Mojej sestre šibe - Hlavatá Dana
Ak Môj bracho je magor, nečudo, že dôjde k odvete a vo štvrtej časti voľného pokračovania humorných príbehov z rodín s dospievajúcimi deťmi, príde na rad aj sestra. Že ktorá? Možno aj tá vaša. V knižke je to dvanásťročná Vanda, ktorú jej deväťročný brat Kubo nenazve inak ako vzducholoď. Tí dvaja sa neustále doberajú, robia si napriek, no keď príde na lámanie chleba, dýchali by jeden za druhého aj žiabrami. Vtipné situácie v knižke Mojej sestre šibe zažívajú súrodenci v škole, na ihrisku, medzi kamarátmi, ale hlavne so starými rodičmi z otcovej i maminej strany. Babka Berta a babka Sidónia sú svojrázne a vnúčatká by zjedli od lásky, no občas dokážu byť prehnane a podľa detí hlavne zbytočne prísne. Zato dedovia Ferdinand a písali ho ako Vincenca namiesto Vincenta, si robia žarty zo všetkého. A tak nečudo, že v rodine Vandy a Kubka to len tak iskrí. Úspešnú trilógiu Našej mame hrabe, Nášmu tatovi preplo a Môj bracho je magor (kniha získala ocenenie Panta Rhei Awards v kategórii Mládežnícka kniha roka 2020) - doplní rovnako s láskou k deťom a príznačným humorným perom autorky aj štvrtý diel – Mojej sestre šibe. Komu preskakuje v skutočnosti, sa dozviete pri čítaní knižky, ktorú ilustrovala Jana Homolová.
Paw Patrol Disney Dominoes - autor neuvedený
Fantastická hra s obľúbenými psími hrdinami- PAW PATROL, Samozrejme! So skvelou spoločenskou hrou z Disney produkcie , sa môžu deti hrať aj celé hodiny. Set obsahuje 28 domino dielov s obrázkami. S predstaviteľmi rozprávkových hrdinov z rozprávky Paw Patrol bude klasická hra domino ešte zábavnejšia!Hra je určená pre 2-4 hráčov vo veku od 3 rokov. Trvanie hry 10 minut.Set obsahuje 28 domino dielikovRozmer balenia: 20 x 14 x 5 cm
Päť jazykov lásky pre muža - Chapman, Randy Southern Gary
Päť jazykov lásky pre muža - Chapman, Randy Southern Gary
V srdci muža sa ukrýva túžba zvládať všetko, čo sa mu zdá dôležité. Je skvelé byť užitočným v práci alebo na ihrisku, ale nič sa nevyrovná tomu, keď vám manželka povie: „Vďaka tebe sa cítim milovaná.“ Ak ste tieto slová od nej ešte nepočuli alebo máte pocit, že nie ste špičkovým hráčom v oblasti vzťahov, je táto kniha určená práve vám.Séria kníh Päť jazykov lásky je bestsellerom, pretože princípy, ktoré obsahuje, sú jednoduché, praktické a efektívne. V tejto knihe autori hovoria priamo k mužom o tom, čo to znamená naučiť sa hovoriť jazykom lásky ich manželiek. Kniha je plná humoru a užitočných ilustrácií, ktoré vám pomôžu zvládnuť umenie milovať.
Kateřina Howardová - Nevěrná královna - Alison Weirová
Příběh Kateřiny Howardové, páté manželky krále Jindřicha VIII., je jedním z nejtragičtějších v anglických dějinách. Dívenka sotva odrostlá dětským střevíčkům, kterou ke dvoru přivedla její ctižádostivá rodina, okouzlila krále svými půvaby a krásou. Uměla zpívat, nádherně tančila, milovala dvorské slavnosti, a když se s ní stárnoucí král dychtivý dědice roku 1540 oženil, plnými doušky si užívala svého privilegovaného postavení. Kdyby mu porodila syna, byl by její triumf dokonalý. Zamilovaný Jindřich se nad ní rozplýval a všem na potkání opakoval, že Kateřina je jeho slunce, jeho růže bez trnů. V její minulosti však byly stíny, o kterých neměl tušení, a ta minulost se Kateřině čím dál nebezpečněji připomínala. A přece si dívka nemohla pomoci a stále znovu si zahrávala s ohněm. Král se tak měl poučit, že ti, kdo trhají růže bez trnů, musí počítat s tím, že se spálí.
Cheb 1917-1947 - Jiří Rajlich
Význam starého, dnes již neexistujícího chebského letiště pro naši leteckou historii daleko přesahuje západočeský region. Vzniklo ještě za 1. světové války, jako vůbec první stálé vojenské letiště v Českých zemích. Aviatikům habsburské monarchie ale nesloužilo dlouho.A zpočátku se zdálo, že valné perspektivy jej nečekají ani v nové republice. Na vině byla jeho nevýhodná geografická poloha i s tím související fakt, že šlo o krajinu plnou živlů republice nepřátelských. Přesto však v meziválečném období nakonec sloužilo nejen jako základna bojových jednotek, ale především jako významné centrum leteckého výcviku československého letectva, svého času dokonce jediné. V té době na něm nacházíme téměř všechny typy letadel, které brázdily oblohu nad Československem ty domácí i četné zahraniční. A také snad všechny významné i dnes již zapomenuté aviatiky, kteří pomáhali psát historii tehdejší zlaté éry letectví.Převážně k výcvikovým a pomocným účelům pak letiště používala také německá Luftwaffe a nakonec se zde formovaly i letecké jednotky Ruské osvobozenecké armády. Přestože koncem 2. světové války bylo staré chebské letiště americkými leteckými útoky prakticky úplně zničeno, v naší letecké historii má své pevné a trvalé místo.O tom všem, a nejen o tom je tato bohatě obrazově vypravená kniha (programově se však nevěnuje historii nového chebského letiště, vybudovaného spolu s leteckou továrnou v dobách okupace, což je téma na speciální monografii). Přestože se po obsahové stránce zabývá všemi třemi dekády existence starého chebského letiště, akcentuje především první roky jeho budování a fungování, což dosud představovalo určitý dluh naší letecké historiografie.Totéž se do jisté míry týká i kapitol věnovaných jeho fungování v meziválečném období a v časech 2. světové války, jejíž dramatický závěr ve svých důsledcích učinil tečku za existencí nejstaršího stálého vojenského letiště na našem území. Ve srovnání s kapitolami o nejstarší chebské letecké historii jde totiž o problematiku již podstatně známější z řady jiných pojednání jak o meziválečném čs. letectvu, tak o historii letecké války nad českým územím. Jistou kompenzací za tuto určitou asymetrii budiž podstatně rozsáhlejší a informativnější obrazový doprovod, dokumentující aviatiky a letadla zlaté éry československého letectví. Mezi více než 800 snímky byly zařazeny buď dosud nepublikované, nebo kdysi zveřejněné, ale nyní zpravidla v lepší kvalitě většinou v charakteristických místních kulisách, jimiž dominuje nezaměnitelná řada osmi chebských hangárů.
Lužinova obrana - Vladimir Nabokov, Pavel Dominik
Nabokovovo vrcholné dílo je románem o posedlosti a šílenství. Vypráví mrazivý příběh člověka, jehož život se postupně proměňuje v sled šachových kombinací. Geniální Lužin je věčné dítě, duševně nevyrovnaný samotář, který se k šachům uchýlí, protože mu poskytují pocit bezpečí. Jenže figurky na čtyřiašedesáti polích Lužinovi postupně nahrazují realitu až do té míry, že není schopen odlišit svůj život od hry. Během náročného turnaje se nervově zhroutí, nakrátko se octne v léčebně a poté si vezme ženu, která je posedlá nutkavou touhou zabránit mu v návratu k šachovnici… V románu, napsaném v roce 1929, najdeme mnohá z autorových základních témat: nespolehlivost paměti a smyslového vnímání, osudovou a zničující vášeň i snahu proniknout do podstaty ruské identity v období po masovém exodu vyvolaném bolševickou revolucí. Lužinova obrana je dokladem Nabokovova vypravěčského a stylizačního mistrovství, jehož kvality naplno vynikají díky novému překladu Pavla Dominika.
Ženy, náboženství, násilí a moc - Carter Jimmy
Ve své nejnovější knize se bývalý americký prezident podrobně zabývá předsudky, diskriminací, násilím, zkresleným výkladem náboženských textů (Bible, Koránu a dalších), fyzickým a duševním týráním, chudobou, nemocemi a válkami z hlediska ženské nerovnosti, existující dnes na celém světě. Carter ukazuje, že muži sice s tímto stavem věcí mnohdy nesouhlasí, ale mlčí, aby si zachovali dominantní postavení. Jimmy Carter navštívil se svou ženou Rosalynn 145 zemí světa a společně založili neziskovou organizaci The Carter Center, která aktivně působí v polovině z nich. Měl příležitost seznámit se s lidmi z často velmi odlehlých vesnic v džunglích i pouštích. Dozvěděl se mnoho z jejich osobního života, zvláště to, že nerovnost mezi pohlavími roste stále rychleji a platí to stejnou měrou pro země bohaté i chudé. Carter si sice uvědomuje, že ekonomická nerovnost ve světě představuje čím dál větší problém, ale zároveň již dospěl k pevnému přesvědčení, že nejvážnějším a všeobecně opomíjeným problémem se celosvětově staly deprivace a týrání žen i dívek, jež převážně povstaly z falešného výkladu některých náboženských textů a rostoucí tolerance vůči násilí a válkám – podle jeho slov naneštěstí tento příklad světu poskytly samotné Spojené státy americké. Carter zdůrazňuje, že kromě velkého utrpení žen, o němž se téměř nemluví, tu je i zničující dopad na ekonomiku v důsledku toho, že k prosperitě nemůže přispět nejméně polovina lidské populace na Zemi.
Motanice Přírodověda zvířata - autor neuvedený
Hravá pomůcka pro nejmenší školáky. Motanice učí děti proniknout do zvířecí říše a rozpoznávat živočichy podle srsti, částí těla či stop. Děti se díky této motanici naučí také poznávat mláďata, zjistí, čím se zvířata živí, kde bydlí nebo jak mohou být člověku užitečná. Tato motanice s nádhernými ilustracemi obsahuje také zábavné hádanky a doplňovačky. Pomůcka rozvíjí logické myšlení, podporuje manuální zručnost a zdokonaluje jemnou motoriku. Tato motanice obsahuje 30 hracích karet.
Puzzle Kačenka 16 dílků - autor neuvedený
Věk:od 3 let Rozměr složeného puzzle cca:22 x 22 cm Materiál:Papír Rozměry krabice (balení):10 x 10 x 5 cm Přibližná velikost dílku:5,5 cm Počet dílků:16
Rozkymácený svět - Vohryzek, Michael Špirit Josef
Předkládaný výbor představuje literárního kritika a překladatele Josefa Vohryzka (1926–1998) jako kritického myslitele o povaze komunistického režimu, o české a slovenské společnosti ve společném státě a po jeho rozpadu, o vztahu silnějšího a slabšího, většiny a (romské a židovské) menšiny.Kniha je členěna do čtyř oddílů. První tvoří texty o společnosti a politice před rokem 1989 a po sesunu komunistického režimu. Úvodní esej přibližuje životní pocit nestraníka během pražského jara 1968, úvahy psané během tzv. normalizace pro samizdatové sborníky nebo periodika se zabývají faktickými možnostmi Charty 77, mechanikou soudního šikanování a významem nezávislých občanských iniciativ, a stati z první poloviny devadesátých let pojednávají o vztazích k nově se formující moci, o rozpadu federativní republiky, étosu nově vzniklého českého státu a chováním tzv. intelektuálních elit při všech těchto momentech.Druhý díl sestává z textů o rasové nesnášenlivosti. Polemika z roku 1968 ukazujemožné sociálních důsledky tehdy chystané federalizace československého státu, kterým se pak věnuje jeden z prvních dokumentů Charty 77 (z roku 1978), v němž je podrobně rozpracováno postavení Romů v tehdejším Československu. Josef Vohryzek připravil pojednání anonymně, text zveřejněný v samizdatu a v exilových publikacích vyšel s podpisy tehdejších mluvčích Charty 77. Úvahy, které na chartovní dokument navazují, pocházejí už z let 1990–1997 a zabývají se vztahem „bílé“ většiny k menšinám a zdroji rasismu, resp. rozdíly ve změnách vzájemných postojů u většinové a menšinové populace.Třetí část přináší texty o knihách, v jejichž prvním plánu figuruje téma politického („třídního“), národnostního a rasového napětí, nesouladu nebo nenávisti. Jsou zde shromážděny Vohryzkovy reflexe nad díly publicistickými (V. Mrštík), memoárovými (M. Bubeníčková-Kuthanová, S. Wiesenthal, G. Konrád) nebo beletristickými (A. Giňa, V. Třešňák, J. Fränkl, Ch. Potok, I. Ferková, I. B. Singer).Závěrečný oddíl zaujímají Vohryzkovy vzpomínky. Vznikly v roce 1991 pro dokumentační potřeby Židovského muzea v Praze, tiskem vyly vydány posmrtně z autorovy literární pozůstalosti v květnu 2000 v časopise Revolver Revue. Autor v nich podrobně vzpomíná na své dětství odvíjející se v pražské židovské neortodoxní rodině (otec byl advokát), na pobyt ve švédském exilu v letech 1940–1950, kam ho rodiče ještě stačili vyslat, než byly hranice pro židovské občany bývalého Československa definitivně uzavřeny, stejně jako na složitou repatriaci v komunistickém Československu padesátých let 20. století, kam se Vohryzek vrátil, zatímco již věděl, že jeho rodina během války zahynula v nacistických vyhlazovacích táborech.Uspořádal, k vydání připravil, komentáře a medailon napsal Michael Špirit
Dejiny sveta od praveku po súčasnosť - Alex Woolf
Ľudstvo od dôb, keď sa náš prvý predok prvýkrát postavil na dve nohy, prekonalo obrovskú cestu ale ako sme sa vlastne dostali až tam, kde sa nachádzame dnes? Príbeh vývoja ľudstva sa pred vnímavým čitateľom odvíja v tejto knihe opisujúcej konflikty, intrigy, obdobia získania i straty moci, vznik a zánik veľkých civilizácií, ríš, kráľovstiev a impérií, ktoré vzápätí často navždy zmizli v bezodnej studnici času. Kniha obsahuje viac než štyristodvadsať farebných i čiernobielych ilustrácií, ktoré poskytnú čitateľovi vizuálne pohladenie duše. Takmer každá dvojstrana sa zaoberá konkrétnou historickou témou, vo väčšine prípadov doplnenou prehľadnou chronológiou, ktorá umožňuje rýchlo sa zorientovať v danej dobe alebo vynikajúco poslúži pri hlbšom hľadaní dejinných súvislostí. Ak vás zvedavosť nabáda odostrieť závoj tajomstiev vzniku prvých civilizácií a ženie nástojčivá túžba preniesť sa do sveta útočiacich mongolských hôrd alebo odhaliť skryté príčiny kolonializmu kniha Dejiny sveta od praveku po súčasnosť je tou najľahšou a najkrajšou cestou, ktorá vás tam na perutiach poznania privedie. Rozšírením vedomostí po prečítaní tejto knihy vnímavý čitateľ získa prehľad i nadhľad aj nad dianím v súčasnom meniacom sa svete.
Spodní proudy - Nora Roberts
Zane a jeho sestra Britt vyrůstají v luxusním domě u horského jezera. Jejich otec je vážený občan a celá rodina budí dojem dokonalosti. Jen obě děti znají pravdu – otec je s tichým souhlasem matky léta týrá. Zane se mu jednoho dne vzepře a uteče z domu. Po letech se ale rozhodne vrátit, aby ochránil svoji sestru a začal nový život. Dokáže se osvobodit od strašlivých vzpomínek z dětství, nebo ho znovu zcela pohltí?
Miluj sám seba, akoby ti šlo o život - Ravikant Kamal
Knihu Miluj sám seba, akoby ti šlo o život autor takmer nevydal. Bál sa, že bude ľuďom na smiech. Kedysi sa ako výkonný riaditeľ firmy, ktorá skrachovala, zrútil a dnes prichádza s tým, ako ho zachránila láska k sebe samému. Strach prekonal, pretože dôležitosť posolstva bola silnejšia. O svoju pravdu sa teraz delí s celým svetom.Kniha, ktorú držíte v rukách, získala veľkú popularitu a mnohým ľuďom zachránila život. Dokážete si predstaviť, že by ste sa naučili skutočne milovať samých seba?Zámerom autora je pomôcť ľuďom k odhodlanosti milovať samých seba a k vedomiu, ako to dosiahnuť a udržiavať. Vytvoril jednoduchú zostavu mentálnych cvičení pre vybudovanie láskavého vzťahu samého k sebe, ktorú v tejto knihe ponúka všetkým. Kľúč k jeho pravde je otázka:Čo by ste robili, keby ste skutočne, úprimne a hlboko milovali samých seba?Z anglického originálu Love yourself like your life depends on it (HarperOne, New York, 2020) preložila Martina Cabadová
Book of Colours - Oliver Jeffers, Harper Collins
A spectacular concept board book from world-renowned artist Oliver Jeffers, based on his million-copy selling, global phenomenon Here We Are! Inspired by the exceptional, award-winning global picture-book phenomenon, Here We Are, comes this irresistible introduction to colours to welcome babies and toddlers to our planet. A perfect gift for families to treasure forever, and a must for all nurseries.
Strážkyňa slnka - Maja Lunde
Strážkyňa slnka je „jarná kniha“, v poradí druhá zo série inšpirovanej ročnými obdobiami Maji Lunde a ilustrátorky Lisy Aisato. Lilly žije so svojim starým otcom vo svete, z ktorého zmizlo slnko, kde je všetko zapršané a tmavé a z vlhkej pôdy nechce nič rásť. Keď Lilly objaví tajnú cestičku, ktorá ju privedie hlboko do tmavého lesa, kam deti nesmú chodiť, otvára sa pred ňou nový svet a začína sa veľké dobrodružstvo. Lilly objavuje niečo, čo zmení všetko a pre všetkých. Strážkyňa slnka je dobrodružný epický príbeh o tom, aké je všetko stratiť, postaviť sa zoči-voči svojim najväčším obavám a o hľadaní lásky a šťastia.
Víkend Tajemno - Danka Šárková
Zažijte atmosféru na horské boudě, kde si duch Karlois odpracovává svůj poslední pracovní víkend nebo se vydejte s velitelským duchem na patologii. Jestli jste někdy měli pocit, že se vám stalo něco neuvěřitelného, po přečtení této knihy zjistíte, že nejste jediní. Existují duchové? Jsou mezi námi andělé? Autorka vám s nadhledem na tyto otázky "možná" odpoví v osmi příbězích.
Van Goghs Ear - Bernadette Murphy, Vintage
BOOK OF THE WEEK ON BBC RADIO 4PRIMETIME BBC2 DOCUMENTARY WITH JEREMY PAXMANOn a dark night in Provence in December 1888 Vincent van Gogh cut off his ear. It is an act that has come to define him. Yet for more than a century biographers and historians seeking definitive facts about what happened that night have been left with more questions than answers.In Van Gogh’s Ear Bernadette Murphy sets out to discover exactly what happened that night in Arles. Why would an artist at the height of his powers commit such a brutal act? Who was the mysterious ‘Rachel’ to whom he presented his macabre gift? Was it just his lobe, or did Van Gogh really cut off his entire ear? Her investigation takes us from major museums to the dusty contents of forgotten archives, vividly reconstructing the world in which Van Gogh moved – the madams and prostitutes, café patrons and police inspectors, his beloved brother Theo and his fellow artist and house-guest Paul Gauguin. With exclusive revelations and new research about the ear and about ‘Rachel’, Bernadette Murphy proposes a bold new hypothesis about what was occurring in Van Gogh’s heart and mind as he made a mysterious delivery to her doorstep that fateful night.Van Gogh’s Ear is a compelling detective story and a journey of discovery. It is also a portrait of a painter creating his most iconic and revolutionary work, pushing himself ever closer to greatness even as he edged towards madness – and one fateful sweep of the blade that would resonate through the ages.
Neuvěřitelné historky ze světa zvířat - Ludwig Mario
Svět zvířat je úchvatnou součástí přírody a nám lidem je blízký tím, že jej tvoří živí tvorové. Rádi sledujeme jejich život, jak se chovají a jak si dokážou inteligentně poradit v nejrůznějších zapeklitých situacích. Právě o tom vypráví tato zábavná a vtipná knížka, jejímž autorem je populární německý zoolog a propagátor přírody Mario Ludwig (nar. 1957). Zaměřil se na speciální fígle a triky, jež naši zvířecí spoluobyvatelé používají, aby se vypořádali s nástrahami prostředí a života. Z nich vybral přehršli skutečných zoologických lahůdek, například jaktože tučňáci nezmrznou, proč mormonští kobyláci dávají přednost buclatým partnerkám, čím to, že gekoni dokážou běhat po stropě, jak se raci přečůrávají, o rybkách, které se dorozumívají prděním nebo o kuriozní opičí kratochvíli – šermu penisem. Celkem na stopadesát poutavých historek o zvířecím důmyslu, které svéráznými humornými ilustracemi doprovodil proslulý kreslíř Jan Gulbransson (nar. 1949), tvůrce mnoha kreslených seriálů a filmů, zařazený do Síně slávy Walta Disneyho. Jejich společná knížka je netradičním a osvěživým výletem do mnohotvárné přírody, potěší, poučí a pobaví všechny bez rozdílu věku a vzdělání.
Bread Winner: An Intimate History of the Victorian Economy - autor neuvedený
Bread Winner: An Intimate History of the Victorian Economy - autor neuvedený
",A powerful story of social realities, pressures, and the fracturing of traditional structures.",-Ruth Goodman, Wall Street Journal Nineteenth century Britain saw remarkable economic growth and a rise in real wages. But not everyone shared in the nation's wealth. Unable to earn a sufficient income themselves, working-class women were reliant on the 'breadwinner wage' of their husbands.When income failed, or was denied or squandered by errant men, families could be plunged into desperate poverty from which there was no escape. Emma Griffin unlocks the homes of Victorian England to examine the lives - and finances - of the people who lived there. Drawing on over 600 working-class autobiographies, including more than 200 written by women, Bread Winner changes our understanding of daily life in Victorian Britain.
Neuvěřitelná dobrodružství se Snovíkem - Jakešová Lenka
Franta by chtěl zažít spoustu legrace a velké dobrodružství, prostě nejkrásnější prázdniny. Jenže to vypadá, že ho čekají spíš otravné a nudné dny.Jednou se však stane prapodivná věc. Bum! V pokoji mu přistane Snovík, kluk z kouzelné planety, a vezme ho i s kamarádem Honzíkem na vesmírnou výpravu. A nebude to jen obyčejná návštěva, kluky čeká parádní dobrodružství, kdy budou dělat neuvěřitelné věci – třeba sáňkovat v triku, bojovat s piráty nebo si ochočí dinosaura. Na planetě Snění je totiž možné cokoliv.
Solar - McEwan Ian
Beard sank into a gloom of inattention, not because the planet was in peril - that moronic word again - but because someone was telling him it was with such enthusiasm' Michael Beard is a Nobel prize-winning physicist whose best work is behind him. He now spends his days speaking for enormous fees and half-heartedly heading a government-backed initiative tackling global warming. A compulsive womaniser, Beard finds his fifth marriage floundering. But this time, she's having the affair. When Beard's professional and personal worlds collide in a freak accident, an opportunity arises for Beard to simultaneously save his marriage and the world from environmental disaster. 'Savagely funny... Enormously entertaining' Sunday Times 'A satirical will come to be regarded as a classic' Daily Telegraph 'A stunningly accomplished work, possibly his best yet' Financial Times VINTAGE EARTH is a collection of novels to transform our relationship with the natural world. Each one is a work of creative activism, a blast of fresh air, a seed from which change can grow. The books in this series reconnect us to the planet we inhabit - and must protect. Discover great writing on the most urgent story of our times.
Thomas Hardy Boxed Set - autor neuvedený
Set in Hardy's fictional realm of Wessex, these four charming novels have been brought together in a stunning clothbound set, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. From the moving and poetic story of Tess of the D'Urbervilles to the intensely dramatic tale of the Mayor of Casterbridge, this collection is a true celebration of one of England's best loved writers.
St Petersburg 8 - autor neuvedený
Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher Lonely Planet St Petersburg is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Experience imperial Russia and the world of the tsars, immerse yourself in art and culture at the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, or party through the sunlight northern lights, all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of St Petersburg and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet's St Petersburg Travel Guide: Colour maps and images throughoutHighlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interestsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsEssential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, pricesHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks missCultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, art, literature, music, architecture, performing arts, St Petersburg todayCovers the Historic Heart, Sennaya, Kolomna, Smolny, Vosstaniya, Vasilyevsky Island, Petrograd Side, Vyborg Side, and more The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet St Petersburg, our most comprehensive guide to St Petersburg, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled.Looking for just the highlights of St Petersburg? Check out Pocket Moscow &,amp, St Petersburg, a handy-sized guide focused on the can't-miss sights for a quick trip. Travelling further afield? Check out Lonely Planet's Russia guide for a comprehensive look at all the country has to offer, Moscow for a guide to the city's most popular attractions, and Trans-Siberian Railway, focused on the can't-miss sights for a trip of a lifetime. About Lonely Planet: Since 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel media company with guidebooks to every destination, an award-winning website, mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community.Lonely Planet covers must-see spots but also enables curious travellers to get off beaten paths to understand more of the culture of the places in which they find themselves.
Bane Chronicles - Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson Cassandra Clare, Walker Books
Bane Chronicles - Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson Cassandra Clare, Walker Books
Ever wanted to know why Magnus Bane is banned from Peru? Or what he got up to during the French Revolution? Or what he bought Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood as a birthday present? Read this book and find out! Originally released as individual e-only short stories by bestselling YA authors Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson and Sarah Rees Brennan, this book brings all ten together in print for the first time and includes a never-before-seen eleventh tale, as well as new illustrated material.
The Mad Scientists Daughter - Cassandra Rose Clarke, Saga Press
The Mad Scientists Daughter - Cassandra Rose Clarke, Saga Press
Nominated for the Phillip K. Dick Award, a science fiction fairy tale set in a collapsing future America about a girl and the android she falls in love with. When Cat Novak was a young girl, her father brought Finn, an experimental android, to their isolated home. A billion-dollar construct, Finn looks and acts human, but he has no desire to be one. He was programmed to assist his owners, and performs his duties to perfection. His primary task now is to tutor Cat. Finn stays with her, becoming her constant companion and friend as she grows into adulthood. But when the government grants rights to the ever-increasing robot population, Finn struggles to find his place in the world. As their relationship goes further than anyone intended, they have to face the threat of being separated forever.
Hieronymus Bosch Sticker Book - Sabine Tauber, Prestel
Certain to provide hours of entertainment whilst also learning about art, this sticker book features the work of Renaissance master Hieronymus Bosch and his delightful world of real and fantastical animals, plants and fruits.
Orchidea császárné
Anchee Min, a kiváló történelmi regényírónő Orchidea császárné című műve a Tiltott Városba kalauzol bennünket, hogy beavasson egy fiatal császári ágyas – a későbbi utolsó kínai császárné, Ce-hszi – lenyűgöző történetének részleteibe. Min csodálatos eposzt sző a vidéki lány alakja köré, és egyes szám első személyben tárja elénk a gyönyörű Orchidea életének alakulását. Orchideának a csábítás különféle eszközeivel, ugyanakkor intellektuális képességeit is latba vetve sikerül fokozatosan magához ragadnia a hatalmat. A történet második és egyben utolsó részéből Az utolsó császárné című kötetből pedig megtudhatjuk, miként lett a fiatal nőből határozott, erős kezű vezető, aki több mint negyven évig uralta Kínát.
Denný diár VENETIA hnedý 2024
Obľúbený denný diár s príjemným a mäkkým povrchom, vyplnený penou a doplnený termorazbou. Razba roku je cez striebornú fóliu. Vhodný pre dámy aj pánov. Tento diár nájdete aj v manažérskej a mini verzii s týždňovým kalendáriom.
Dielo X
Desiaty zväzok edície DIELO MILANA RÚFUSA obsahuje úvahy, eseje, príhovory, nekrológy, recenzie a články M. Rúfusa z rokov 1953 – 1979, publikované v knihách Človek, čas a tvorba (1968), Štyri epištoly k ľuďom (1969), O literatúre (1974) a v príležitostných tlačiach. Autor básnických kníh Až dozrieme, Zvony, Stôl chudobných a kníh pre deti Kniha rozprávok, Sobotné večery sa tu v polemických i filozoficky ladených textoch prejavil tiež ako významný esejista, ktorý vnášal do celospoločenského diskurzu závažné témy mravnosti, humanizmu a kresťanského postoja k rozporuplnému vývinu slovenskej spoločnosti, najmä v oblasti kultúry a tvorby ľudských hodnôt.
Drevené blahoželanie Strom s darčekmi Cozywood
Táto pohľadnica je pekným darčekom, ktorým môžete pozdraviť svojich priateľov a rodinných príslušníkov pri rôznych príležitostiach alebo prekvapiť tých, ktorí to nečakajú. Do tohto dreveného blahoželania môžete písať všetkými písacími pomôckami. Blahoželanie (108x154 mm) je balené spolu s papierovou obálkou veľkosti C6 (114x162 mm).
Moje blikající zvuková knížka V lese - autor neuvedený
Na noční obloze vyšly první hvězdy a lesní zvířátka se chystají spát. Když se v listnatém lese zešeří a oblohu nad stromy prozáří hvězdičky, zaletí malý ptáček popřát dobrou noc všem svým zvířecím kamarádům. Za svitu měsíce spatří báječné věci. Pojď si je také prohlédnout a poslechnout! Vydej se za zvířátky do lesa s touto veršovanou zvukovou knihou s blikajícími světýlky a zjisti, která zvířátka šla spát a která se naopak probouzí. Společně si předčítejte milé verše, posviťte si na zvířátka a nechte se pomalu ukolébat ke spánku.
Salvador Dalí 2025 - nástěnný kalendář - autor neuvedený
Salvador Dalí 2025 - nástěnný kalendář - autor neuvedený
Jednorožce (žltá ) Veľké samolepky pre malé ruky - autor neuvedený
Jednorožce (žltá ) Veľké samolepky pre malé ruky - autor neuvedený
Vydaj sa za dúhu s čarovnými jednorožcami v tejto krásnej knihe plnej aktivít ! Kresli, vyfarbuj, dopĺňaj a nalepuj samolepky k aktivitám na každej strane.
Slovník filozofických pověr
Světově známý polský filozof a politolog ve své originální knize poukazuje na řadu předsudků, lží a pověr, jež si u nás donedávna činily nárok na výsadní postavení.
Hra Hrdinovia bez záruky
Potom čo ich okradli o všetko sú mág, bojovník, elf a trpaslík nútení ukradnúť si vybavenie potrebné na ďalšie dobrodružstvo v obchodnom dome Magic Maze. Dohodli sa, že najprv preskúmajú labyrint chodieb v obchodnom dome, potom si nájdu každý svoj obľúbený obchod a nájdu východ. Aby sa vyhli strážnikom, ktorí si ich už pri príchode podozrievavo prezerali, všetky štyri lúpeže spáchajú zároveň a hneď ujdú k východu. Plán je dohodnutý, ale podarí sa im ho splniť a ukradnúť potrebné veci? Hrdinové bez záruky (Magic Maze) je kooperatívna hra, v ktorej hráči hrajú súčasne. Každý hráč môže ovládať ktoréhokoľvek panáčika a urobiť s ním akciu, ktorú nijaký iný hráč urobiť nemôže. Napríklad jeden hráč môže hýbať panáčikmi smerom na sever, ďalší objavuje nové chodby obchodného domu, iný vie použiť eskalátor... Všetky tieto ťahy si však vyžadujú majstrovskú spoluprácu medzi hráčmi, aby sa panáčiky dostali kam majú. Má to však háčik! Počas hry sa môžete rozprávať len krátky čas, zvyšok hry musíte hrať bez toho, aby ste spoluhráčom čokoľvek naznačili slovne alebo hoci neverbálne. Ak sa vám podarí odísť z obchodného domu za čas, ktorý vám hra určuje, s ukradnutými predmetmi bez toho, aby vás chytili, všetci vyhrávate. Na začiatku hry máte k dispozícii len 3 minúty. Viac času môžete získať ak stúpite na políčka s presýpacími hodinami. Ak sa vám presype všetok piesok v presýpacích hodinách, všetci prehrávate: príliš dlho ste sa až priveľmi nenápadne motali po obchodnom dome, čo bolo podozrivé ochranke a tá vás vyprevadila von! Aby bola zábava o to väčšia, hra ponúka rôzne úrovne náročnosti, od východov, cez ktoré môže ujsť len konkrétny panáčik, posúvanie vašich kariet s akciami v smere hodinových ručičiek, špeciálnych schopností jednotlivých panáčikov až po lepšie zabezpečené chodby obchodného domu.
Bábätko - návod na používanie
Denne ste obklopení technickými zázrakmi počítačmi, iPadmi, iPodmi, notebookmi, netbookmi, mobilmi, digitálnymi fotoaparátmi... Viete s nimi zaobchádzať, využívať ich najpokročilejšie funkcie, ale ten najväčší technologický zázrak na svete, vaše práve narodené dieťa, je pre vás zatiaľ záhadou? V tejto situácii vám pomôže táto kniha!
Talkabout Books: Busy Town
Toddlers are fascinated by the world around them and this series aims to enourage them to talk about what they see and experience everyday. Each title features lots of matching, language development and counting activities, as well as fun rhymes.
Španělští Bourboni
Český čtenář má poprvé příležitost podrobněji nahlédnout do nesmírně zajímavé historie jedné z nejmocnějších panovnických dynastií Evropy, která vládla ve Francii, v několika italských státech a od roku 1700 také ve Španělsku, kde s krátkými přestávkami vládne dodnes. Autor postupuje chronologicky, své líčení začíná nástupem Filipa V. na španělský královský trůn v době, kdy ve Francii vládne mocný a obdivovaný Ludvík IV., Filipův dědeček a zároveň jeho nejlepší rádce. A knihu uzavírá kapitolou věnovanou současnému monarchovi Juanu Carlosovi I., který byl prohlášen králem deset dní po smrti diktátora Franka a ve Španělsku, do té doby v politické izolaci, nastolil demokratické reformy a zemi výrazně napomohl k ekonomickému a kulturnímu rozkvětu. Kniha je ilustrována černobí-lými reprodukcemi dobových obrazů a fotografiemi.
Riva Book
If there is a manufacturer whose symbol of identity is luxury at sea, this is Riva Group. Its world---famous known yachts are found in the most exclusive ports, and its classic designs made with the newest materials, place them as a reference in the world of opulence. In this book, the reader can see the history of the company, the evolution of the Riva models and fantasize about of crossing the sea in one of these incredible constructions.
The Way to Vocabulary Power and Culture (Funk Wilfred J. (Wilfred John) 1883)
The Way to Vocabulary Power and Culture (Funk Wilfred J. (Wilfred John) 1883)
pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.ppWe appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p
A Tiny Upward Shove (Chadburn Melissa)
pbThis addictive and headlong Lauren Groff debut novel traces the too-short life of a woman cast out by society and transformed by death into an agent of justice--or mercyb piMy grandmother, sitting at her doily-covered table, marmalade on her cheek, explained that the iaswangi is all the evil bad things that a town or a society would want to deny--eventually it has to come out, has to be personified into something or the truth will reveal itself.i pMarina Salles's life does not end the day she wakes up dead. pInstead, in the course of a moment, she is transformed into the stuff of myth, the stuff of her grandmother's old Filipino stories--an iaswangi. She spent her life on the margins, knowing very little about her own life, let alone the lives of others she was shot like a pinball through a childhood of loss, a veteran of Child Protective Services and a survivor, but always reacting, watching from a distance. Death brings her into the hearts and minds of those she has known--even her killer--as she is able to access their memories and to see anew the meaning of her own. In the course of these pages she traces back through her life, finally able to see what led these lost souls to this crushingly inevitable conclusion. pIn iA Tiny Upward Shovei, the debut novelist Melissa Chadburn charts the heartbreaking journeys of two of society's cast-offs as they find their way to each other and their roles as criminal and victim. What does it mean to be on the brink When are those moments that change not only our lives but our very selves And to what lengths will we go for mercyp
Lighthouse Story (James Holly)
EAN: 9781526624123James HollyBloomsbury Publishing PLC 2022
Yes, I Can: A Kids Book About Confidence! (Mike And His Pet Monkey): A Kids Book About Confidence! (Mike And His Pet Monkey (Gardner Sadie)
Yes, I Can: A Kids Book About Confidence! (Mike And His Pet Monkey): A Kids Book About Confidence! (Mike And His Pet Monkey (Gardner Sadie)
If you could choose any animal as a pet, which animal would you choosepbrppMike chose a monkey But not only did he choose a monkey - he chose a very cheeky yet thoughtful monkey who teaches Mike valuable life lessons and guides him through his childhood years. For Mike, his pet monkey is his best friend. They do everything together ppbrppstrongemYes, I Can A Kids Book About Confidence is a funny and cute kids story to teach children that being confident is good and that with confidence, they can overcome many difficult situations that a child might face in their early life.emstrongppbrppUnderstanding our emotions can be difficult for everyone, especially for kids Lately, Mike has been feeling shy and doesn't believe he can do certain tasks, but, luckily for him, his pet monkey, Monty, helps him to understand that believing in yourself and having confidence is good ppbrppstrongThe 'Mike and His Pet Monkey' book series is funny, educational, and easy to read for youngsters, specifically for ages 4-8 but can be enjoyed by anyone at any age. strongppbrppThe aim of the 'Mike and His Pet Monkey' series is to help children overcome social and significant topics in all areas of life but in a comical way, with cartoon-like illustrations and it's rhyming style - making it particularly engaging for children to understand and follow along. ppFind out what they get up to in this adventure about confidence ppbrppstrongem Be sure to check out and collect all of the Mike and His Pet Monkey books emstrongp
First Sticker Art: Cuddly Pets: Use Stickers to Create 20 Cute Cuddly Pets (Savva Ksenya)
First Sticker Art: Cuddly Pets: Use Stickers to Create 20 Cute Cuddly Pets (Savva Ksenya)
pstrongMagically create colorful artwork of the cutest and most cuddly pets with 20 fun paint-by-sticker activities with big stickers for little hands!strongppThis sticker book for kids includes everything you need to make fun sticker art activities of adorable pets. Make a pug dog, mouse, Bengal cat, pony, French bulldog, bunnies, and so much more! Sturdy, bright, big, and colorful stickers perfect for little hands to practice numbers and shapes! Great for kids of all ages and can be used independently by children as young as 2--a huge win for busy parents looking for creative activities.ppstrongThis fun and exciting sticker book is great if you want strongpullimosaic sticker art kits or activity books for kids 2-4 years oldlilito help kids with numbers and shapesliliactivities for long car trips, flights, or rainy days at home or schoolliligifts from grandparents to grandson or granddaughterlilidelight your child who loves cuddly pets!liulpEncourage quiet independence and build confidence with this busy book's easy, perforated pages of stickers that kids can peel and place themselves. An excellent choice for long car trips, flight entertainment, or times when you're stuck at home looking for a convenient, no-mess art project for kids!ppstrongWhat parents and grandparents are saying strongpulliSo great! My 3-year-old loves these!liliMy 5-year-old loves dogs! This book has a lot of cute pets that she loves, and she is able to do all the stickers by herself.liliMy 3yr loves these books, I've bought them all. They can do these stickers independently!liliWe have now purchased several different First Sticker Books because two of our grandchildren--one a toddler age 2, the other a preschooler age 3 really love placing the stickers on the outlines to create animals.liul
Believe (Vickers Michelle)
When you understand who you are, then you are able to discover what you are capable of. Studies have shown that over seventy percent of the population is challenged with depression at one point in their lives. Depression is a clear and simple expression of what occurs within a person when they experience a lack of truth. The information within the pages of Believe has been strategically designed to alleviate clinical depression in vast numbers of people throughout society. Offering universal truth and clarity to those who know the experience they are having is not a reflection of who they are or what they are capable of. FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SEARCHING for something to believe in. Something that allows them to understand the meaning of life and the reason they have endured the challenges and experiences that have consistently showed up. They are looking for truth but in ways that defy every instinct and natural tendency within them. For the first time in the current history of the universe Believe offers clear and concise explanations of who we are as a human race. Why humanity was created and most importantly what we are capable of. This knowledge has the ability to release the burden of confusion to allow for the experience of abundance and joy to not only enter your life but to lead it.
The Art of Poetry: For GCSE and Beyond (Meally Michael)
Featuring expert essays on Sonnet 130, The Flea, London, Ozymandias, Pied Beauty, The Charge of the Light Brigade, The Road not Taken, I Felt a Funeral, Dulce et Decorum Est, Do not go Gentle into that Good Night, Valentine Follower, 'The Art of Poetry' is a poetry primer, a revision book and a guide to the tricky art of tackling 'unseen poems'. Exploring various key aspects of poems, the book sets out a clear, consistent methodology for reading poetry at GCSE A-level. Written in a lively, accessible style tailored specifically at students, 'The Art of Poetry' is essential reading for students and teachers of English Literature.
Puesto para la Defensa del Evangelio: La Doctrina de Soteriologa, Tomo Tres (McCubbins Miguel D.)
Puesto para la Defensa del Evangelio: La Doctrina de Soteriologa, Tomo Tres (McCubbins Miguel D.)
pCuando decimos que la Seguridad del Creyente se ense a expl citamente en las Escrituras, estamos diciendo que en la Biblia se ense a de forma definitiva, directa, expresa, espec fica, inequ voca e innegable. Por qu la seguridad expl cita del creyente es parte de la defensa del Evangelio Si el Evangelio coloca la responsabilidad de salvar al hombre en la obra consumada de Jesucristo, es decir, si la salvaci n es una obra de Dios, entonces, como todas las obras de Dios, solo l debe terminar Su obra.ppbrppemHe entendido que todo lo que Dios hace ser perpetuo sobre aquello no se a adir , ni de ello se disminuir y lo hace Dios, para que delante de l teman los hombresem Eclesiast s 314.ppbrppDe hecho, en el contexto mismo de Filipenses 17 y 17, donde Pablo declar que estaba puesto para la defensa del Evangelio, tambi n enfatiz su confianza en la Seguridad del Creyente.ppbrppemestando persuadido de esto, que el que comenz en vosotros la buena obra, la perfeccionar hasta el d a de Jesucristo como me es justo sentir esto de todos vosotros, por cuanto os tengo en el coraz n y en mis prisiones, y en la defensa y confirmaci n del evangelio, todos vosotros sois participantes conmigo de la gracia. ... pero los otros por amor, sabiendo que estoy puesto para la defensa del evangelio emFilipenses 16-7, 17.ppbrppDebemos defender la Seguridad del Creyente para que no demos un reconocimiento t cito y silencioso a un evangelio falso. Hoy nos enfrentamos al r pido aumento en el n mero de quienes est n tratando de redefinir el evangelio para un nuevo milenio, que se ha transformado en una poderosa arma de guerra para el enemigo de nuestras almas.ppbrppPastor Miguel D. McCubbins, Th.D., PresidenteppFacultad y Seminario B blico Bautista, Arleta, Californiappbrp
The Outcasts: Book Three of the Spark City Cycle (Power Robert)
The Outcasts: Book Three of the Spark City Cycle (Power Robert)
pstrongThey don't fight for Spark City anymore. But they fight. They are The Outcasts.strongppHiding in The Wastes, Erroh and his band of exiles must find a way to defend a city that they can never return to. But with Magnus adrift, his warriors decimated, all appears lost as Uden begins his march.ppA world away, the deadly assassin, Aurora, is hunting down the man who stole her god's eye.ppMeanwhile, Spark City's fall has already begun from within its own walls.ppAs war bears down on them all, The Outcasts are running out of time and options. Can they survive long enough to stop Uden's war before it burns them all, or will this be their final battleppemSpark City Cycle continues with The Outcasts the eagerly awaited third installment to 1 bestselling Spark City, from fantasy author Robert J Power.emp
The Marrow of True Justification (Keach Benjamin)
This work was first published in 1692, and makes for a great read still today both in addressing false teaching and in promoting the positive Reformation view of justification by faith alone in Jesus Christ and His imputed righteousness. This is one of the best works ever written on the subject. Here the central theme of the Christian gospel and the sure ground of the believer's hope is expounded with profound scriptural clarity. How the churches of today would benefit if pastors would preach this doctrine in contemporary dress as thoroughly, polemically, and winsomely as Keach did in his own day. Dr. Joel R. Beeke
Germans Into Jews: Remaking the Jewish Social Body in the Weimar Republic (Gillerman Sharon)
Germans Into Jews: Remaking the Jewish Social Body in the Weimar Republic (Gillerman Sharon)
iGermans into Jewsi turns to an often overlooked and misunderstood period of German and Jewish history-the years between the world wars. It has been assumed that the Jewish community in Germany was in decline during the Weimar Republic. But, Sharon Gillerman demonstrates that Weimar Jews sought to rejuvenate and reconfigure their community as a means both of strengthening the German nation and of creating a more expansive and autonomous Jewish entity within the German state. These ambitious projects to increase fertility, expand welfare, and strengthen the family transcended the ideological and religious divisions that have traditionally characterized Jewish communal life. Integrating Jewish history, German history, gender history, and social history, this book highlights the experimental and contingent nature of efforts by Weimar Jews to reassert a new Jewish particularism while simultaneously reinforcing their commitment to Germanness.
The Horned Owl: A Sam Chitto Mystery (Clifton Lu)
EAN: 9780998528427Clifton LuLightning Source Inc
Racialized Bodies, Disabling Worlds: Storied Lives of Immigrant Muslim Women (Dossa Parin)
Racialized Bodies, Disabling Worlds: Storied Lives of Immigrant Muslim Women (Dossa Parin)
pIn iRacialized Bodies, Disabling Worldsi, Parin Dossa explores the lives of Canadian Muslim women who share their stories of social marginalization and disenfranchisement in a disabling world.p
In and Out of the Darkness (Koch Kathleen)
pKathleen Koch's collection, em In and Out of the Darknessem, shares poems ranging from the author's teenage years through adulthood. Her words touch upon concepts of depression, addiction, love, friendship, and family. Koch illustrates the depths of darkness, but also highlights that though we are in the darkness at times, we can find our way into a positive light, as the author herself has done. An inspirational collection, emIn and Out of the Darknessem inspires readers to always believe in themselves and the special power within them. These poems will have a unique meaning to different people, in each their own special way.ppAbout the AuthorppKathleen Koch is an adolescent psychiatric registered nurse, a mother of three boys, and a wife of twenty-four years. She loves being a nurse and helping adolescents develop new skills to help them move forward in their lives in hopes of bringing them out of the darkness. Her journey to publish a book started in high school when she began writing poems to put her feelings on paper and thereby stepping out of her own darkness. As she got older, Koch started wanting to share the poems with those who may have some darkness of their own. emIn and Out of the Darknessem is the result. p
Philosophy and the Language of the People: The Claims of Common Speech from Petrarch to Locke (Nauta Lodi)
Philosophy and the Language of the People: The Claims of Common Speech from Petrarch to Locke (Nauta Lodi)
Which language should philosophers use technical or common language In a book as important for intellectual historians as it is for philosophers, Lodi Nauta addresses a vital question which still has resonance today is the discipline of philosophy assisted or disadvantaged by employing a special vocabulary By the Middle Ages philosophy had become a highly technical discipline, with its own lexicon and methods. The Renaissance humanist critique of this specialised language has been dismissed as philosophically superficial, but the author demonstrates that it makes a crucial point it is through the misuse of language that philosophical problems arise. He charts the influence of this critique on early modern philosophers, including Hobbes and Locke, and shows how it led to the downfall of medieval Aristotelianism and the gradual democratization of language and knowledge. His book will be essential reading for anyone interested in the transition from medieval to modern philosophy.
The Totalitarian Legacy of the Bolshevik Revolution (Riley Alexander)
The Totalitarian Legacy of the Bolshevik Revolution (Riley Alexander)
In this collection, world-renowned scholars of Bolshevism and world communism analyze the human costs of the Bolshevik Revolution, its contribution to the spread of totalitarianism, and the responses it inspired among American and Western intellectuals. Together, their essays constitute a profound refusal of the poesy of totalitarianism that is based on sober research and detailed analysis of the limits of utopian politics and the dangers of cruel ideologies based in the cosmetic aesthetic of moral perfectionism and lyric intoxication. This study provides an accurate and succinct depiction of the nature of Bolshevism and its consequences in light of several decades of research, including former Soviet archival materials and American intelligence such as the Venona files.
Macht Arbeit Frei?: German Economic Policy and Forced Labor of Jews in the General Government, 1939-1943 (Medykowski Witold)
Macht Arbeit Frei?: German Economic Policy and Forced Labor of Jews in the General Government, 1939-1943 (Medykowski Witold)
This is the first ever study to address Jewish forced labor in the General Government Poland during the Holocaust, and its consequences on the Nazi regime. A fascinating book about mutual dependence of economics and warfare during one of the most difficult periods in human history.
Lean on Me! Types of Symbiotic Relationships Competition, Predation, and Cooperation Grade 6-8 Life Science (Baby Professor)
Lean on Me! Types of Symbiotic Relationships Competition, Predation, and Cooperation Grade 6-8 Life Science (Baby Professor)
EAN: 9781541998681Baby ProfessorCooking Genius
Being a Great Manager or Leader Is a Gift, Not a Given (Hope Hutchinson Karen)
Being a Great Manager or Leader Is a Gift, Not a Given (Hope Hutchinson Karen)
This book provides an encouraging space for anyone to be a leading positive presence in the workplace, building strong attributes and skills to coach teams using sound workplace practices and tools. It is an essential toolkit for management and workplace matters. It also serves those wanting to build a positive and mindful workplace culture.
Theme-based dictionary British English-Spanish - 3000 words (Taranov Andrey)
Theme-based dictionary British English-Spanish - 3000 words (Taranov Andrey)
bTP BOOKS THEME-BASED DICTIONARIESb are intended to help you learn, memorize, and review foreign words. The dictionary contains over 3000 commonly used words. Recommended as additional support material to any language course. Meets the needs of beginners and advanced learners of foreign languages. Convenient for daily use, reviewing sessions and self-testing activities. Allows you to assess your current vocabulary. This book can also be used by foreigners to learn English.brbTHIS FIRST EDITION bcontains 101 topics including Basic concepts, Numbers, Units of measurement, The most important verbs, Time, Calendar, Day and night, Months, Seasons, Travel, Sightseeing, City, Shopping, Clothing Accessories, Cosmetics, Telephone, Phone conversation, Foreign languages, Meals, Restaurant, Family members, Human body, Medicine, Furniture, Household appliances, The Earth, Weather, Natural disasters, Fauna, Wild animals, Countries of the world and more ...brbSPECIAL FEATURES of TP Books bilingual vocabularies bwords are arranged according to their meaning, not alphabetically. Content is presented in three columns to facilitate the reviewing and self-testing processes. Each theme is composed of small blocks of similar lexical units. The vocabulary offers a convenient and simple transcription for each foreign word.
Songs Of Faith (Crowell Grace Noll)
This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
Mollusca of the Southwestern States. I-XI .. (Pilsbry Henry Augustus B. 1862)
Mollusca of the Southwestern States. I-XI .. (Pilsbry Henry Augustus B. 1862)
pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world, and other notations in the work.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppAs a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Water Treatment and Water Resource Management (Shikuku Victor)
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Water Treatment and Water Resource Management (Shikuku Victor)
EAN: 9781668467923Shikuku VictorIgi Global
Everybody Needs a Bridge (Scott Colleen D.)
EAN: 9781947832008Scott Colleen D.Lightning Source Inc
Secrets of Elevation Hidden in Stirring Poems (Ufomadu Udo F.)
Secrets of Elevation Hidden in Stirring Poems (Ufomadu Udo F.)
The author of Secrets of Elevation Hidden in Stirring Poems is largely optimistic about humanity's potential for success if motivated appropriately. He believes that words of inspiration can motivate people to achieve and instill hope because he benefits from that too. Poems, for him, are an art form for stirring his readers who range from children to adults. His easy to comprehend style is well embraced. He continues to position faith in God, self-esteem, prayer, planning, forgiveness, and sharing as necessary factors needed for excellence in today's world. He is also a 2003 and a 2004 recipient of the Editor's Choice Award for inspirational poems by the International Library of Poetry.
The Rat on Fire (Higgins George V.)
A riveting, blistering hot novel about the shady side of the law and the business side of the Boston underworld by the one and only George V. Higgins. brJerry Fein is a small-time lawyer, occasional booking agent, and full-time slumlord. But he s nobody s fool. So when the tenants of his dilapidated buildings refuse to pay rent because of rats, Jerry knows just the man to help him Leo Proctor, a professional arsonist, who can make a fire marshal look the other way for a little cash. But the heat is on over at the police station as well, and a couple of cops are suddenly feeling pressure from their superiors to produce, and something has got to give. brFull of hardnosed cops and lawyers a little too familiar with both sides of the law, iThe Rat on Firei is another Higgins masterpiece and an unflinching portrait of the Boston crime
The Supernatural Quiz Book Season 2: 500 Questions and Answers on Supernatural Season 2 (Quizzes Light Bulb)
The Supernatural Quiz Book Season 2: 500 Questions and Answers on Supernatural Season 2 (Quizzes Light Bulb)
pAre you a fan of the American fantasy horror television series Supernatural Have you followed Dean and Sam Winchester as they hunt monsters, ghosts, demons and creatures of the night Or maybe you are new to the series and are keen to catch up with the road already travelled If you answered yes to any of the above, you are sure to enjoy The Supernatural Quiz Book Season 2.p pResearched and compiled by fans, for fans, this quiz book contains 500 brand new questions on episode titles, quotes, cast and crew, soundtrack, actors and actresses, monsters, spirits and how to hunt them and general trivia as well as sections on every episode of Supernatural Season br Following on from The Supernatural Quiz Book Season 1, this quiz book revisits Season 2 and continues the story of the Winchester brothers, their friends and foes, as they endeavour to save people and hunt things. So, if you think you are up to the challenge, dip inside and find out how well you really know Supernaturalp
Teaching and Learning Creatively: Inspirations and Reflections (Young Art)
Teaching and Learning Creatively: Inspirations and Reflections (Young Art)
TEACHING AND LEARNING CREATIVELY INSPIRATIONS AND REFLECTIONS offers a glimpse into a Clemson University project that fostered poetry writing in courses across the curriculum and grew to include visual and other kinds of creative responses. TEACHING AND LEARNING CREATIVELY offers poetry and images composed by students in a variety of disciplines, together with teachers' reflections on their students' achievements. These assignments shift the usual dynamics of teaching and learning, allowing students to teach teachers as well as each other, as they search for new forms of creative expression. Such collaboration shows that communication across the curriculum refers not only to the need for writing and creativity in all courses in college, but also to the expanded forms of communication and new ways of making discoveries that grow from experimental, and even playful, pedagogy. TEACHING AND LEARNING CREATIVELY will inspire teachers to experiment in their own classrooms, to find new ways of listening to their students. All the editors are at Clemson University and have been with the project since its inception in 2000. PATRICIA A. CONNOR-GREENE teaches courses in abnormal psychology, madness, and culture. CATHERINE MOBLEY teaches courses in introductory sociology, policy and social change, field placement, and evaluation research. CATHERINE PAUL teaches humanities and English courses in modern fiction and poetry, as well as the place of museums in modern culture. JERRY WALDVOGEL teaches courses in general biology, evolution and creationism, ecology and behavior. LIZ WRIGHT is a Master of Arts in Professional Communication student and graduate research assistant to the Robert S. Campbell Chair in Technical Communication. ART YOUNG teaches English courses in advanced writing and 19th-century British literature.
Norse Mythology: A Guide to Norse Gods, Mythology, and Folklore (Romano Ross)
Norse Mythology: A Guide to Norse Gods, Mythology, and Folklore (Romano Ross)
NORSE MYTHOLOGYpbrppbrppThis book serves as a comprehensive guide to Norse Mythology.ppNorse Mythology and its stories continue to influence modern day movies, books, TV shows, and video games.ppbrppInside, you will learn about the history of Norse Mythology, the Gods and Goddesses, the monsters, the heroes, and some of the most famous stories from Norse Mythology ppbrppFrom the creation of the world, to the Aesir-Vanir war, to the world tree, to Ragnarok, this book will explain to you all of the key concepts and beliefs associated with Norse Mythology.ppbrpHere Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn About Inside...pbrpulliNorse Creation MythliliNorse Gods GoddessesliliHeroes MonstersliliThe Aesir-Vanir WarliliRagnarokliliThe Most Famous Stories From Norse MythologyliliMuch, Much More liulpbrppbrppbrp
Ethel's Book (Faber Frederick William)
EAN: 9783375149246Faber Frederick WilliamOutlook Verlag Reprint of the original, first published in 1858.
Aristotle - A Biography (Bays Devin)
pAristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist born in the city of Stagira, Chalkidiki, in the north of Classical Greece. Along with Plato, Aristotle is considered the Father of Western Philosophy, which inherited almost its entire lexicon from his teachings, including problems and methods of inquiry, so influencing almost all forms of knowledge known to the p
Cut of the Real: Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy (Kolozova Katerina)
Cut of the Real: Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy (Kolozova Katerina)
pFollowing Franois Laruelle's nonstandard philosophy and the work of Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Luce Irigaray, and Rosi Braidotti, Katerina Kolozova reclaims the relevance of categories traditionally rendered unthinkable by postmodern feminist philosophies, such as the real, the one, the limit, and finality, thus critically repositioning poststructuralist feminist philosophy and genderqueer studies.ppPoststructuralist feminist theory sees the subject as a purely linguistic category, as emalways alreademy multiple, as emalways alreadyem nonfixed and fluctuating, as limitless discursivity, and as constitutively detached from the instance of the real. This reconceptualization is based on the exclusion of and dichotomous opposition to notions of the real, the one unity and continuity, and the stable. The non-philosophical reading of postructuralist philosophy engenders new forms of universalisms for global debate and action, expressed in a language the world can understand. It also liberates theory from ideological paralysis, recasting the real as an immediately experienced human condition determined by gender, race, and social and economic circumstance.p
The Scarlet Stone and Other Selected Poems (Rahimi Nader)
The Scarlet Stone and Other Selected Poems (Rahimi Nader)
EAN: 9781804395882Rahimi NaderOlympia Publ S 2024
Mississippi Hunting Camps: a Way of Life (Lea Bill R.)
In Mississippi Hunting Camps A Way of Life author Bill R. Lea vividly captures with words and photographs the unique phenomenon of hunting camp life that prevails in the Magnolia State, a way of life that involves family, fellowship, food, fun and faith. Traveling several years to numerous camps-a privilege rarely given to outsiders-Lea was afforded an insiders look at camps ranging from the exclusive high dollar to the Bubba camps, from large to small, from new to historic and from white to black where he found commonalities among all, allowing him to give the reader a rare insight into why hunting camps in Mississippi are truly A Way of Life.
Rocks (Hansen Grace)
Young readers will be amazed to learn about the different kinds of rocks, how they are made, and why they are important to humans. This title is informative yet simple. Big text and simple sentences combined with vibrant photographs will entertain readers and strengthen their reading skills. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids is a division of ABDO.
Through Many Windows (Woodward Helen)
This book, first published in 1926, is the candid record of a womans experiences in the business world at the turn of the twentieth century. Finishing her career as an advertising executive one of the first women to succeed in that industry. This autobiography is a remarkable record of an early business womans life.
Beyond the Horizon (Bishop Bill)
In this Old West tale of deceit, revenge, and greed, full of scoundrels, rogues, and desperadoes on a lawless frontier, John Barton learns what it takes to become a man. Chasing his boyhood dream of staking his claim in the Mauvaises Terres, the Badlands of the Dakota Territory, John Barton comes face to face with the undeniable truth that the only winners in life are those willing to take their destiny into their own hands. Signing on to a cattle drive to the Dakota Territory, he is duped into taking part in a dangerous cattle-rustling foray deep into Mexico. Unable to turn back, he fights to survive in a life-or-death struggle during a grueling cattle drive, beset by violent storms, renegade Indians, and men seeking revenge. Finally staking his claim, he confronts the deeper meaning of his lifelong quest and of the mysterious spiritual roots of a land and its people that will forever lie somewhere beyond the horizon.
Pre-Object Relatedness: Early Attachment and the Psychoanalytic Situation (Kumin Ivri)
Pre-Object Relatedness: Early Attachment and the Psychoanalytic Situation (Kumin Ivri)
This volume explores the primitive yet complex emotional world of the baby, a preverbal world that predates memory, symbolic representation, self-reflection, and verbal description. Author Ivri Kumin describes the impact of early relational experiences on the foundation of emotional living, when traumatic developmental interferences can disrupt the infant's emerging capacity for representational thought. Using detailed clinical examples, he explains how these early experiences are enacted within the psychoanalytic situation and how their analysis and mediation enable the patient to think about and emotionally encompass these states for the first time. pMultidisciplinary in his approach, the author integrates infant observational studies and attachment theory with psychoanalytic developmental perspectives. He explores the core concepts of the three major psychoanalytic theories signal anxiety ego psychology, projective identification object relations theory, and affect attunement self psychology, and explains the unity of their underlying modes of action on the basis of contemporary infant research. The book then applies its understanding of early relatedness to a wide variety of psychoanalytic issues of both theoretical and clinical importance. pPart I of the volume examines the basic language of primary relatedness. Topics covered include early attachment, precursors of internalized object relationships, signal anxiety, and environmental mediation. Chapters in Part II discuss affect transmission, the nature of emotional exchanges in the psychoanalytic situation, fields of identity, creation of representability, and the psychoanalytic mediation of primitive emotional states. Part III addresses pathology, including in-depth examinations of disturbances of pre-object relatedness, ambivalent and avoidant relatedness, the repetition compulsion, trauma and enactment, and the effect of incorrect interpretations. pSynthesizing empirical findings with theore
Secrets Exposed - What Men Know about Women (Unabridged Edition): Includes Secret Addendum: Husbandry 101 (Alvord R. Scott)
Secrets Exposed - What Men Know about Women (Unabridged Edition): Includes Secret Addendum: Husbandry 101 (Alvord R. Scott)
pThe perfect coffee table gag gift for new husbands, grooms, and those considering marriage proposals. It's 27 chapters not counting the Addendum of humorous, stereotypical subject matter that men have pondered for centuries, resulting in the compiled knowledge of everything that men know about women. The Secret Addendum is worth the whole purchase! Learn how to avoid doing laundry or cooking ever the insistence of your wife!ppemTo those who love and appreciate the differences between men and women I sincerely hope you enjoy this book. I whole-heartedly admit that us guys are the weaker gender and I hope the humor you find in this book celebrates that weakness!em - R. Scott Alvord, authorppemI have been a marriage and family counselor for 14 years and I have read this book from cover to cover and can attest that what men know about women in every single one of these categories is...well...100 accurate!em - Dr. Emerald, MFTppemThis book is a must-read for young men or as a refresher course for the experienced man. Scott does a tremendous job outlining the numerous topics that we should know about women. The excerpts from Husbandry 101 are humorous, but I am surprised he is making public this top-secret information. What Men Know About Women is a lighthearted, funny read that celebrates what we really know about women and our relationship with them.em - Daniel Beal, writerproducer ppemThis book speaks volumes, well actually pages, to what men know about women. It's clever, entertaining, and a quick read. Read this book when you need to laugh or chuckle - which should be all of the time! This is the perfect gift for any man - it's kind of like getting a vacuum on my birthday. I didn't ask for it, but it sure is useful.em Alyson Smith - rad woman, wife, mother, sister.p
East Indian Celebration: Festive Recipes from Abby's Plate (Rebello Abigail)
East Indian Celebration: Festive Recipes from Abby's Plate (Rebello Abigail)
pThis cookbook features traditional festive recipes from Mumbai's indigenous East Indian Christians, a wedding of Maharashtrian and Portuguese cuisine that has been handed down through the centuries. If you want to try mouth-watering spicy recipes from a culture that's almost unheard of, look no further. Recipes for Christmas, Easter, Aguera, San Jao cha San, Maundy Thursday and more.ppbrp
Central America, Mira, Mira, Mira! (Figueroa Araceli)
EAN: 9781950807512Figueroa AraceliShout Mouse Pr Inc
Coaching Beyond Words: Using Art to Deepen and Enrich Our Conversations (Sheather Anna)
Coaching Beyond Words: Using Art to Deepen and Enrich Our Conversations (Sheather Anna)
pIn iCoaching Beyond Words Using Art to Deepen and Enrich Our Conversationsi, Anna Sheather presents a practical guide for those seeking to incorporate art in their own coaching practice. Complete with case studies and art created by clients, Anna explores how coaching with art connects clients to a deeper level of personal awareness and understanding, which in turn leads to meaningful shifts in personal growth, development and fulfilment. ppAnna offers the coach an exciting and transformative way to work with their clients by bridging the gap between art and coaching. She covers how to introduce creative approaches, how to support creativity and how to work with the art produced, opening enriching coaching conversations with clients. Anna combines her personal experiences with research that underpins her practice, exploring the benefits of the interdisciplinary nature of art therapy and neuroscience by looking at the field of hemispherical lateralisation to help understand why coaching with art works so effectively. The book also provides a comprehensive guide of how to prepare an art-based coaching session, including contracting, an overview of types of exercises, key principles and approaches to facilitating the image making process, overcoming barriers with coachees and guidance on managing oneself in the process, including managing boundaries. iCoaching Beyond Words iis the first book to provide an in-depth look at the importance and practicality in interweaving coaching and art, and it forms a complete guide to context, theory and practice.ppCoaching Beyond Words will appeal to coaches in practice as well as any art therapist seeking to expand their practice into coaching. Additionally, it would be of interest to creative professionals looking to incorporate coaching theory. p
Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials (Gaskell David R. (Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana USA))
Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials (Gaskell David R. (Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana USA))
pMaintaining the substance that made iIntroduction to the Thermodynamic of Materialsi a perennial best seller for decades, this Sixth Edition is updated to reflect the broadening field of materials science and engineering. The new edition is reorganized into three major sections to align the book for practical coursework, with the first Thermodynamic Principles and second Phase Equilibria sections aimed at use in a one semester undergraduate course. The third section Reactions and Transformations can be used in other courses of the curriculum that deal with oxidation, energy, and phase transformations. The book is updated to include the role of work terms other than PV work e.g., magnetic work along with their attendant aspects of entropy, Maxwell equations, and the role of such applied fields on phase diagrams. There is also an increased emphasis on the thermodynamics of phase transformations and the Sixth Edition features an entirely new chapter 15 that links specific thermodynamic applications to the study of phase transformations. The book also features more than 50 new end of chapter problems and more than 50 new figures.p
Human Love (Makine Andrei)
As shocking as it is moving, a novel about love, ideology and man's inhumanity to man by the internationally renowned Makine.
Joy at Work: How to Find Fun, Happiness and Meaning in What You Do (Nobel Steve Ahnael)
Joy at Work: How to Find Fun, Happiness and Meaning in What You Do (Nobel Steve Ahnael)
bFun and practical guide to finding joy in your work by applying Buddhist values from MBS mover-and-shaker Steve Nobel.b pWith growing numbers of people feeling discontented at work in a post-pandemic era of the great resignation, iJoy Work ioffers essential reading. Whether you are feeling aimless and bored, only hanging on for the monthly wage, stressed, overworked or burnt out, this book offers a simple philosophy suffering happens - but we can transform it. Using Buddhist principles, Steve Nobel guides us to realising our innate gifts and reconnecting us with our authentic selves. brBy working through practical exercises and calming meditations you can pulliLearn to trust your instinctsliliReframe your limiting beliefsliliRediscover your creativityliliCreate copying strategies for when you're stressedliliRenew your love for work liulbrThe world of work is evolving and Steve prompts you to change with it transform your happy, unprofessional life into one of self-worth, passion and purpose. Let loose your trapped potential to find the work you were born to do, whether that is falling back in love with your job or moving on and finding different work that inspires you.
Windswept Way (Hannon Irene)
Buying a haunted house was never in Ashley Scott's plans, but when an intriguing opportunity drops into her lap after a major setback, she finds herself trekking cross-country to Hope Harbor on the Oregon coast to launch a new life.brbrWounded warrior Jonathan Gray isn't sure what to make of the attractive woman on his reclusive older neighbor's isolated property, but her presence is none of his business--until she enlists his help with an ambitious project. When Jonathan finds his interest in the new arrival becoming more personal than professional, however, his defenses go up. There's no room in his life--or his heart--for romance.brbrYet, as these three hurting people join forces to restore life, laughter, and love to a historic estate that has known too much sadness, they may also find healing, hope, and happiness for themselves.brbrBestselling author Irene Hannon invites you back to Hope Harbor, where hearts heal and love blooms.
Three Marid Djinns an Unrequited Love (Berry Juan)
pbr Tempers flare between the Gods and Marid Djinns.Acts of revenge have blurred the boundaries between the realms. After Ragnarok, Sitoel returns to her gypsy tribe to sort out her feelings for Banter. When she arrives, she discovers her parents are outcast. The boy she scared while competing for the tribe's sacred bloodstone is now their gypsy king. Sitoel is forced to return to her escapology acts to pay the heavy toll of bringing her parent's back into the tribe. Gall loses Excalibur to the sea. His victories have gained the attention of the Greek gods, and Hel uses it to her advantage. p Hel convinces them to declare war against the Marid Djinns. The scheme stirs a challenge that forces the Marid Djinns to retrieve the Greek gods' most sacred weapons. The task becomes nearly impossible while Banter and Sitoel face their trust issues. Akantha's personal feelings provoke her to join the quest, but secrets from the past bring more doubts. The turmoil introduces a fourth Marid Djinn. His origin and purpose answers several questions for the Marid Djinns. It also formulates a connection between the weapons Iblis collected, and a new one called the Corpse Candle.p
The Campaign (Silverberg Hank)
pThe Vice-President of the United States is conflicted. She has risen to her current job by jumping on the bandwagon with President Andrew Freeman who is now, waging war against America's biggest enemy--Iran.ppAmy Roosevelt must make a decision whether to stay with Freeman or challenge him for the nomination. Though back channels she learns that the President's health is declining. As Roosevelt ponders her decision, a conservative back bench Congressman from Missouri breaks out of the wanna-bees in the other party and also decides to run.ppAll this plays out as the man known only as Ishmael, continues his campaign of violence. p
Conduct of Life (Lewis Mumford)
Discusses the ultimate ethical and religious issues that confront modern man and offers a new orientation, directed to the renewal of life and the reintegration of modern civilization.
The Phoenix and the Carpet (Nesbit Edith)
piThe Phoenix and the Carpeti 1904 is a children's fantasy novel by English writer Edith Nesbit. The second book in Nesbit's beloved Psammead Trilogy--which also includes iFive Children and Iti 1902 and iThe Story of the Amuleti 1906--iThe Phoenix and the Carpeti is a tale of curiosity, adventure, and the power of imagination. pSiblings Robert, Anthea, Cyril, Jane, and the Lamb live in London with their parents. As Guy Fawkes Night approaches, they collect a small stockpile of fireworks and, in their excitement, decide to test them out ahead of time. They set off several fireworks in their nursery, accidentally burning the carpet and forcing their parents to replace it. The new rug, purchased secondhand, contains a strange egg which Robert accidentally knocks into the fireplace, hatching a beautiful golden Phoenix. They soon learn that the Phoenix, which is reborn every two thousand years, is capable of fulfilling their wishes, and that the carpet has the power of flight. As the story unfolds, the children embark on increasingly thrilling and dangerous adventures, sometimes requiring the help of their friend the Psammead to make it back home. iThe Phoenix and the Carpeti is a fast-paced, endearing novel, a true work of fantasy from one of history's finest fabulists. It has been adapted several times for film and television, and remains a popular work for children and adults alike.p pWith a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Edith Nesbit's iThe Phoenix and the Carpeti is a classic of English children's literature reimagined for modern readers.p
Love and Theft: A Memoir of Mental Illness (Patten Jocelyn)
Love and Theft: A Memoir of Mental Illness (Patten Jocelyn)
pWith Love and Theft A Memoir of Mental Illnessem, writer Jocelyn Patten delivers a powerful blow to the stigma surrounding all forms of mental illness. You will see yourself or your loved ones in its pages, no matter the disorder. Love and Theftem powerfully illustrates several mental illnesses, while tracing Patten's own battle with the lesser known schizoaffective disorder. The story begins innocently enough with a high school fear of public speaking, and picks up horrors as it rolls through her life. With this book, you will embark on a profound journey through states and stages of a terrifying illness, and all the casualties it knocks down over the years. Yet, Patten's memoir is written with dignity, grace, and even humour. And with all she has lived through, the ending is not as dire as one would imagine. Hope blooms, even blossoms.p
Averroes on Intellect: From Aristotelian Origins to Aquinas' Critique (Ogden Stephen R.)
Averroes on Intellect: From Aristotelian Origins to Aquinas' Critique (Ogden Stephen R.)
emAverroes on Intellectem provides a detailed analysis of the Muslim philosopher Averroes Ibn Rushd's notorious unicity thesis -- the view that there is only one separate and eternal intellect for all human beings. It focuses directly on Averroes' arguments, both from the text of Aristotle's emDe Animaem and, more importantly, his own philosophical arguments in the emLong Commentary on the De Animaem. pStephen Ogden defends Averroes' interpretation of emDe Animaem using a combination of Greek, Arabic, Latin, and contemporary sources. Yet, Ogden also insists that Averroes is not merely a 'commentator' but an incisive philosopher in his own right. The author thus reconstructs and analyzes Averroes' two most significant independent philosophical arguments, the Determinate Particular Argument and the Unity Argument. Alternative ancient and medieval views are also considered throughout, especially from two important foils before and after Averroes, namely, Avicenna Ibn Sina and Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas' most famous and penetrating arguments against the unicity thesis are also addressed. Finally, Ogden considers Averroes' own objections to broader metaphysical views of the soul like Avicenna's and Aquinas', which agree with him on several key points including the immateriality of the intellect and the individuation of human souls by matter, while still diverging on the number and substantialbrnature of the intellect. pThe central goal of this book is to provide readers with a single study of Averroes' most pivotal arguments on intellect, consolidating and building on recent scholarship and offering a comprehensive case for his unicity thesis in the wider context of Aristotelian epistemology and
Wild Child: Coming Home to Nature (Barkham Patrick)
pFrom climbing trees and making dens, to building sandcastles and pond-dipping, many of the activities we associate with a happy childhood take place outdoors. And yet, the reality for many contemporary children is very different. The studies tell us that we are raising a generation who are so alienated from nature that they can't identify the commonest birds or plants, they don't know where their food comes from, they are shuttled between home, school and the shops and spend very little time in green spaces - let alone roaming free. pIn this timely and personal book, celebrated nature writer Patrick Barkham draws on his own experience as a parent and a forest school volunteer to explore the relationship between children and nature. Unfolding over the course of a year of snowsuits, muddy wellies, and sunhats, iWild Childi is both an intimate story of children finding their place in natural world, and a celebration of the delight we can all find in even modest patches of green.p