553365533655336553365533rature r6553365533655336553365533volutionnaire, depuis la R6553365533655336553365533volution fran6553365533655336553365533aise jusqu'655336553365533655336553365533 la fin du XIXe si6553365533655336553365533cle. Le livre est divis6553365533655336553365533 en plusieurs parties, chacune traitant d'un mouvement ou d'une p6553365533655336553365533riode sp6553365533655336553365533cifique de la litt6553365533655336553365533rature r6553365533655336553365533volutionnaire. Duval examine les oeuvres de grands 6553365533655336553365533crivains tels que Victor Hugo, 6553365533655336553365533mile Zola et Jean-Paul Sartre, ainsi que de nombreux autres auteurs moins connus. Il explore 6553365533655336553365533galement les th6553365533655336553365533mes de la r6553365533655336553365533volution, de la politique et de la soci6553365533655336553365533t6553365533655336553365533 dans la litt6553365533655336553365533rature r6553365533655336553365533volutionnaire. Ce livre est une ressource pr6553365533655336553365533cieuse pour les 6553365533655336553365533tudiants et les chercheurs int6553365533655336553365533ress6553365533655336553365533s par la litt6553365533655336553365533rature fran6553365533655336553365533aise et l'histoire de la R6553365533655336553365533volution fran65533

Novas's Missing Masterpiece (Graham Brooke)
11,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Novas's Missing Masterpiece (Graham Brooke)
11,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

When Nova realizes the artwork she created for Dad's birthday present is missing, her tummy flip flops and her heart ker-thumps. She and her dog, Harley, turn the house upside down, searching absolutely everywhere, but the missing masterpiece is nowhere to be found. Nova loses her temper but Harley remains calm and content. Can Nova learn from her dog, calm herself down and find her Dad's present in time for his birthday party

Easy Vegan: The Ultimate Vegetarian Keto Cookbook Guide with over 100 Healthy and Perfect Vegan Keto Diet Recipes (Anderson Carrie)
9,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Quick Effortless Vegetarian Recipes for Vagen Peoples in 2019 Are you worn out by flesh eating stuffs, I bring to you a variety of vegan food. I know during this busy routine life its not easy to cook something in a precise time, that's why I designed this book by keeping in mind all these factors. In this artifact, I concentrated to motif a cookbook full of recipes for vegetarian food lovers. This cookbook has simple, easy and plenty of delicious recipes such as Avocado, Black Bean, and Charred Tomato BowlSavory Stewed Black Beans Ricotta - Stuffed ZucchiniBrown Butter and Corn PastaTomato-Basil Pasta Salad...So so so muchIn addition, an index is present at the very end to help you quickly pick out the recipe of your choice - saving you precious time This complete Vegetarian Recipes cookbook will take care of your scarce cooking time and will show you the easiest the tastiest way towards your daily routine and happy life.Get it now and give yourself the best present

The Witness on the Roof (Haynes Annie)
13,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The Witness on the Roof (Haynes Annie)
13,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pemWho knows if he didn't make away with her here Those things found in the Home Coppice show that she was made away with plain enough, I say.embr br Jim Gregory, under-gardener at Hargreave Manor, finds something unexpected when climbing Lover's Oak but won't say what. Instead he's all ears regarding the legendary 'Luck of the Hargreaves' diamonds, destined for the future bride of Sir Arthur, the new br Sir Arthur himself then discovers a beautiful stranger, lost in the woods near the manor. She cannot recall a thing--not even her name. She is given shelter and Mary Marston, a private nurse, recognizes her--and abruptly goes missing. Nurse Marston must still be in the house, it is initially agreed--but if so, wherebr br Who got rid of Nurse Marston To whom does the tobacco pouch with the floral design belong And why was a blood-stained cuff found in the woods These mysteries, and more, Superintendent Stokes is determined to solve. emThe Blue Diamondem 1925 is a classic of early golden crime fiction. This new edition, the first in over eighty years, features an introduction by crime fiction historian Curtis br Tired men, trotting home at the end of an imperfect day, pop into the library and ask for an Annie Haynes. They have not made a mistake in the street number. It is not a cocktail they are asking for... emSketchemp

Mom and Pop Grocery Stores (Nebraska Jewish Historical Society)
44,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Mom and Pop Grocery Stores (Nebraska Jewish Historical Society)
44,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Jews have a proud history as entrepreneurs and merchants. When Jewish immigrants began coming to America in greater and greater numbers during the late 19th century and early 20th century, many gravitated to the food industry, some as peddlers and fresh produce market stall hawkers, others as wholesalers, and still others as grocers. Most Jews who settled in Nebraska came from Russia and Poland, with smaller segments from Hungary, Germany, and other central and Eastern European nations. They were variously escaping pogroms, revolution, war, and poverty. The prospect of freedom and opportunity motivated Jews, just as it did other peoples, to flock here. At a time when Jews were restricted from entering certain fields, the food business was relatively wide open and affordable to enter. There was a time when for a few hundred dollars, one could put a down payment on a small store. That was still a considerable amount of money before 1960, but it was not out of reach of most working men who scrimped and put away a little every week. And that was a good thing too because obtaining capital to launch a store was difficult. Most banks would not lend credit to Jews and other minorities until after World War II. The most likely route that Jews took to becoming grocers was first working as a peddler, selling feed, selling produce by horse and wagon or truck, or apprenticing in someone else's store. Some came to the grocery business from other endeavors or industries. The goal was the same -- to save enough to buy or open a store of their own. By whatever means Jews found to enter the grocery business, enough did that during the height of this self-made era. From roughly the 1920s through the 1950s, there may have been a hundred or more Jewish-owned and operated grocery stores in the metro area at any given time. Jewish grocers almost always started out modestly, owning and operating small Mom and Pop neighborhood stores that catered to residents in the immediate area. By custo

Independence Day in Cherry Hills (Sleuth Paige)
19,72 €
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Independence Day in Cherry Hills (Sleuth Paige)
19,72 €
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Fourth of July weekend turns deadly in Cherry Hills, Washington when Kat Harper and her police detective boyfriend hear a gunshot in the midst of the neighborhood fireworks. A killer with a grudge has taken advantage of the small-town festivities to shoot a local divorce lawyer in cold blood. But who committed the murder a disgruntled divorc , the lawyer's own unloving wife, or someone else with homicidal tendencies Kat doesn't know, but the amateur sleuth won't stop investigating until she figures out whodunit and the guilty party is celebrating their next holiday behind bars. Large Print Edition

Drawn (Lamba Marie)
16,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Drawn (Lamba Marie)
16,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

She's the artist that finds him in her drawings. He's the medieval ghost that conquers her heart. And their time is running out.Michelle De Freccio moves with her dad to England, where she hopes for a more normal life. Instead she discovers a handsome guy appearing in all her sketches. When she actually meets him at the town's castle, she's unmistakably drawn to him, but Christopher Newman is definitely not normal. He wears medieval garb, talks of ancient murders, and tends to disappear with a kiss. Could he be a ghost Could Michelle be losing her mind Or has she simply uncovered a love so timeless it's spanned the centuries...A Night Owl Reviews Top Pick utter delight to read. I could not put it down. This is a fantastic romantic and tender story that will continue to enchant readers for years to come.A lushly romantic ghost story...captivating and haunting. I didn't want it to end. --Cyn Balog, author of paranormal YA novels Fairy Tale, Sleepless, and Starstruck...a wonderfully spooky tale of romance and discovery. It's a magical exploration of the unconquerable power of love. Highly recommended! -Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Rot Ruin and Dust DecayIn DRAWN, Marie Lamba deftly entwines romance and mystery, past and present, into a page-turning adventure. Buy it today and I promise you'll be finished reading far too quickly! -Joy Nash USA Today bestselling paranormal romance author of The Immortals series, The Grail King and The Unforgiven

Red Dust, White Snow (Huiting Pan)
8,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Red Dust, White Snow (Huiting Pan)
8,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

piWho is to say dreams are insubstantial when whole lives can be lived in their pursuitippWhen an office worker receives a mysterious device promising to transport her to a parallel universe, she assumes it is just another marketing stunt. That night, she visits a fantastical place in her dreams on waking she returns to her normal life, only to return to the same dream the following night.ppAt first she finds the ongoing dreams bizarre, but the more time she spends in the dream world, the less she wants to wake up. Yet as her fantasy begins to encroach on her waking life, dream and reality collide with drastic consequences.ppWith sharp insight, wry humor and Black Mirror-esque themes, iRed Dust, White Snowi highlights the blurring of reality and fantasy in our increasingly virtual world.p

Awakened: A House of Night Novel (Cast P. C.)
19,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Awakened: A House of Night Novel (Cast P. C.)
19,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

piMy love, speak to me. Tell me everything. Neferet went to Kalona, kneeling before him, stroking the soft, dark wings that unfurled loosely around the immortal. i piWhat would you have me say He didn't meet her eyes. i pi Zoey lives. Neferet's voice was flat, cold, lifeless.i piShe does.i piThen you owe me the subservience of your immortal soul. She started to walk away from him.i piWhere are you going What will happen nexti pi It is quite simple. I will ensure Zoey is drawn back to Oklahoma. There, on my own terms, I will complete the task you failed.i pExonerated by the Vampyre High Council and returned to her position of High Priestess at Tulsa's House of Night, Neferet has sworn vengeance on Zoey. Dominion over Kalona is only one of the weapons she plans to use against Z. But Zoey has found sanctuary on the Isle of Skye and is being groomed by Queen Sgiach to take over for her there. Being Queen would be cool, wouldn't it Why should she return to Tulsa After losing her human consort, Heath, she will never be the same - and her relationship with her super-hot-warrior, Stark, may never be the same either... pAnd what about Stevie Rae and Rephaim The Raven Mocker refuses to be used against Stevie Rae, but what choice does he have when no one in the entire world, including Zoey, would be okay with their relationship Does he betray his father or his heart pIn the pulse-pounding 8th book in the bestselling House of Night series, how far will the bonds of friendship stretch and how strong are the ties that bind one girl's heartp

True Truth (Lindsley Art)
19,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
True Truth (Lindsley Art)
19,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Art Lindsley takes up the task in emTrue Truth.em While maintaining the indispensability of absolutes, he ably demonstrates that faith in Christ is necessarily opposed to and incompatible with the abuses of oppression, arrogance, intolerance, self-righteousness, closed-mindedness and defensiveness. Surprisingly, Lindsley shows that it is relativism which often harbors dangerous, inflexible absolutisms. Here is a book that actively challenges the dismissal of truth, preparing the way for more effectively proclaiming the gospel and living Christianly in a postmodern world.

Is Ultimate Reality Unlimited Love? (Post Stephen G.)
42,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Is Ultimate Reality Unlimited Love? (Post Stephen G.)
42,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

This book draws from previously unpublished letters and interviews with physicists, theologians, and Sir John's close associates and family to present Sir John's ideas on pure unlimited love. Post, who was in dialogue with Sir John for fifteen years on this topic and who had founded the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love, addresses how John Templeton arrived at his philosophy as a youth growing up in Tennessee. Post also shares how classical Presbyterian ideas came to synergize in his mind with the more Eastern influences of American transcendentalism and the Unity School of Christianity and ponders if Sir John truly believed that science and spirituality might fully converge on the same view of Ultimate Reality with their very different ways of knowing. iIs Ultimate Reality Unlimited Lovei presents Sir John's hope for spiritual progress with the eventual convergence of ultimate reality and unlimited love.

Reiki: From Beginner to Practitioner (Raison Jacqueline)
17,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Reiki: From Beginner to Practitioner (Raison Jacqueline)
17,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

EAN: 9780719840838Raison JacquelineCrowood Pr 2022

Boys of Fall (Carr Mari)
23,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Boys of Fall (Carr Mari)
23,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pstrongFree AgentstrongppPro-quarterback Tucker's romance with Lela was a force of nature - steamy, unstoppable, and tempestuous. Until a family tragedy made him run, leaving her behind.ppWhen Tucker gets a call that his old coach needs help, he doesn't hesitate to return home. And when he sees Lela, he realizes the more things change, the more they stay the same. ppLike she's still his, and right or wrong, he's reclaiming the woman he foolishly walked away from all those years ago.ppbrppstrongRed ZonestrongppRancher Joel has a problem. He and his best friend, Oakley, are both hot for the same woman, sexy local bartender, Sadie. And while she's admitted an attraction to them as well, she refuses to choose between them, so...they're friend zoned. ppUntil a little too much champagne at a wedding reception leads to an unexpected sizzling encounter between the three of them, kicking off a no-strings affair. ppHowever, things get complicated when it becomes clear there's nothing casual about their feelings. Add in a sensual, accidental touch between Joel and Oakley, and the threesome gives new meaning to the words full contact.ppbrppstrongWild Card strongppFollowing her dad's heart attack, Lorelie put her own life on hold. However, as his health improves, she struggles to find her way back to life as normal. Her girlfriends insist the answer is simple. Get laid. Enter Glen Rodgers, the sexy country singer she met briefly at a party where he sang her a song. ppWhen Glen returns to town several months later, intent on taking a break from his own screwed up life, he decides Lorelie is just the cure for his blues. Flirtation turns to seduction...the two lovers swept up in something neither of them is prepared for. ppUnfortunately, reality rears its ugly head, leaving Glen no choice but to show his hand, forcing him to decide if he should fold and return to life on the road...or go for bro

Jacksonville Summer (Doctor M.)
10,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Jacksonville Summer (Doctor M.)
10,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

pemJacksonville Summerem is the story of a girl full of hope and dreams on her first vacation away from home. Who could have imagined that a summer vacation would bring so much joy and so much painppLove and a strong family foundation are so important to help you cope with tragedy. That love and support can also become an oasis of hope that can bring you back from the brink of despair.p

Hello, Moon (Turk Evan)
15,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Hello, Moon (Turk Evan)
15,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

bA parent and child explore the wonder and joys of the changing moon together in this captivating picture book from award-winning author-illustrator Evan Turk.b piHello, Moon! ibr iYou look so beautiful tonight! ibr iDo you mind if we sit with you i pIn this joyful celebration of a child's sense of curiosity about the world, a parent and child explore the wonder of the changing moon together. Because sometimes all you need is someone to share the silence with.

Winning the War of the Mind: Revised Edition (Harris Apostle Ann)
16,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Winning the War of the Mind: Revised Edition (Harris Apostle Ann)
16,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Our mind wars against evil and good. It even wars against right and wrong. Do you remember Eve when she was in the garden Satan came as a serpent and talked to her mind. She began to war between flesh and spirit, and God's words versus Satan's words. She lost the war because she listened to Satan's words to gratify her fleshly desires. She had a choice. We have a choice. We can choose to listen to God as he plants good seeds in our mind, or we can listen to Satan's negative seeds that will overtake our minds. Do not listen to the lies from Satan. You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. It is time to take a stand, and cast down every negative thought that is trying to hold you captive. This book will teach you how to cast down every negative thought that tries to exalt itself above God's word. This book is aligned with scriptures that will teach you how to win the war in your mind!

Middle East Contemporary Survey, Volume XI, 1987 (Rabinovich Itamar)
57,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Middle East Contemporary Survey, Volume XI, 1987 (Rabinovich Itamar)
57,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Established in 1977, the Middle East Contemporary Survey MECS, a unique annual record of political developments in the Middle East, is acknowledged as the standard reference work on events and trends in the region. Designed to be a continuing, up-to-date reference for scholars, researchers and analysts, policymakers, students and journalists, it examines in considerable detail the rapidly changing Middle Eastern scene in all its complexity. In each volume, the material is arranged in two parts. The first contains a series of essays on broad regional issues and on the overall relations of the region with other parts of the world. The second consists of country-by-country surveys of all the Arab states, as well as Turkey, Israel, and Iran. The accent in the second part is on elucidating the inner dynamics of each country's polity and society. In a work of this kind, the events of the past year inevitably dictate the major themes of each volume. The topics discussed in Volume XI, which covers the year 1987, include

Addresses & Birthdays: Watercolor Flower Trellis (Press Andante)
7,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Addresses & Birthdays: Watercolor Flower Trellis (Press Andante)
7,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Watercolor Flower TrellispKeep track of all the important information about your family, friends, and business contacts. There is a section in the back to record birthdays and anniversaries for each month. pThe white glossy cover features colorful watercolor chamomile flowers. pThis paperback journal book is 6 x 9 and fits perfectly into a purse or backpack. There are 140 pages.ppLook for other books in this matching set p