Iný pohľad (Rosamunde Pilcher)
1,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Iný pohľad (Rosamunde Pilcher)
1,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Počítáme s vitaminy - Lenka Pecharová
5,18 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Počítáme s vitaminy - Lenka Pecharová
5,18 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Učební materiál, který v souladu s moderními pedagogickými požadavky podporuje mezipředmětové vazby. Knihu tvoří 53 medailonků různých plodin. Každý medailonek se skládá z úvodních informací o daném ovoci či zelenině, často formou rozhovoru či příběhu. Následuje 6–8 slovních úloh, rozdělených podle úrovně obtížnosti. Většina kapitol obsahuje také tajenku, v závěru knížky je šifra. Kniha je určená k práci s žáky 2.–5. ročníku ZŠ. Děti s ní mohou pracovat pod vedením pedagogů ve výuce, při samostatné práci doma, pod vedením rodičů, hodí se pro domácí vzdělávání, přírodovědné kroužky, organizace pracující s nadanými dětmi (slovní příklady pro 4. třídu mohou být vítány pro práci s mimořádně talentovaným žákem 2. třídy apod.). Vhodná je jako podklad pro skupinovou práci, kdy se žáci rozdělí podle zájmu o konkrétní plodiny, texty pro čtení s porozuměním, pomůcka pro projektové dny.

Sklenený meč - 2. vydanie - Aveyardová Victoria
14,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Sklenený meč - 2. vydanie - Aveyardová Victoria
14,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

AK MARE BARROW NIEČO VIE, TAK TO, ŽE JE ODLIŠNÁ.V elektrizujúcom pokračovaní románu Červená kráľovná sa stupňuje boj medzi neustále sa zväčšujúcou armádou Červených so špeciálnymi schopnosťami a zvyškom sveta, ktorý je ešte stále rozdelený podľa krvi. Krv hlavnej hrdinky Mare Barrow je síce červená, no jej schopnosť ovládať blesky z nej robí nebezpečnú zbraň, ktorú chce mať kráľovský dvor pod kontrolou. Mare sa síce spolu s Calom podarí utiecť a zobrať so sebou aj tajný zoznam s menami tých, ktorí sú „novou krvou“, pomstychtivý Maven, ktorý je teraz už kráľom, je však rozhodnutý ich nájsť a zničiť. A tak sa Mare vydáva na najnebezpečnejšiu misiu svojho života – je rozhodnutá vypátrať ďalších Červených so špeciálnymi schopnosťami, aby s ich pomocou porazila Mavena a ukončila vládu Strieborných. Musí však čeliť aj ďalšiemu nebezpečenstvu, ktoré vyviera z jej vlastného vnútra. Zlomí ju váha životov, ktoré boli položené v mene revolúcie, a stane sa z nej rovnaký netvor, akého sa snaží poraziť? Alebo ju faloš a zrada už navždy zocelia? Mare Barrow nemá na výber... Musí čeliť temnote, ktorá sa jej začína rozpínať v duši.

Cagaster 5 / 2. vydání - Hashimoto Kachou
10,39 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Cagaster 5 / 2. vydání - Hashimoto Kachou
10,39 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

V rozvalinách E-07 se Kidou a Ilie snaží dostat k trůnu s královnou Cagasterů. V cestě jim však stojí zbytky vojáků, hladoví brouci, ale i Acht. Odstavení trůnu sice může zastavit Cagastery a zajistit, že se z dalšího města nestane hnízdo, ale nezastaví Adhama ani Achta. Těmhle dvěma se bude muset postavit Kidou tváří v tvář.

Psychopat ve vaší posteli - Jackson MacKenzie
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Psychopat ve vaší posteli - Jackson MacKenzie
20,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Prožili jste někdy vztah s psychopatem? I když o tom třeba nevíte, je to klidně možné. Psychopaté dokážou být okouzlujícími mistry manipulace, a vy najednou začnete jejich extrémní chování vnímat jako něco normálního, i když vám to ubližuje.Psychopat zneužívá vaši empatii, uvádí vás do chaosu, kdy už nevěříte sami sobě. Lichotí vám, tváří se, že jste jeho spřízněnou duší a postupně vás izoluje od vašich přátel, stáváte se figurkou na jeho šachovnici a s hrůzou zjišťujete, že vaši přátelé a blízcí najednou táhnou proti vám.Kniha Psychopat ve vaší posteli nabízí cestu z toxického vztahu. Autor uvádí řadu příkladů, kdy se to podařilo, a povzbuzuje všechny, kdo uvízli v nezdravém vztahu. Můžete být svobodní!Jackson MacKenzie je spoluzakladatelem, online komunity, která čítá miliony uživatelů, kteří se potýkají s manipulujícím partnerem a jimž se povedlo z tohoto vztahu vystoupit. Autor vychází ze své osobní zkušenosti a snaží se povzbudit všechny, kdo mají podobnou zkušenost.

Scény zo srdca - Malena Ernman, Greta Thunberg, Svante Thunberg
12,34 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Scény zo srdca - Malena Ernman, Greta Thunberg, Svante Thunberg
12,34 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Príbeh neobyčajnej rodiny z horiaceho domu, plný lásky, odvahy a odhodlania, otvorený pre všetkých, ktorým záleží na budúcnosti našej planéty a neboja sa začať od seba.Keď mala klimatická aktivistka Greta Thunberg jedenásť rokov, spolu so svojimi rodičmi a mladšou sestrou prežívali obrovskú krízu. Greta prestala jesť, prestala rozprávať a žiadne volanie o pomoc nepomáhalo. Pri zúfalom hľadaní riešenia si uvedomili, že hlavným dôvodom jej nepokoja môže byť práve rastúce riziko klimatickej katastrofy.Scény zo srdca, ktoré zaznamenala Gretina matka, slávna švédska operná speváčka Malena Ernman, sú inšpiratívnym svedectvom o tom, ako jej rodina začala zápasiť nielen s osobnými, ale aj globálnymi problémami. Prevádzajú nás celou kľukatou cestou od prijatia diagnóz svojich dvoch dcér až po Gretino rozhodnutie začať svoj školský štrajk za klímu, ktorý vyvolal obrovský ohlas po celom svete.

Vyslobodení a vyslobodzujúci - František Blachnický
4,09 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Vyslobodení a vyslobodzujúci - František Blachnický
4,09 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Titul Vyslobodení a vyslobodzujúci hovorí o kruciáte oslobodenia človeka. Teda o tom, čo vedie ľudí k abstitencii a čo takýto život prináša nielen tým, ktorí podpísali kruciátu a zaviazali sa žiť bez alkoholu. Kniha tiež ponúka modlitbu Krížovej cesty "Vyslobodení a vyslobodzujúci" a Abstinenčné "krédo" Kruciáty oslobodenia človeka.Úryvok z knihy: "Potrebujeme dnes Kruciátu oslobodenia človeka?... Čo je tým neustále bijúcim srdcom Kruciáty oslobodenia človeka, čo zabezpečuje jej trvanie a rozvoj? Je to zážitok slobody. Paradoxne ten, kto prijíma výzvu Kruciáty ako obetu na úmysle vyslobodenia iných, sám radikálne vstupuje do priestoru slobody. Zakúša neobyčajne silno pocit, že je niekým. Jeho rozhodnutie, predtým ako začne premieňať okolie, formuje najprv jeho samého. Naoko drobná záležitosť abstinencie od alokoholu sa pre mnohých ľudí stáva podnetom, ktorý dáva do pohybu ich rozvoj smerom k osobnej plnosti, smerom ku slobode."

Smäd (Harry Hole 11) - Jo Nesbo
15,22 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Smäd (Harry Hole 11) - Jo Nesbo
15,22 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

V Osle je nájdené mŕtve telo ženy, ktorá je usmrtená nevšedným spôsobom. Z tela má vycicanú krv a na krku stopy po železnom chrupe. Pribúdajú aj ďalšie vraždy so znakmi vampirizmu, ktorý je vnímaný kriminálnymi psychológmi veľmi kontroverzne. Všetky obete sú ženy, ktoré boli aktívne na internetovej zoznamke. Vyšetrovací tím vedie Katrine Brattová. Osud však prinúti Haryho Hola, ktorý už tri roky prednáša na policajnej škole a venuje sa intenzívne rodine, aby vytvoril paralelne vyšetrovací tím. Na rozdiel od ostatných, on vidí za brutálnymi vraždami aj iný motív. Vraždí naozaj vampirista?

Caesarovy legie - Římské války III - Kovařík Jiří
20,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Caesarovy legie - Římské války III - Kovařík Jiří
20,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

KATASTROFA U CARRHAE, GALSKÁ VÁLKA, VÁLKA CAESARA S POMPEIEM, ALEXANDRIJSKÁ, AFRICKÁ A HISPÁNSKÁ VÁLKACaesarovy legie jsou třetím svazkem projektu o vojenské historii antického Říma, tentokrát věnovaným poměrně krátkému, leč bitvami a klíčovými událostmi nabitému úseku římských vojenských dějin, tomu nejproslulejšímu, a přece neznámému. Krom porážky římských legií u Carrhae, kde přišel o život Crassus, vítěz nad Spartakem, sledují výhradně čtyři velké války Gaia Iulia Caesara, tu s Galy, téměř ukončenou vítězstvím nad Vercingetorigem, občanskou válku s Gnaeem Pompeiem, válku v Egyptě, která Caesara přivedla do blízkosti Kleopatry, válku v Africe se stále nezlomenými stoupenci už mrtvého Pompeia a poslední válku Gaia Iulia proti Pompeiovým synům v Hispánii.

Krvavé pohraničí - Zima v Thonnierice - Šlechta Vladimír
15,57 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Krvavé pohraničí - Zima v Thonnierice - Šlechta Vladimír
15,57 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Thornel měl původně namířeno k elfům. Nechal se však přesvědčit, aby strávil ještě jednu zimu v Thonnierice a pracoval pro mladého krále.Myslel si – a sám to také řekl – že jedna zima v Thonnierice ho nezabije.Neměl však ponětí, jak těžké to bude.Město je vystaveno útokům neznámých záškodníků a Thornel se musí vydat po jejich stopách. Hledá svědky, vyptává se, pátrá v ulicích i ve starých dokumentech. Musí se stát detektivem ve světě, ve kterém nebylo detektivní řemeslo dosud vynalezeno."Zima v Thonnierice" je samostatná kniha a zároveň volné pokračování románu "Kukaččí mláďata".

Ekologický přírodopis pro 6. ročník ZŠ - Pracovní sešit - Kvasničková Danuše
3,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Pracovní sešity k ekologickému přírodopisu jsou připraveny s důrazem na aktivitu žáků.Má schvalovací doložku MŠMT.

Otevřít za dvacet let - Pching-wa Ťia
15,31 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Otevřít za dvacet let - Pching-wa Ťia
15,31 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Spisovatel přijíždí v čase tuhých mrazů do hlavního města, aby se s činovníky celostátního Svazu spisovatelů dohodl na novém vydání svého deset let zakázaného románu Padlá metropol. Veze s sebou soudek domácí pikantní sóji, přestože profesor, který si na ní pochutnával a kterého si vážil pro jeho nesmiřitelnost a erudici natolik, že mu posloužil jako předobraz k postavě Čuanga Motýla, je už po smrti, aniž by jeho dílo četl. Takto nás o dalších sedmnáct let poté uvádí do románu o románu spisovatel Ťia Pching-wa ze západní metropole Si-anu. Ve své fiktivní životní zpovědi stárnoucího spisovatele, kterou věnuje sám sobě, vypráví o své bytostné lásce k psaní a literatuře, o cenzuře a strachu, o celostátních demonstracích v roce 1989 a následných represích, o politice, ženách a přátelství, o vysídleném čínském venkově a svém vztahu k domovu.

Křížovky - Zábava pro dobrou náladu - autor neuvedený
6,21 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Křížovky - Zábava pro dobrou náladu - autor neuvedený
6,21 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Luštěte a užijte si chvíle pohody a volna u těchto 120 křížovek. Velký formát a větší písmo ulehčí čtení i luštění.

Český spor o Milana Kunderu - Jiří P. Kříž
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Český spor o Milana Kunderu - Jiří P. Kříž
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Kniha Český spor o Milana Kunderu, již edičně připravil Jiří P. Kříž, shrnuje ve třech oddílech texty 40 autorů, které se z mnoha úhlů pohledu vztahují k obvinění vznesenému proti Milanu Kunderovi v týdeníku Respekt roku 2008 a ke knize Jana Nováka Kundera. Český život a doba z roku 2020. Jde o knihu pramennou, jež v jednom svazku zachycuje často vášnivou, zaujatou a osobně vyhrocenou časopiseckou polemiku z časového odstupu a ukazuje tak, že v ní jde mnohdy o něco víc než jen o spor o nejúspěšnějšího a nejpřekládanějšího českého spisovatele druhé poloviny dvacátého století a let následujících, ale o samu schopnost Čechů odpovědně, pravdivě, poctivě a především citlivě se vztahovat k vlastní mnohovrstevné a složité poválečné minulosti. Mezi autory v knize zastoupenými najdeme mimo jiné Sylvii Richterovou, Jiřího Přibáně, Milana Uhdeho, Pavla Kohouta, Vladimíra Justa, Jana Nováka, Jiřího Kratochvila, Mojmíra Jeřábka, Václava Bělohradského, Ondřeje Štindla, Josefa Rauvolfa, Karla Halouna, Ladislavu Chateau či Kateřinu Tučkovou.

Assassin's Creed Chánova hrobka - Matthew Kirby
9,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Assassin's Creed Chánova hrobka - Matthew Kirby
9,85 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Druhá kniha Posledních potomků začíná několik týdnů po událostech první knihy. Stále je třeba najít dvě části Trojzubce ráje a obě skupiny jsou odhodlané nezopakovat své předchozí chyby. Další část měla být pohřbena s mongolským vojevůdcem Čingischánem, jehož hrobka nebyla nikdy nalezena. Nyní se musí bývalí přátelé na obou stranách konfliktu ponořit hluboko do simulací odehrávajících se ve válkou zmítané mongolské Číně, aby v boji s časem jako první nalezli další kousek a ochránili sami sebe.

Moja prvá knižnica. Prvé slová - autor neuvedený
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Moja prvá knižnica. Prvé slová - autor neuvedený
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Moja prvá knižnica obsahuje osem farebných malých leporel, ktoré sú pre každé dieťa zdrojom dôležitých informácií. Veselé obrázky dieťa motivujú spoznávať okolitý svet. Moju prvú knižnicu tvoria leporelá: Čísla, Farby, Hračky, Jedlo, Oblečenie, Pred spaním, V záhrade, Zvieratá.

Počítání - Malé kroky se samolepkami 5+ - autor neuvedený
4,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Počítání - Malé kroky se samolepkami 5+ - autor neuvedený
4,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Řada Malé kroky podporuje postupné osvojování jazyka a pomáhá dětem objevovat svět. Zábavné úkoly usnadní dětem poznávat a seznámit se s čísly a získají povědomí o počítání. Sešit obsahuje cvičení na vybarvování, dolepování veselých samolepek a spojování obrázků. Na jednotlivých stránkách děti řeší úkoly, kde procvičují jemnou motoriku, představivost, soustředění, ale také pochopení spojitostí a řešení problémů v daném kontextu. Veselé obrázky jsou zaměřeny na dopočítávání a doplňování předmětů či zvířat a jsou doplněny realistickými fotografiemi a výraznými barvami, které dětem představí předměty z každodenního života, zvířata a potraviny. Tak pastelky do ruky a pojď si užít spoustu legrace!

Prvok, Šampón, Tečka a Karel (filmová obálka) - Patrik Hartl
15,62 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Prvok, Šampón, Tečka a Karel (filmová obálka) - Patrik Hartl
15,62 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

První román populárního autora Patrika Hartla vychází po osmi letech s filmovou obálkou. Román s vtipným nadhledem vypráví příběh čtyř kamarádů, kteří si 20 let po maturitě uvědomí, že ve skutečnosti nežijí tak, jak si v osmnácti představovali. A protože si musí přiznat, že by sami ze sebe nejspíš byli zklamaní, rozhodnou se, že s tím něco chtějí udělat. Obsah zůstává stejný, avšak obálka a vnitřní strany knihy skrývají autentické fotografie z natáčení stejnojmenného filmu autora a režiséra Patrika Hartla.

Tajemné stezky - Hornickou krajinou stře - Grezlová Otilie K.
17,19 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Tajemné stezky - Hornickou krajinou stře - Grezlová Otilie K.
17,19 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Dovolím si položit Vám několik otázek. Máte rádi krásnou přírodu? Dlouhé, táhlé pláně, potoky, říčky a rybníky, vodní nádrže i hluboké lesy a úchvatné výhledy – to vše v nerušeném tichu? Máte rádi městečka a vesnice s přebohatou historií a množstvím památek i stopy po důlní činnosti? Fandíte nečekaným překvapením i nezodpovězeným otázkám? Umíte se dívat na současnost s otevřenýma očima?A chtěli byste trochu poznat například Gabrielu Buquoyovou, České Hamry, ojcovské břízy, kostel ve Výsluní, Jiřího Popela z Lobkovic, lesní hřbitov ve Vejprtech, Julia Kallu, vápenku u Kovářské, Halže, výrobu pozamentů, hrady Perštejn a Hasištejn, Bezručovo údolí, kapličky na Měděnci, v Krušných horách snad nejfotografovanější a nejfotogeničtější kostel v Kalku, rašelinového mužíčka, zaniklé vesnice, život obyčejných lidí… a k tomu spoustu dalších osobností, míst a zajímavostí? A na skok zavítat k sousedům na druhé straně hranice? Pak neváhejte a přidejte se, hornická krajina středního Krušnohoří nás netrpělivě očekává. Právě vyrážíme.

Praha Česká republik - autor neuvedený
2,22 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Praha Česká republik - autor neuvedený
2,22 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Aktualizované vydání plánu Prahy v měřítku 1: 20 000, doplněné mapou České republiky v měřítku 1:1 000 000, průjezdním plánkem Prahy, schématem městské dopravy a správního uspořádání České republiky a tabulkou vzdáleností mezi největšími městy.

Jizerské hory Lyžařská mapa 1:60 000 - autor neuvedený
4,66 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Jizerské hory Lyžařská mapa 1:60 000 - autor neuvedený
4,66 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Aktualizované vydání lyžařské mapy Jizerských hor na vodovzdorném neroztrhnutelném syntetickém materiálu Tyvek. V mapové části jsou zvýrazněny lyžařské areály se všemi sjezdovkami, doplněné údaji o možnostech nočního lyžování, umělého zasněžování či možnosti úschovy lyží. Samozřejmostí je zakreslení značených lyžařských běžeckých tras. Na zadní textové straně naleznete detailní informace o jednotlivých střediscích, seznam sjezdovek s uvedením jejich délky a další informace.

The Searcher - Tana French, Penguin Books Ltd
14,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Searcher - Tana French, Penguin Books Ltd
14,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

A DISAPPEARANCE. A SMALL TOWN. A QUESTION THAT NEEDS ANSWERING...'One of the most compulsive psychological mysteries since Donna Tartt's The Secret History' THE TIMESTHE TIMES THRILLER OF THE YEARFT BEST BOOK OF 2020THE GUARDIAN BEST CRIME AND THRILLER BOOK OF 2020-----------------------------------------------------------Cal Hooper thought a fixer-upper in a remote Irish village would be the perfect escape. After twenty-five years in the Chicago police force, and a bruising divorce, he just wants to build a new life in a pretty spot with a good pub where nothing much happens. But then a local kid comes looking for his help.His brother has gone missing, and no one, least of all the police, seems to care. Cal wants nothing to do with any kind of investigation, but somehow he can't make himself walk away. Soon Cal will discover that even in the most idyllic small town, secrets lie hidden, people aren't always what they seem, and trouble can come calling at his door.Our greatest living mystery writer weaves a masterful tale of breath-taking beauty and suspense, asking how we decide what's right and wrong in a world where neither is simple, and what we risk if we fail. -----------------------------------------------------------WHAT EVERYONE IS SAYING ABOUT TANA FRENCH'An engrossing, unpredictable, beautifully written mystery' SOPHIE HANNAH'To say Tana French is one of the great thriller writers is really too limiting. Rather she's simply this: a truly great writer' GILLIAN FLYNN'French offers a masterclass in unreliability' SUNDAY TIMES'I'm a big fan of Tana French' IAN RANKIN'The Wych Elm should cement French's place in the first rank of great literary novelists' OBSERVER'This book confirms Tana French as [crime fiction's] biggest contemporary star' GUARDIAN'Terrific - terrifying, amazing, and the prose is incandescent' STEPHEN KING'Completely, indescribably magnificent.Tana French is a pure genius' MARIAN KEYES'One of the finest writers of contemporary crime fiction ... a work of great strength and beauty' THE DAILY MAIL'This compulsive, beautifully written thriller - part modern Western, part satisfying mystery - is brilliantly character-driven, perfectly evoking life in a small Irish town' THE SUNDAY MIRROR'An audacious departure for this immensely talented author . .. not to be missed' THE NEW YORK TIMES'Immersive and atmospheric ... Cal and Trey could very well be the new sort of heroes we need in this strange world' ARAMINTA HALL'The Searcher is its own kind of masterpiece' THE WASHINGTON POST'This mystery about family, memory and the cracks in both will haunt you for a long, long time' ERIN KELLY'Nuanced and compelling' THE NEW YORKER'With a tension that mounts inexorably throughout, French creates a world whose characters stay with you long after the book is finished.I didn't want it to end' HARRIET TYCE'This is a tour de force of suspense and storytelling. Comes closer to perfection than anything I've read in the last decade' SARAH HILARY'A tale of flawed characters, complex relationships and elusive loyalties. Subtle and powerful' CHRIS HAMMER

The Species That Changed Itself - autor neuvedený
28,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Species That Changed Itself - autor neuvedený
28,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

An inquisitive, expansive and fascinating exploration of humans as creatures of our own makingOther species adapt to their environments, we alone create ours. Over generations, we have remade the world to suit ourselves - using improved knowledge and technology to confront the traditional scourges - and for the most part we enjoy prosperity beyond the dreams of our ancestors. What's more, in changing our world, we have also reshaped the human phenotype - the interaction between genes and environment that moulds our bodies and minds.The results can be seen in the streets of our post-industrial cities. We are taller and heavier, and live longer. We think and behave differently, and die from once-rare diseases.Our experiences of life have been transformed, and in turn so have our societies. Weaving together biology, social anthropology, epidemiology and history, Edwin Gale examines the shifting physical and mental dimensions of our lives, from ageing to illness, food production to reproduction, designer bodies to IQ tests, and asks: are we a self-domesticated species?

The Last Day - autor neuvedený
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Last Day - autor neuvedený
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

'A stunningly original thriller set in the world of tomorrow that will make you think about what's happening today.' HARLAN COBEN'I read this hungrily ... Its intelligence and bravura characterisation will have you turning page after page. A fabulous achievement.' STEPHEN FRY'Wonderful: boldly imagined and beautifully written - the best future-shock thriller for years.'LEE CHILD_________________________________A WORLD HALF IN DARKNESS.A SECRET SHE MUST BRING TO LIGHT.2059. The world has stopped turning. One half suffers an endless frozen night, the other, nothing but burning sun.Only in a slim twilit region can life survive.In an isolationist Britain, Ellen Hopper receives a letter from a dying man.It contains a powerful and dangerous secret.One that those in power will kill to conceal..._________________________________THE LAST DAY: an utterly original debut thriller, perfect for readers who loved Robert Harris' Fatherland, Emily St.John Mandel's Station 11, and The Wall by John Lanchester._________________________________'To say it's gripping is an understatement - I cancelled all my weekend plans to finish it'SARA PASCOE'In his fascinating debut, Murray has crafted something original ... an interesting new twist on a post-apocalyptic tale.'KIRKUS'Downright impossible to stop reading. The science is believable, the near-future world feels as real as our own, the characters are lively, and the plot is suspenseful. A near-perfect alternate-future thriller.'BOOKLIST'Dark, believable and brilliantly written'JENNY COLGAN'A thrilling page-turner, and a reminder to treasure our sunsets and sunrises while we still have them.I couldn't put this book down!'CHRISTINA DALCHER, author of VOX'I loved the premise of this high-concept thriller ... a compelling read with some well-placed observations on the darkness of human nature and survival. The Last Day will keep you gripped to the very last page'C.J.&,nbsp,TUDOR

1000 Cool Stickers - Fiona Watt, Usborne Publishing
12,83 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
1000 Cool Stickers - Fiona Watt, Usborne Publishing
12,83 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Exactly one thousand stickers with which to decorate not only the scenes in the book, but anything else you so wish, from homemade cards to bedrooms. Packed full of dinosaurs, robots, aliens, sea creatures, animals, trucks, surfing penguins and much more.

Last Four Things - Paul Hoffman, Penguin
14,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Last Four Things - Paul Hoffman, Penguin
14,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Returning to the Sanctuary of the Redeemers – Thomas Cale is told by the Lord Militant that the destruction of mankind is necessary – the only way to undo God's greatest mistake.Cale seemingly accepts his role in the ending of the world – fate has painted him as the Left Hand of God, the Angel of Death. Absolute power is within his grasp – the terrifying zeal and military might of the Redeemers a weapon for him to handle as simply as he once used a knife.But perhaps not even the grim power that the Redeemers hold over Cale is enough – the boy who turns from love to poisonous hatred in a heartbeat, the boy who switches between kindness and sheer violence in the blink of an eye. The annihilation that the Redeemers seek may well be in Cale's hands – but his soul is far stranger than they could ever know.

Redeemer - Jo Nesbo, Vintage
9,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Redeemer - Jo Nesbo, Vintage
9,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

OVER 9 MILLION BOOKS SOLD WORLDWIDEON THE THIRD DAY HE ROSE AGAIN. TO KILL...It is a freezing December night and Christmas shoppers have gathered to listen to a Salvation Army carol concert. Then a shot rings out and one of the singers falls to the floor, dead. Detective Harry Hole and his team are called in to investigate but have little to work with - there is no immediate suspect, no weapon and no motive.But when the assassin discovers he's shot the wrong man, Harry finds his troubles have only just begun.

A Wild Sheep Chase - Haruki Murakami, Vintage Classics
24,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
A Wild Sheep Chase - Haruki Murakami, Vintage Classics
24,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

A beautifully packaged hardback edition of Haruki Murakami's brilliantly surreal, detective-story classic, now with a new introduction by the author. The man was leading an aimless life, time passing, one big blank. His girlfriend has perfectly formed ears, ears with the power to bewitch, marvels of creation.The man receives a letter from a friend, enclosing a seemingly innocent photograph of sheep, and a request: place the photograph somewhere it will be seen. Then, one September afternoon, the phone rings, and the adventure begins. Welcome to the wild sheep chase.'Murakami's style and imagination are closer to that of Kurt Vonnegut, Raymond Carver and John Irving' New York Times

Golem Josef a ti druzí (Hana Doskočilová) (česky)
0,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Golem Josef a ti druzí (Hana Doskočilová) (česky)
0,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Čo keby? 2 - Munroe Randall
20,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Čo keby? 2 - Munroe Randall
20,81 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Autor bestsellerov č. 1 denníka The New York Times Čo keby? a Ako na to? odpovedá na ďalšie mimoriadne čudné otázky, ktoré vám nikdy nenapadlo položiť.Milióny ľudí na celom svete, ktorí si prečítali a zbožňujú knihu Čo keby?, kladú ďalšie otázky, navyše čoraz podivnejšie. Našťastie, na pomoc prichádza tvorca internetového komiksu xkcd Randall Munroe. Plánujete skĺznuť po hasičskej tyči z Mesiaca na Zem? Najťažšou fázou bude prežiť pristátie. Nádejate sa, že atmosféru možno ochladiť tým, že všetci majitelia chladničiek naraz otvoria dvere svojich spotrebičov? Možno nastal čas na krátky úvod do termodynamiky. Chcete zistiť, čo by sa stalo, keby ste sa viezli na liste vrtule helikoptéry, postavili budovu s miliardou poschodí, vyrobili lávovú lampu obsahujúcu skutočnú lávu alebo vyskočili na vybuchujúci gejzír? Dobre teda, ak na tom trváte.Skôr ako sa vydáte na výlet do vesmíru, nakŕmite tyranosaura obyvateľmi New Yorku alebo naplníte všetky kostoly banánmi, nezabudnite nazrieť do tohto praktického sprievodcu nepraktickými nápadmi. Munroe sa nedá vyviesť z konceptu absurdnosťou a pri všetkom od fyziky hojdačiek cez návrh katapultov na štartovanie lietadiel až po odpovede na otázky čitateľov čerpá z najnovších výsledkov výskumu, pričom sa vyjadruje jasne a stručne a pripája objasňujúce a občas aj desivé ilustrácie. Ustavične demonštruje, že skúmaním, ako by svet fungoval za veľmi špecifických a extrémnych situácií, sa človek môže veľa naučiť.Z anglického originálu What if? 2.0 (Riverhead Books, New York, 2022) preložil Róbert Hrebíček.

Skládanka - Veselá farma
3,79 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Skládanka - Veselá farma
3,79 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Krásně ilustrované rozkládací leporelo je určeno dětem od 18. měsíců. Veselé obrázky provází děti při poznávání prvních slůvek a zvířátek z farmy.

X-Men: První třída DVD
3,79 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
X-Men: První třída DVD
3,79 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

2011 / Akční, Sci-Fi, Dobrodružný / 126 minut / USA PODÍVEJTE SE, KDE TO VŠECHNO ZAČÍNÁ! Podívejte se, jak to všechno začalo. První kapitola ságy X-MEN přichází. Dřív, než světlo světa spatřili Professor X a Magneto, byli Charles Xavier a Erik Lensherr obyčejní mladíci, kteří teprve objevovali své jedinečné schopnosti. Než se mezi nimi rozpoutalo nepřátelství, bývali nejlepšími přáteli. Právě oni shromáždili elitní tým mutantů a vytvořili X-Men, aby se pokusili odvrátit třetí světovou válku! Hrají: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Kevin Bacon, January Jones, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Lucas Till, Edi Gathegi, Jason Flemyng, Morgan Lily, Zoë Kravitz, Caleb Landry Jones, Oliver Platt, Bill Milner, Laurence Belcher, Matt Craven, Álex González, Hugh Jackman, Rebecca Romijn, Corey Johnson, Glenn Morshower, James Remar, Ludger Pistor, Michael Ironside, Rade Šerbedžija, Ray Wise, Olek Krupa, David Agranov, Annabelle Wallis, Brendan Fehr, Sasha Pieterse, Jason Beghe, Tony Curran, Randall Batinkoff, Carlos Besse Peres, Arthur Darbinyan, David Joseph Martinez, Demetri Goritsas, Neil Fingleton, Gene Farber, Andy Callaghan, Andrei Zayats, Michael Medeiros, Wilfried Hochholdinger, Georg Nikoloff, Éva Magyar, Lasco Atkins, Katrine De Candole, Teresa Mahoney, Peter Stark, Shaun Gerardo, David Crow, Kieran Patrick Campbell, Robert Eames, Charles L. Campbell Režie: Matthew Vaughn Kamera: John Mathieson Hudba: Henry Jackman, Jo Blankenburg Scénář: Ashley Miller, Zack Stentz, Jane Goldman, Matthew Vaughn Zvukové formáty: česky Dolby Digital 5.1 / anglicky Dolby Digital 5.1 / maďarsky Dolby Digital 5.1 / rusky Dolby Digital 5.1 / ukrajinsky Dolby Digital 5.1 Titulky: české, anglické, bulharské, estonské, chorvatské, litevské, lotyšské, maďarské, rumunské, ruské, slovinské, ukrajinské Obrazové formáty: 16:9 / 2,35:1 Bonusy: • Vynechané scény • Children of the Atom

Nejšťastnější batole v okolí
16,03 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Nejšťastnější batole v okolí
16,03 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Harvey Karp, uznávaný pediatr a odborník na vývoj dětí, je autorem zcela ojedinělé a originální publikace, v níž opět s humorem, laskavostí i sympatickým zaujetím provádí rodiče situacemi každodenního života. Kniha je plná tipů, rad, nápadů, metod, vtipných postřehů, citátů, příběhů ze života, veselých ilustrací a samozřejmě užitečných informací. Popisuje období vývoje dítěte od 12 do 48 měsíců, všímá si typických projevů chování a upozorňuje na zažité chybné reakce rodičů. V závěru uvádí shrnutí - desatero zdravého růstu šťastného batolete. Jan Amos Komenský by měl radost.

Elementárne častice
13,29 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Elementárne častice
13,29 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Nevlastní bratia Michel a Bruno majú spoločnú matku, ale inak nič viac. Michel je výskumník, idealista, prísny zástanca determinizmu, ktorý je neschopný milovať, nahrádza život prácou, jedlom z Monoprix a sedatívami. Bruno je voľnomyšlienkar, hoci viac v teoretickej ako v praktickej rovine, a len zúfalo sa snaží dopracovať k sexuálnym pôžitkom. Obaja sú typickými príslušníkmi atomizovanej spoločnosti, v ktorej náboženstvo ustúpilo plytkej ezoterike a filozofiám New Age a lásku nahradilo prázdne sexuálne splynutie. Román Elementárne častice je príbehom dvoch bratov, ale jeho skutočnou témou je rozklad súčasnej spoločnosti, jej predstáv o sebe samej, domnienok, jej politickej nekorektnosti a prejavov vo všetkom od antropológie po listy čitateliek v dievčenských časopisoch. Rozklad moderných životov a lásky. Román Michela Houellebecqa je raz vtipný, ostrý, inokedy didaktický, dojemný a naturalistický.

Rodičem kdykoliv a jakkoliv?
12,82 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Rodičem kdykoliv a jakkoliv?
12,82 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

V posledních desetiletích došlo k obrovským změnám v rodinném chování. Přispěla k tomu především dostupná spolehlivá hormonální antikoncepce a metody asistované reprodukce – ta nyní může udělat rodiče v podstatě z kohokoliv a kdykoliv. Informace o technickém provedení metod asistované reprodukce jsou dobře dostupné, je jich plný internet. Obtížně dostupné jsou ale informace o psychosociálních, sociálních, etických a právních souvislostech. Hlavními tématy knihy budou právo na rodičovství, věkové limity pro přístup k asistované reprodukci, náhradní mateřství, fertility preservation, social freezing, transplantace dělohy, open identity vs. anonymita dárcovství, rodičovství osamělých osob, rodičovství homosexuálních párů. Kniha je určena pro praktické lékaře, gynekology, porodní asistentky, odborníky na reprodukční medicínu, etiky, odborníky z oblasti náhradní rodinné péče, psychology, právníky a osoby plánující rodičovství. Autorka knihy, doc. PhDr. Ing. Hana Konečná, Ph.D., je psycholožka, zaměřuje se hlavně na psychosociální a etické otázky řešení nedobrovolné bezdětnosti a na otázky kvality v medicíně. Působí na Zdravotně sociální fakultě Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích, kde učí budoucí zdravotníky a sociální pracovníky. Dlouhodobě spolupracuje se Střediskem náhradní rodinné péče. Zároveň je už téměř 20 let aktivním dobrovolníkem v neziskových organizacích zaměřených na řešení nedobrovolné bezdětnosti a na person-centered healthcare, je spoluzakladatelkou jedné z nich – pacientské organizace Adam Česká republika, angažující se i na mezinárodní úrovni (Fertility Europe, EPF, IAPO).

Folti, a hős
7,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Folti, a hős
7,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Joe mindig is vágyott egy kutyára. Amikor találkozik Foltival, az aranyszőrű labradorkölyökkel, rögtön tudja, hogy megtalálta, akit keresett. A fiú szeretetteli figyelmének köszönhetően Folti játékos kiskutyából igazi segítőkutyává válik. De vajon hogy viseli majd Joe, ha el kell válnia kis barátjától? Hiszen Folti a Segítő Mancsok Egyesület záróvizsgája után egy mozgásában korlátozott gazdihoz kerül, hogy különleges tudásával megkönnyítse annak mindennapjait. Megan Rix megindító regényében egy apa nélkül maradt tizenegy éves fiú és egy különleges kiskutya egyre szorosabbra fonódó barátságát követhetjük végig. Ez a könyv tisztelgés a segítőkutyák és ember barátaik előtt.

Rozzlobený bůh
18,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Rozzlobený bůh
18,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Vaughn Spencer. Říkají mu rozzlobený bůh. Pro mě není ničím jiným než bezcitným princem. Jeho rodiče ovládají naše město, policii, každého občana i butik na hlavní třídě. Jediné, co mám já je nesmiřitelná zášť vůči němu, protože mě málem zničil. Ani ve snu by mě nenapadlo, že mě bude pronásledovat až za oceán. A teď je tady, žije se mnou v temném, tajuplném sídle na okraji Londýna. Říká se, že tady straší. Je to pravda. Zámek Carlisle ukrývá naše nejtemnější tajemství. Vaughn si myslí, že dokáže zničit přízraky své minulosti. Netuší ale, že je to moje srdce, které zabíjí.

Moje první samolepkování Třpytivé stromky - autor neuvedený
6,22 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Moje první samolepkování Třpytivé stromky - autor neuvedený
6,22 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Samolepková knížka menšího formátu obsahuje 16 stran a stovky samolepek, které se díky menšímu množství lepidla dají opakovaně použít.

Ezt nem hiszem el! Trutyitudomány
7,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Ezt nem hiszem el! Trutyitudomány
7,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Tudtad, hogy az ökörbéka akár 20 000 petét is lerak kocsonyaszerű tömegben, hogy a tengeriuborka pillanatok alatt újranöveszti elvesztett szerveit, és hogy a pókok által termelt selyemfonal erősebb minden természetes vagy mesterséges rostnál? Csigák nyálkaösvénye, nyújtható játékszlájm tapadós váladék az orrunkban vagy óriási zsírhegy – trutyi mindenfelé található. Lehet ragacsos, csúszós vagy darabos, de mindenképpen érdekes anyag. Fedezd fel elképesztő változatait, és a mögöttük rejlő tudományos magyarázatokat! 8 éves kortól ajánljuk.

Odhalení – This Man 1 - Jodi Ellen Malpasová
18,99 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Odhalení – This Man 1 - Jodi Ellen Malpasová
18,99 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Erotický román Odhalení je první díl trilogie This Man. Od samého začátku Vám nedovolí vydechnout: budete se zmítat ve vlnách citů, propadat se do hlubin vášně i stoupat do výšin romantické lásky.

Cestou alchymisty
18,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Cestou alchymisty
18,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Mnozí lidé nahlížejí na alchymii jako na metaforu pro vnitřní transformaci. To je však pouze polovina celého příběhu. Podle Catherine MacCounové alchymie není pouhou metaforou. Je to opravdová magie. Transformace vlastního vnitřního světa je pro alchymistu cestou k transformování světa vnějšího. Prostřednictvím studia principů alchymie můžeme dosáhnout výjimečných výsledků při konání běžných činů díky tomu, že porozumíme skutečným principům, podle nichž svět funguje. br> Catherine MacCounová, povoláním spisovatelka a literární spolupracovnice, se věnuje studiu a praktikování alchymie dlouhá léta. Její dílo získalo řadu grantů a ocenění včetně National Endowment for the Arts fellowship in prose. Je rovněž autorkou románu Beyond the Abbey Gates (Za branami opatství).

Mezi námi lháři
2,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Mezi námi lháři
2,51 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

"Říkali si A-tým a na střední to byla nerozlučná čtyřka. Dnes už má každý z nich dobrou práci, pěkný dům, trvalý vztah… a malé temné tajemství. Jenže lhát se donekonečna nedá – ani svým nejbližším, ani sám sobě. To, co mělo navždy zůstat skryto v zákoutích lidské duše nebo v hlubinách minulosti, se hlásí o svá práva. Tento strhující thriller zavádí čtenáře do britského Manchesteru, kde čtveřice přátel a jejich rodiny žijí své životy v trysku moderní doby. Je tu však i kus „staré dobré“ Anglie s čajem, sendviči, nedělními bohoslužbami a velkými svatbami, kde se sejde celé příbuzenstvo a pár skleniček rozváže údy i jazyky. Právě na svatbě Nicka a Lisy začínají vycházet na povrch tíživé skutečnosti, které dosud aktéři příběhu tak úzkostlivě tajili před ostatními. Drolí se maska věrného manžela, starostlivého otce, milujících rodičů. Všichni lžou, a všichni to vlastně myslí dobře. Nechtějí zklamat své milované, chtějí je uchránit před bolestivou pravdou. Lež je ale dvousečná zbraň, a po zbrani jednoho dne steče krev. "

Óvodás tudásfelmérő 6 éveseknek
5,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Óvodás tudásfelmérő 6 éveseknek
5,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Szülőként ki nem kíváncsi arra, hogy óvodáskorú gyermeke milyen készségekkel, képességekkel bír, vagy hogy van-e elegendő önbizalma? Gyermekünkkel szemben többnyire elfogultak vagyunk, ezért nem mindig látjuk objektíven, reálisan, miben jó, mik az erősségei, milyen területeken igényelne orientációt, fejlesztést? Ebben segít a szakemberek által összeállított Óvodás Tudáspróba c. tesztfüzet, amely három óvodás korcsoport számára érhető el.

Home - Vintage Minis
6,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Home - Vintage Minis
6,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Salman Rushdie, a self-described 'emigrant from one place and a newcomer in two', explores the true meaning of home. Writing with insight, passion and humour, he looks at what it means to belong, whether roots are real and homelands imaginary, what it is like to reconfigure your past from fragments of memory and what happens when East meets West. Selected from the books Shame, Imaginary Homelands and East, West by Salman Rushdie. VINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS. A series of short books by the world's greatest writers on the experiences that make us human. Also in the Vintage Minis series: Love by Jeanette Winterson; Liberty by Virginia Woolf; Race by Toni Morrison; and, Sisters by Louisa May Alcott.

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth: Extracted Textually From the Gospels, Together With a Comparison of His Doctrines With Those of Others
20,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.ppWe appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

Illinois Traction System: an Album (Janssen William C.)
16,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Illinois Traction System: an Album (Janssen William C.)
16,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.ppWe appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

Captivi (Plautus)
18,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Captivi (Plautus)
18,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

EAN: 9780929524504PlautusBryn Mawr Commentaries 1985

Bitcoin Complete Guide for Beginners: Learn The Basics About Cryptocurrency and How to Start to Make Profits and Succeed Investing with the Right Min
17,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pstrongemThe Ultimate Guide to Learn The Basics About Cryptocurrency. How to Start to Make Profits and Succeed Investing with the Right Mindset emstrongppThis book is the first one in the book bundle that focuses on learning bitcoin. If you want to know the basics, this is the perfect resource for you to buy and read. If you are interested in this information, then keep reading!emppBitcoin is an online form of currency that can be used to buy and sell products. It is different from traditional currencies because it is decentralized-there is no single authority that controls the Bitcoin network. A group of volunteers maintains the Bitcoin network, and it is run via a peer-to-peer network.emppstrongemYou need to know that emstrongppstrongem- Transactions made with Bitcoins are secure.emstrongppstrongem- Translations are pseudonymous.emstrongppstrongem- Transactions are instant.emstrongppstrongem- There are no transaction fees.emstrongppSuppose you are thinking about investing in cryptocurrency or any other form of digital currency. In that case, you need to be prepared to face several challenges. You need to be willing to learn from the experts and make the best decisions possible, and you need to have the right mindset. This information can be hard to find, but thanks to the new book, Bitcoin for Beginners, you can become an expert on the topic.emp

Inglorious Empire (Tharoor Shashi)
30,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Inglorious Empire (Tharoor Shashi)
30,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Inglorious Empire tells the real story of the British in India - from the arrival of the East India Company to the end of the Raj - revealing how Britain's rise was built upon its plunder of India.

You're So Punny! (Sequoia Childrens Publishing)
17,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
You're So Punny! (Sequoia Childrens Publishing)
17,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

What did the strawberry say to the banana You've got a-peel! This laugh-out-loud book is full of pun-derful jokes to keep kids giggling as they read! Readers will even learn fun facts, hilarious history, and get a chance to write their own jokes.

Nasb, Thinline Bible, Giant Print, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter Edition, 1995 Text, Comfort Print (Zondervan)
42,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pstrongAccuracy You Can Trust.strongppUniversally recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations, the beloved New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition, is now easier to read with Zondervan's exclusive NASB Comfort PrintR typeface. Available in a variety of sophisticated designs, the emNASB Thinline Bible, Giant Print emgives you the translation celebrated for faithfulness to the original biblical languages in a portable, easy-to-read format. ppFeatures pulliThe full text of the New American Standard Bible, 1995 EditionliliExquisite, durable coversliliOnly an inch thickliliDouble-column, verse-by-verse formatliliPresentation pageliliTwo satin ribbon markersliliWords of Christ in redliliExclusive Zondervan NASB Comfort Print typeface lili12-point print sizeliul

The Epistles of Horace (Bilingual Edition) (Horace)
16,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Epistles of Horace (Bilingual Edition) (Horace)
16,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

piMy aim is to take familiar things and makeibriPoetry of them, and do it in such a wayibriThat it looks as if it was as easy as could beibriFor anybody to do it . . . the power of makingibriA perfectly wonderful thing out of nothing The Art of Poetry ppWhen David Ferry's translation of iThe Odes of Horacei appeared in 1997, Bernard Knox, writing in iThe New York Review of Booksi, called it a Horace for our times. Now Ferry has translated Horace's two books of iEpistlesi, in which Horace perfected the conversational verse medium that gives his voice such dazzling immediacy, speaking in these letters with such directness, wit, and urgency to young writers, to friends, to his patron Maecenas, to Emperor Augustus himself. It is the voice of a free man, talking about how to get along in a Roman world full of temptations, opportunities, and contingencies, and how to do so with one's integrity intact. Horace's world, so unlike our own and yet so like it, comes to life in these poems. And there are also the poems -- the famous Art of Poetry and others -- about the tasks and responsibilities of the writer truth to the demands of one's medium, fearless clear-sighted self-knowledge, and unillusioned, uncynical realism, joyfully recognizing the world for what it is.p

Backroad Bicycling Near New York City: 25 One-Day Bike Tours in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania (Brooks Gerry)
20,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

When people think about New York City, very often the image that's conjured up is of a vast metropolitan and polluted environment, with traffic for miles, and suburban bedroom communities that sprawl in all directions. However, author Gerry Brooks has taken a closer look and discovered the many delightful quiet country roads and lanes that can be reached in 90 minutes to, at most, less than two hours from NYC. From the Connecticut shoreline to the riverbanks of Bucks County along the Delaware River, these 25 cycling tours in the tristate area can easily provide exercise and relaxation for the hurried urbanitessuburbanites of Philadelphia and the 12 million others in the NYC region. Although not all of the tours chosen for this guide are flat, the name Cycling for Softies could be also be given to this compilation of 1-day trips in the New York tristate area. Whether you choose to enjoy riding solo, with friends, or as a family activity, this complete guide will give you all the information you need to make your each day tour br Features include historical background to accompany each tour tour ratings from easy to more difficult terrain gear preparation road safety in this land of many roads directions so that a route can be extended and more.

A Chinaman's Chance: One Family's Journey and the Chinese American Dream (Liu Eric)
17,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

From Tony Hsieh to Amy Chua to Jeremy Lin, Chinese Americans are now arriving at the highest levels of American business, civic life, and culture. But what makes this story of immigrant ascent unique is that Chinese Americans are emerging at just the same moment when China has emerged -- and indeed may displace America -- at the center of the global scene. What does it mean to be Chinese American in this moment And how does exploring that question alter our notions of just what an American is and will be p In many ways, Chinese Americans today are exemplars of the American Dream during a crowded century and a half, this community has gone from indentured servitude, second-class status and outright exclusion to economic and social integration and achievement. But this narrative obscures too much the Chinese Americans still left behind, the erosion of the American Dream in general, the emergence -- perhaps -- of a Chinese Dream, and how other Americans will look at their countrymen of Chinese descent if China and America ever become adversaries. As Chinese Americans reconcile competing beliefs about what constitutes success, virtue, power, and purpose, they hold a mirror up to their country in a time of deep flux. p In searching, often personal essays that range from the meaning of Confucius to the role of Chinese Americans in shaping how we read the Constitution to why he hates the hyphen in Chinese-American, Eric Liu pieces together a sense of the Chinese American identity in these auspicious years for both countries. He considers his own public career in American media and government his daughter's efforts to hold and release aspects of her Chinese inheritance and the still-recent history that made anyone Chinese in America seem foreign and disloyal until proven otherwise. Provocative, often playful but always thoughtful, Liu breaks down his vast subject into bite-sized chunks, along the way providing insights into universal matters identity, nationa

Homage to Catalonia (Orwell George)
18,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Homage to Catalonia (Orwell George)
18,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Homage to Catalonia is political journalist and novelist George Orwell's personal account of his experiences and observations in the Spanish Civil War...

Critical Race Theory in Mathematics Education (Davis Julius)
61,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Critical Race Theory in Mathematics Education (Davis Julius)
61,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pemCritical Race Theory in Mathematics Educationem brings together scholarship that uses critical race theory CRT to provide a comprehensive understanding of race, racism, social justice, and experiential knowledge of African Americans' mathematics education. CRT has gained traction within the educational research sphere, and this book extends and applies this framework to chronicle the paths of mathematics educators who advance and use CRT. This edited collection brings together scholarship that addresses the racial challenges thrusted upon Black learners and the gatekeeping nature of the discipline of mathematics. Across the ten chapters, scholars expand the uses of CRT in mathematics education and share insights with stakeholders regarding the racialized experiences of mathematics students and educators. Collectively, the volume explains how researchers, practitioners, and policymakers can use CRT to examine issues of race, racism, and other forms of oppression in mathematics education for Black children and adults.p

Christmas Word Search Puzzle Book: Holiday themed word search puzzle book Puzzle Gift for Word Puzzle Lover Brain Exercise Game (Press Dipas)
7,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Start your Christmas celebration early with this fun and challenging Christmas Activity Book for Adults Fun Christmas Word Search, Christmas Crosswords Pages.Book is printed on 8.5 x 11 pages with30 themed word search puzzlesEasy-to-read large typefaceSolutions provided in back of bookAn ideal holiday gift for those with limited eyesight.

Mindful Philosophy (Snow Michael J.)
24,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Mindful Philosophy (Snow Michael J.)
24,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

This book is a wholly life affirming and positive account of how spiritual evolution is the domain of all of us, whether we realize and accept it or not. It is very practical and down to earth. It explains how the great spiritual traditions of the world agree to a surprisingly wide extent as to what, in essence, a human being is comprised, how the truth of really and truly what we are may be realized, and under what circumstances true and lasting happiness can be availed. The book shows how what is now known as mindfulness is in truth part of the essential make up of us all and how it comprises something of the utmost value if it is perceived as a path not just to therapeutic well-being but to spiritual realization. The book outlines just how accessible this subject is because it is essentially practical. It uses examples from across the globe and down the ages from many traditions, cultures, and religions but does so in a manner free of dogma and with a light touch. The reader is encouraged to investigate and given various exercises and ideas to use. One is left with the feeling that the outcome and destiny of all of us is actually blissful and full of love and well-being, and that is entirely within reach of all of us if we are prepared to approach this vast subject with an open mind and an open heart.

Prairie Keepers, The, 2nd Ed: Secrets of the Zumwalt (Houle Marcy)
29,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Prairie Keepers, The, 2nd Ed: Secrets of the Zumwalt (Houle Marcy)
29,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

In the remote northeast corner of Oregon lies the ruggedly beautiful Zumwalt Prairie. A wild expanse of untilled ground covering nearly two hundred square miles, the Zumwalt is almost entirely managed by cattle ranchers. It also is home to one of the highest concentrations of hawks in North America, including red tailed, ferruginous, and Swainsons hawks. Strong and beautiful, these buteo hawks usually depend on uncultivated, unpeopled prairies. Marcy Houle, a wildlife biologist and student, first went to the Zumwalt in 1979 to discover what attracts and sustains the buteos there in such startling abundance. Houle explores the vast prairie on foot and horseback, and by truck, cataloging its hawks, studying its complex ecosystem, and meeting its people. Fueled by her youth, her spirit, her humorand in part by hernaivetshe bands birds, outruns a bull, climbs into nests, and pullstogether the fac tious community of ranchers, towns people, andgovernment employees. Her findings, eloquently reported, show that ranchers and grazing and wildlife not only can coexist, but in some instances must coexist if we are to save the last of the native prairies. In an epilogue to this new edition, Houle returns to the Zumwalt to look at how the prairie is faring two decades later. The American West is undergoing tremendous change and a historic way of life is fighting for survival. But Houle finds reason for hope in the Zumwaltin the hawks and ranchers that are still there, and also in creative new partnerships. For example, the Nature Conservancy bought 42 square miles of the grassland in 2000, with a plan to encourage sustainablecattle grazing and let ranchers play a role in the stewardship of the land.This and other strategies are important to explore, Houle reminds us, if the ranchers and wildlife of the Zumwalt are to persist and the prairie to endure.

Language Maintenance and Shift (Pauwels Anne)
30,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Language Maintenance and Shift (Pauwels Anne)
30,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

What motivates some linguistic minorities to maintain their language Why do others shift away from it rather quickly Are there specific conditions - environmental or personal - influencing these dynamics What can families and communities do to pass on their 'threatened' language to the next generation These and related questions are investigated in detail in Language Maintenance and Shift. In this fascinating book, Anne Pauwels analyses the patterns of language use exhibited by individuals and groups living in multilingual societies, and explores their efforts to maintain their heritage or minority language. She explores the various methods used to analyse language maintenance, from linguistic demography to linguistic biography, and offers guidance on how to research the language patterns and practices of linguistic minorities around the world.

Cross of St. George (Kent Alexander)
21,64 €
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Cross of St. George (Kent Alexander)
21,64 €
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In the wake of the War of 1812, Admiral Sir Richard Bolitho fights fruitless skirmishes with men of the frontier off Nova Scotia to defend Crown property.

The Queen of Paris: A Novel of Coco Chanel (Binnings Ewen Pamela)
12,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Queen of Paris: A Novel of Coco Chanel (Binnings Ewen Pamela)
12,32 €
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pLegendary fashion designer Coco Chanel is revered for her sophisticated style--the iconic little black dress--and famed for her intoxicating perfume Chanel No. 5. Yet behind the public persona is a complicated woman of intrigue, shadowed by mysterious rumors. The Queen of Paris, the new novel from award-winning author Pamela Binnings Ewen, is fiction based on facts, some uncovered only within the past few years, and vividly imagines the hidden life of Chanel during the four years of Nazi occupation in Paris in the midst of WWII.ppCoco Chanel could be cheerful, lighthearted, and generous she also could be ruthless, manipulative, even cruel. Against the winds of war, with the Wehrmacht marching down the Champs- lys es, Chanel finds herself residing alongside the Reich's High Command in the Hotel Ritz. Surrounded by the enemy, Chanel wages a private war of her own to wrestle full control of her perfume company from the hands of her Jewish business partner, Pierre Wertheimer. With anti-Semitism on the rise, he has escaped to the United States with the confidential formula for Chanel No. 5. Distrustful of his intentions to set up production on the outskirts of New York City, Chanel fights to seize ownership. The House of Chanel shall not fall.ppWhile Chanel struggles to keep her livelihood intact, Paris sinks under the iron fist of German rule. Chanel--a woman made of sparkling granite--will do anything to survive. She will even agree to collaborate with the Nazis in order to protect her darkest secrets. When she is covertly recruited by Germany to spy for the Reich, she becomes Agent F-7124, code name Westminster. But why And to what lengths will she go to keep her stormy past from haunting her futurep

Boys Don't Cry Edexcel GCSE 9-1 English Literature Text Guide (Collins GCSE)
5,96 €
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Exam Board Edexcel Level GCSE Grade 9-1 Subject English Literature Suitable for the 2022 exams Everything you need to revise for your GCSE 9-1 set text in a snap guide

The Men Who Found America: Lives of the New World Explorers - Columbus, Raleigh, Cabeza de Vaca and More, Told for Children
13,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pstrongThis collection of biographies focuses on the discoverers and explorers of the New World - written for young readers, this is a superb introduction to the Age of Discovery.strongppBeginning with Christopher Columbus, the man who found the Americas, we proceed to a variety of the world's finest explorers. These bold navigators braved lengthy sea voyages, as well as dangers upon the sea and the land. Some were commissioned by the leaders of different countries, while others strove to explore independently. All were brave and their adventures made many great story books. Some even founded the first colonial villages and little ports in new lands, starting the recorded history of many a new territory.ppIllustrations of the great explorers accompany the biographies, and the author seeks to make the stories of these historic people entertaining yet accurate. Various legends of the time, such as the golden city of El Dorado, are mentioned. Finding mythical treasure and claiming it would not only make the finder a person of huge wealth, but also secure fame and a legacy that would last long after they had left the world.p

Metaphors Used on Polish and American Internet Forums for Mothers; A Comparative Analysis (Gierczynska-Kolas Marta)
85,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pThe main aim of this study is a comparative analysis of conceptual metaphors, metonymies and metaphtonymies on Polish and American internet forums for mothers. The book focuses on the internet as a medium stimulating communication and features of language used in online communication.p

All about England (Harrison Susan)
10,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
All about England (Harrison Susan)
10,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

From the AD 43 Roman invasion to landmarks like Stonehenge, traditions like the Changing of the Guard, tourist spots like the famed Platform 9 34, and more.

The End of Hidden Ireland: Rebellion, Famine, and Emigration (Scally Robert)
100,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Many thousands of Irish peasants fled from the country in the terrible famine winter of 1847-48, following the road to the ports and the Liverpool ferries to make the dangerous passage across the Atlantic. The human toll of Black '47, the worst year of the famine, is notorious, but the lives of the emigrants themselves have remained largely hidden, untold because of their previous obscurity and deep poverty. In emThe End of Hidden Irelandem, Scally brings their lives to light. Focusing on the townland of Ballykilcline in Roscommon, Scally offers a richly detailed portrait of Irish rural life on the eve of the catastrophe. From their internal lives and values, to their violent conflict with the English Crown, from rent strikes to the potato blight, he takes the emigrants on each stage of their journey out of Ireland to New York. Along the way, he offers rare insights into the character and mentality of the immigrants as they arrived in America in their millions during the famine years. Hailed as a distinguished work of social history, this book also is a tale of adventure and human survival, one that does justice to a tragic generation with sympathy but without sentiment.

Spy Ring (Durst Sarah Beth)
15,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Spy Ring (Durst Sarah Beth)
15,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pstrongTwo modern-day kids discover the truth about an American Revolutionary War-era female spy through a treasure-hunt adventure in their hometown of Setauket, New York.strongppWith codewords and secret signals perfected, best friends Rachel and Joon are ready to spend their summer practicing spycraft--especially if they can uncover secrets like the one Joon's parents have been keeping, that his family is about to move out of town.ppWhen eavesdropping leads them to a ring rumored to have belonged to Anna Nancy Smith Strong--according to local Long Island legend, the only female member of George Washington's famed Culper Spy Ring--they think they've hit the jackpot. Then they discover Nancy left a coded message in the ring!ppDecoding her message leads to another cryptic clue, and then another, and soon Rachel and Joon are racing to decipher a series of puzzles that must surely lead to hidden treasure! But can they solve the final mystery before Joon's moving day And just what did the centuries-old spy hide away--and why ppSarah Beth Durst's skillful blend of Revolutionary War history and suspenseful contemporary storytelling will keep readers guessing to the last satisfying page.p

Those We Love Most (Woodruff Lee)
19,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Those We Love Most (Woodruff Lee)
19,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

bA bright June day. A split-second distraction. A family forever changed.b p Life is good for Maura Corrigan. Married to her college sweetheart, Pete, raising three young kids with her parents nearby in her peaceful Chicago suburb, her world is secure. Then one day, in a single turn of fate, that entire world comes crashing down and everything that she thought she knew changes. p Maura must learn to move forward with the weight of grief and the crushing guilt of an unforgivable secret. Pete senses a gap growing between him and his wife but finds it easier to escape to the bar with his friends than face the flaws in his marriage. p Meanwhile, Maura's parents are dealing with the fault lines in their own marriage. Charismatic Roger, who at sixty-five, is still chasing the next business deal and Margaret, a pragmatic and proud homemaker, have been married for four decades, seemingly happily. But the truth is more complicated. Like Maura, Roger has secrets of his own and when his deceptions and weaknesses are exposed, Margaret's love and loyalty face the ultimate test. p iThose We Love Mosti chronicles how these unforgettable characters confront their choices, examine their mistakes, fight for their most valuable relationships, and ultimately find their way back to each other. It takes us deep into the heart of what makes families and marriages tick and explores a fundamental question when the ties that bind us to those we love are strained or broken, how do we pick up the pieces p Deeply penetrating and brimming with emotional insight, this engrossing family drama heralds the arrival of a major new voice in contemporary fiction.

Ballads and Other Poems (Longfellow Henry Wadsworth)
18,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Ballads and Other Poems (Longfellow Henry Wadsworth)
18,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

strongUnique ElementstrongpbrpulliAbout the Author Historical ContextlilibrliulpstrongA COLLECTION OF POEMSstrong strongby HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. strongppbrppstrongemAfternath, emstrong strongem emstrongby AMERICAN author strongHENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOWstrong 1807-1882 is a sequel to the author's popular Tales of a Wayside Inn, and depicts a group of people gathered in the tavern at the Wayside Inn in Sudbury, Massachusetts.pp ppEach of the travelling companions at the inn tells a story in the form of a poem. Story-telling characters include the poet, the theologian, the student, the musician and the landlord. The tavern was located about 20 miles from Longfellow's home in Cambridge.pp ppLongfellow wrote many lyric poems known for their musicality and often presenting stories of mythology and legend. He was among the most popular American poet of his day and had success overseas. This volume includes Birds of Passage Flight the Third, a collection of poems including Fata Morgana, The Haunted Chamber, and Aftermath. pp pstrongSneak PeakstrongpbrppWhen the Summer fields are mown, ppWhen the birds are fledged and flown, pp And the dry leaves strew the path ....ppstrong strongpstrongTitle DetailsstrongpbrpulliOriginally published in 1873lili5.5 x 8.5 inchesliulpbrp

The Facts of Reconstruction (Lynch John R.)
49,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Facts of Reconstruction (Lynch John R.)
49,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

This book hardcover is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS. It contains classical literature works from over two thousand years. Most of these titles have been out of print and off the bookstore shelves for decades. The book series is intended to preserve the cultural legacy and to promote the timeless works of classical literature. Readers of a TREDITION CLASSICS book support the mission to save many of the amazing works of world literature from oblivion. With this series, tredition intends to make thousands of international literature classics available in printed format again - worldwide.

Visions (Compton Lisa)
19,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Visions (Compton Lisa)
19,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

EAN: 9781509253623Compton LisaWild Rose Pr

Everyday Super Hero Activity & Coloring Book (Zuboff Sara)
10,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Everyday Super Hero Activity & Coloring Book (Zuboff Sara)
10,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Inspire the inner super hero in your kids with this interactive activity and coloring book. From Albert Einstein to Serena Williams, we explore what makes a super hero and help your child discover their own super hero strengths with targeted writing and mindbody activities.

Intricate Simplicity (Ravulaparthi Lakshmi Srikari)
10,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Intricate Simplicity (Ravulaparthi Lakshmi Srikari)
10,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

EAN: 9789358369311Ravulaparthi Lakshmi SrikariDouble 9 Bookslip

South-African Folk-tales (Honeij James Albert)
20,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
South-African Folk-tales (Honeij James Albert)
20,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

The Last Boomerang (McIntyre John)
34,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Last Boomerang (McIntyre John)
34,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

It is late 1955. From tumultuous Nicosia, snooping US Navy crews regularly taunt the Soviet giant with their Boomerang surveillance flights north into the Pond - the Black Sea. Nasser is in power in Egypt, Israel is independent, and Great Britain is retrenching her Middle East forces to newly strategic Cyprus. There, at the center of waning British influence, these flights superimpose Cold War tensions on the brittle politics of the region, while in Washington, they fuel inter-service rivalries and stir up memories and paybacks long overdue.p Against a backdrop of seething Cypriot tensions and growing terrorism, one American crew bravely pursues an important intelligence catch, and their story spins out against the unusual ethical and romantic conflict their pilot faces as he grapples with the drive to protect his men and, at the same time, perform his top secret mission. We watch the Beast, the specialized American surveillance aircraft, take center stage in the lives of its crew in their adventures on a dark night in a strange part of the world. Cypriot patriots and Cold Warriors, the British and as the alluring Czech spy-for-hire describes them the not so British, churn toward a showdown engineered by a crafty American intelligence master. p Finally, we watch as an American Admiral and a British Field Marshall - both historical personages - maneuver to insure that greater values are preserved as they cope with the fallout from the highly charged intersection of their national interests.p

Des mles dompter (Vale Vanessa)
15,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Des mles dompter (Vale Vanessa)
15,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pApr s avoir vu ses fr res tomber amoureux, Julia Duke attendait le grand Amour. Mais un ex ind licat se plaint de ses performances sexuelles et r duit sa confiance en elle n ant. Si elle ne peut satisfaire un homme au lit, comment pourrait-elle en satisfaire deux Elle ne cherche pas l'Amour, mais un vendredi soir, c'est l'Amour qui va la trouver.ppBennett et Cash n'ont pos qu'un seul regard sur la rousse flamboyante et ne peuvent r sister l'id e de la s duire. Rien ne les en emp chera. Ni son ex petit ami, ni un pass sulfureux qui pourrait changer pour toujours la mani re dont elle consid re l'un d'entre eux.ppMaintenant que Julia a gout des amants de premier choix, elle fera tout son possible pour garder ses hommes, peu importe ce qu'il lui faudra affronter pour que cette histoire finisse bien la rumeur, la loi, son ex petit ami barjo, ou elle-m me.ppRappelez-vous dans un roman de Vanessa Vale, un cowboy ne suffit jamais. Dans cette saga br lante, chaque h ro ne se paye une bonne tranche de m les dompter ou deux.p

Wreck Me: A Steamy, Small Town, Grumpy Sunshine Romance (Peake Eliza)
15,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Wreck Me: A Steamy, Small Town, Grumpy Sunshine Romance (Peake Eliza)
15,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pstrongHe's the grumpy, broody, sheriff who knows how to use handcuffs.strongppstrongShe's the sunshine, hot mess express wrecking havoc in his town and his life.strongppstrongSharing his bed with her wasn't part of the plan...strongppbrppAidan Reynolds' life is simple. Orderly. Just the way he likes it.ppbrppAs interim sheriff with a woefully understaffed force, he doesn't have time for Megan Gentry, the beautiful, big city stranger who just caused a traffic jam in the town square.ppbrppHe's just doing his job making sure her car gets towed. It's the right thing to do, escorting an injured woman to the town doc.ppbrppHe's just being a decent guy by offering her a temporary place to stay. His mama raised him right, after all.ppbrppBesides, he can keep his hands to himself.ppbrppMaybe.ppbrppHow does a man pass up his favorite pie made from scratch, even if she destroys his kitchen Or resist unexpected, mind blowing kisses in the darkppbrppWith Megan, he's breaking all his rules, consequences be damned.ppbrppShe believes in love and he gave up on that emotion a long time ago.ppbrppWhen it's her time to leave Madison Ridge, he'll watch her drive away.ppbrppEven if it wrecks his heart in the process.p

Opheliamachine (Romanska Magda)
18,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Opheliamachine (Romanska Magda)
18,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pbOphelia's story in a way you've never heard it before, and seven more ways as well.b pOphelia is trapped, stuck inside the machinery that has created her consciousness, fighting to be heard. Hamlet, overwhelmed by the ceaseless flood of media, mindlessly watches TV, consuming a mish-mash of beauty and horror a daily soup of innocence and violence. The two of them hopelessly confined, and separated by the Atlantic Ocean. pA polemic response to Heiner Mueller's iHamletmachine, i iOpheliamachine iis a postmodern tale of love, sex and politics in a fragmented world of confused emotions and global, virtual sexuality. Since its premiere in 2013, Magda Romanska's celebrated experimental play has been performed and studied around the world, with each culture and language feeding into and responding to iOpheliamachinei's collage of modern existence. pThis edited collection brings together eight different translations of the play, offering English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Romanian and Polish language interpretations of Romanska's original text. Along with two introductory essays, these different versions of iOpheliamachinei provide academics, artists and teachers the opportunity to study a fascinating intersection of Shakespeare, translation, adaptation, feminism and avant-garde theatre.p

The Christmas Donut Revolution (Sapp Gregg)
13,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Christmas Donut Revolution (Sapp Gregg)
13,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pemstrongAll Huck wants for Christmas is a revolution... and donuts. Vive la Revolution strongemppThe American Revolution began with the Boston Tea Party. If Huck Carp has anything to do about it, the next people's revolution will begin in the drive-thru of a sleepy donut shop in a working-class neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio.ppIt started as a single random act of kindness when an early morning customer paid forward the next person's order, and so did the next, and the next, and the streak had been going all day long.ppThe crew at the Drip 'n' Donuts shop don't agree on many things, but they come together, each doing their parts to keep the streak alive. As word gets out through social media, people come from across the city to share in the holiday pay-it-forward phenomenon.ppForces are conspiring against them, however. First, a December blizzard is blowing into Columbus. Second, a jealous billionaire is determined to crush the Christmas Donut Revolution, and it will take only one person to ruin it for everybody.ppstrongEVOLVED PUBLISHING PRESENTSstrong a satirical, down-right funny novel sure to keep a smile on your face.ppstrongBooks by Gregg Sapp strongp ul liemFresh News Straight from Heavenemli liHolidazed - Book 1 emHalloween from the Other Sideemli liHolidazed - Book 2 emThe Christmas Donut Revolutionemli liHolidazed - Book 3 emUpside-Down Independence Dayemli ul pstrongMore Great Fiction from Evolved Publishing strongp ul liemHannah's Voiceem by Robb Grindstaffli liemThe Colonel and the Beeem by Patrick Canningli liemMemoirs of a Transferable Soulem by W. Town Andrewsli ul p p

Minstrel Weather (Storm Marian)
6,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Minstrel Weather (Storm Marian)
6,32 €
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Minstrel Weather is a classic nature appreciation text by Marian Storm featuring the following excerpt Though January has days that dress in saffron for their going, and noons of yellow light, foretelling crocuses, the month is yet not altogether friendly. The year is moving now toward its most unpitying season. Nights that came on kindly may turn the meadows to iron, tear off the last faithful leaves from oaks, drive thick clouds across the moon, to end in a violent dawn.

Zeitschrift fr Deutsches Alterthum: Neue Folge Dritter Band (Haupt Moriz)
107,68 €
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Unvernderter Nachdruck der Originalausgabe von 1872. Der Verlag Anatiposi gibt historische Bcher als Nachdruck heraus. Aufgrund ihres Alters knnen diese Bcher fehlende Seiten oder mindere Qualitt aufweisen. Unser Ziel ist es, diese Bcher zu erhalten und der ffentlichkeit zugnglich zu machen, damit sie nicht verloren gehen.

Murder In Chianti (Williams T. A.)
34,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Murder In Chianti (Williams T. A.)
34,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Pre-order the brand new instalment in bestselling author T. A. Williams' Armstrong and Oscar cozy mystery series!pbrppbrppstrongA brand new cozy crime series set in gorgeous Tuscany...It's murder in paradise!strongppbrppstrongMurder in broad daylight...strongppbrppWhen millionaire magnate, Rex Hunter is found with his head bashed in on the eighth hole of his prestigious golf and country club in beautiful Chianti, it's a clear case of murder. Hunter was rich and successful and the envy of many, so retired DCI Dan Armstrong thinks the case will be a hole in one to solve....ppbrppstrongA despised victim...strongppbrppBut as Dan and his trusty sidekick Oscar begin to dig deeper into Hunter's lifestyle, they discover a man despised by many. A renowned womaniser, ruthless boss and heartless family man, it seems no one is particularly sorry to see Hunter dead. And the list of possible suspects is endless...ppbrppstrongA murderer covering their tracks.strongppbrppDan is determined to catch this clever killer, but it seems every new lead brings another dead end. Will this be one case Dan and his canine companion won't solveppbrppstrongA gripping new murder mystery series by bestselling author T.A. Williams, perfect for fans of Lee Strauss and Beth Byers.strongp

The Totem: and other poetic musings (Bruneau Edmond Andrae)
12,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Totem: and other poetic musings (Bruneau Edmond Andrae)
12,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pEdmond Bruneau creates another delightfully digestible collection of poems in his third book called The Totem. This 131 page edition includes 105 poems and one short story. Deep thoughts, masterful wordplay and uncanny clarity combines to make this volume of work both contemplative and compelling. Enjoy a poem or two for a quick break - or dine on the whole poetic meal in one sitting.ppIndividual poem titles include ppThe TotemppIn Our NatureppPerception is RealityppI ThinkppCostco DogsppAs the Crow FliesppNext StepppPneumoniappThe EasternerppThe Paths We ChooseppGood Old DaysppNo More CatsppInvisibleppDebeakingppWant of a NailppCategory 4 VacationppSacred Heart SamurippAn Author's ApparatusppPray for RainppChameleonppThe AtticppYou Will Be OKppCamping Our Way to RenoppColors of JoyppGingerppPublic MeetingppWarped WisdomppFreedomppBit of a PickleppLoveppCabbages and KingsppNews from the Raven HavenppSomething's BrewingppMasked MaraudersppBeam Me UpppFlorida EuphoriappHarvest AdieuppChinookppRhymes with OrangeppGiving Up SmokingppAn Endless Summer DayppNine LivesppIn a DrawerppHollidazeppPig LeatherppExtravaganceppPerspectiveppJust My AgeppCotton CandyppSotto MareppPollyannappThe Kissing DiseaseppColoring Outside the LinesppFlower ChildppKnack of LackingppA Novel ApproachppMedium WellppSelling Like Hot CakesppPuyallup FairppThe Little TrampppThe BitterrootppEscapeppNo Place Like OzppSmall MiraclesppBack PorchppGratitudeppGeometryppLearning from RegretsppHarry TrumanppOnce They've Seen PareeppThe LetterppBe Gone, WinterppSpring ForwardppStaying in BedppMy-grationppNew YearppTerra

Essays in Life Writing (Cardell Kylie)
185,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Essays in Life Writing (Cardell Kylie)
185,28 €
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pThis book showcases a unique, innovative form for contemporary life narrative scholarship. Life Narrative is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field defined through attention to diverse styles of personal and autobiographical narration and to subjectivity and ethics in acts of self-representation. The essay is a uniquely sympathetic mode for such scholarship, responsive to diverse methods, genres, and concepts and enabling a flexible, hybrid critical and creative approach. Many of the essays curated for this volume are by the authors of creative works of life writing who are seeking to reflect critically on disciplinary issues connected to practice, ethics, audience, or genre. Others show academics from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds engaged in creative critical self-reflection, using methods of cultural analysis, ethnography, or embodied scholarship to address foundational and emerging issues and concepts in relation to identity, experience, or subjectivity. ppEssays in Life Writing positions the essay as a unique nexus of creative and critical practice, available to academics publishing peer-reviewed scholarly work from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, and a form of scholarship that is contributing in exciting and vigorous ways to the development of new knowledge in Life Narrative as a field. ppThe chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal iLife Writingi. p

Blood Will Have Blood (Carry Thomas H.)
13,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Blood Will Have Blood (Carry Thomas H.)
13,76 €
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pA taut thriller that's peppered with acerbic humor.pp-Kirkus ReviewsppA darkly humorous and edgy crime novel set in New York City in the late '80s, Blood Will Have Blood will appeal to fans of Elmore Leonard, the Coen Brothers, and Lawrence Block.ppbrppSeven years in New York, and that big break has yet to materialize for struggling actor and inveterate pothead Scott Russo. Performing in terrible, barely attended Off-Off Broadway productions, hopping from one soul-crushing job to the next, Scott slacks away in a pot-fueled haze and contemplates throwing in the towel on his anemic career. The only thing that keeps him going is the humiliation of returning home to Baltimore. That and his current theatrical gig an idiotically bad production of Macbeth. ppbrppBroke and out of a job, Scott jumps at his friend's offer to work for a pot delivery service, only to get caught in a web of brutal Irish gangsters, a charismatic psychopath, ruthless prosecutors, and clueless actors. As his theatrical and criminal worlds collide in mayhem, murder, and betrayal, Scott finds himself morphing into a bumbling and blood-stained Macbeth, on stage and off. ppbrppIf he can just make it to opening night...p

DNA Detectives The Stone Age Mystery (Hartley Amanda)
11,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
DNA Detectives The Stone Age Mystery (Hartley Amanda)
11,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

EAN: 9781912190096Hartley AmandaInsight & Perspective 2020

Healing And Regeneration Through Music (Heline Corinne D.)
19,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Healing And Regeneration Through Music (Heline Corinne D.)
19,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Healing and Regeneration Through Music by Corinne D. Heline is a comprehensive guide to using music as a tool for healing and personal transformation. The book explores the power of music to heal the body, mind, and spirit, and offers practical techniques for using music to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.The author draws on her extensive experience as a musician, healer, and spiritual teacher to provide a detailed overview of the healing properties of music. She covers a wide range of topics, including the use of music in meditation, sound healing, chakra balancing, and the healing of emotional and psychological issues.The book also includes practical exercises and meditations designed to help readers connect with the transformative power of music. These exercises are accompanied by a selection of music recommendations and resources, making it easy for readers to begin incorporating music into their daily lives.Overall, Healing and Regeneration Through Music is a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring the healing power of music. Whether you are a musician, healer, or simply someone looking to improve your well-being, this book offers practical guidance and inspiration for using music to promote healing and transformation in your life.A Companion Study To Healing And Regeneration Through Color By The Same Author.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

Blow-Up Theory for Elliptic Pdes in Riemannian Geometry (Mn-45) (Druet Olivier)
108,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pElliptic equations of critical Sobolev growth have been the target of investigation for decades because they have proved to be of great importance in analysis, geometry, and physics. The equations studied here are of the well-known Yamabe type. They involve Schr dinger operators on the left hand side and a critical nonlinearity on the right hand side.pbrp A significant development in the study of such equations occurred in the 1980s. It was discovered that the sequence splits into a solution of the limit equation--a finite sum of bubbles--and a rest that converges strongly to zero in the Sobolev space consisting of square integrable functions whose gradient is also square integrable. This splitting is known as the integral theory for blow-up. In this book, the authors develop the pointwise theory for blow-up. They introduce new ideas and methods that lead to sharp pointwise estimates. These estimates have important applications when dealing with sharp constant problems a case where the energy is minimal and compactness results a case where the energy is arbitrarily large. The authors carefully and thoroughly describe pointwise behavior when the energy is arbitrary.pbrp Intended to be as self-contained as possible, this accessible book will interest graduate students and researchers in a range of mathematical fields.p

Principles_Of_Violin_Playing_And_Teaching_ (Galamian Ivan)
19,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Principles_Of_Violin_Playing_And_Teaching_ (Galamian Ivan)
19,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.ppWe appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

The Spiritual Guidance of Man and Mankind: Lectures (Warwick Tarl)
6,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Spiritual Guidance of Man and Mankind: Lectures (Warwick Tarl)
6,32 €
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Rudolf Steiners' vast body of literary work includes not a small number of lectures and compilations of lectures such as this one. Primarily concerning itself with the evolution of mankind and with the pre-modern theories of Blavatskys' time it claims a sort of stage-by-stage descent away from the cosmic but towards an improved mankind increasingly able to reason and potentially grasp true spiritual principles. That is, that archaic man had direct help in the post-Atlantis period as he deems it from higher beings.It speaks in some degree of Galileo, Bruno, and Kepler, among other various figures.

Colombia: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) (Mahoney Richard D.)
14,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Colombia: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) (Mahoney Richard D.)
14,60 €
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In an accessible question-and-answer format, Richard D. Mahoney explores the many key issues running through Colombia's history, distinguishing its national experience, and fueling its unquenchable creativity.

Prepare the Way: Cultivating a Heart for God in Advent (Hawkins Pamela C.)
10,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

Throughout Advent we read and sing the words Prepare the Way as we make room to welcome the Christ child into our lives once again. We prepare our streets, buildings, workplaces, and homes. But sometimes Advent can slip away from us before we can prepare our hearts. This 4-week study offers guided prayer, scripture readings, and reflections. Includes Leader's Guide.xd xd 4 weeks - Includes Leader's Guidexd xd KEY FEATURESxd --Leader's Guide for small groupsxd --Brief, thought-provoking daily readings

Lost Tramways of Scotland: Dundee (Waller Peter)
9,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Lost Tramways of Scotland: Dundee (Waller Peter)
9,00 €
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Arguably the last of the 'traditional' tramways to operate in Britain, Dundee's fleet of some 56 trams were to survive through until the mid-1950s when - despite considerable opposition - this popular form of transport was replaced by bus. The final Dundee trams operated in October 1956. - The Lost Tramways of Scotland series documents the tram networks which were at the heart of many of Britain's growing towns and cities from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. - Transport expert Peter Waller, author of numerous works on the regional tram systems of the UK, guides the reader along the route of the network and discusses its key features stop by stop. - As well as rigorously detailed transport history, these volumes provide an intimate glimpse into life as it was lived during this period, and the recognisable streets which have been maintained or transformed through the decades. - An informative, accessible and portable resource for the tram enthusiast as well as the general reader, and a superb souvenir or gift for visitors past and present. - Photo illustrated throughout, including many archive images which are appearing in print for the first time.

The Pot of Earth and the Iron Pot (McIlroy Ruth)
15,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Pot of Earth and the Iron Pot (McIlroy Ruth)
15,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

'I was happy being machinepwhen round the bend beside a streampwas birdsong happening in the trees.'pbrpRuth McIlroy is a poet of the 'tilting world'. Her lyrics are charged with immediacy and proceed off-kilter in the revelation of familiar experience as unfamiliar and normality as something quite other. There is much here, directly and indirectly, of heroic Gaelic song, both ancient and modern, conveying humour, darkness and arresting beauty executed with startling, sure-footed precision. Whether in lamentation, the conjuring of a curse or jogging in the park, in every mode the singer is possessed by the song. I once asked a Gaelic singer from the Isle of Lewis - emWhat are you thinking about when you sing these songs Oh the song mostly, the songem, she said. Ruth McIlroy has this secret and doesn't so much make it new as show us that it never grew old. At every turn in emThe Pot of Earth and the Iron Potem song is happening not only in the trees but almost everywhere else too.p-Kelvin Corcoran pbrpbrpemComments on the author's previous publication empbrp'It's pretty easy to see why emGuppy Primer emby Ruth McIlroy won the recent Poetry Business Competition - It's a bundle of sharp, perfectly weighted poems....playfully attractive intelligence... there is depth here too, a copper-bottomed profundity that is likely to last and suddenly spring to mind unbidden... another of McIlroy's strengths, a graceful musicality that makes you aware of its presence but never in an overpowering way. This underlying music grounds what in lesser hands might be poems that live solely in the head, and brings them to life with delightful effect.'p-Rishi Dastidar, emMagmaempbrp'...fresh and striking... hard to believe this is a debut pamphlet' p-Jane Draycott, emPN Reviewempbrp'Ruth McIlroy offers up a set of irresistible poems, full of warmth and humour....McIlroy has an insatiable appetite for

Kompletny Dieta Sirtfood KsiĄŻka Kucharska (Duman Wrblewskiw)
38,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Kompletny Dieta Sirtfood KsiĄŻka Kucharska (Duman Wrblewskiw)
38,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

EAN: 9781837897391Duman WrblewskiwLightning Source Inc

Reincarnation in Possible Perpetuity: 無何有之身 (Bin-Mau Lin)
56,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
Reincarnation in Possible Perpetuity: 無何有之身 (Bin-Mau Lin)
56,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

p35641201972749226360368522152132102251522637736855228332231212300234472594512301332871230024605248191230120043382913034020154ppbrpp 259912641220197245032228323384223122002732681234163277328023245032668430340Mitdasein203582729835222278883282233287288793732922134298022405212300215162231212301303403049527491248473268165292299783326726159201543900621807263772231235469306932018220154303402338422312332872443338911261786529225165330212486330693332583652323384223123034030495235262461594729472386142898235469306932018220154303402338422312332872443338911652922029424478264102591826820123003325825105123013034023436259722461594729472251522019722312208082282519978652922049120154208542352620808255092146332675396363135031455261591996820491299784063627171303402338422312201972145036889204913267539636303402338422312235592291420309277702345033258251053034023384223126529212300274922231225925244442231212301303401230021363223121230135264245652006323601244182510420102652922898224460123003302125152123012360125972204913498734701215123691421435652923278012300330212515212301244442749220114356576529221063288581230037857206871230112290368892049112300332581228930526123012444427492123002151622312123012615920013259913593724418233831230032773123013034020839266

The Au Pair Affair (Bailey Tessa)
24,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024
The Au Pair Affair (Bailey Tessa)
24,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 18.09.2024

pstrong1 emNew York Timesem bestselling author Tessa Bailey returns with an all-new sports rom-com about a burly, surly, single dad who falls head-over-hockey-stick for his quirky live-in nanny...strongppTallulah is smart, vivacious, and studying to be a marine biologist. She's also twenty-six and broke. So when Burgess, a battle-scarred hockey veteran and newly single dad, offers her a job as his live-in nanny, she jumps at the opportunity to get paid while living in a super fancy neighborhood and being around Lissa, his cool but introverted tween.ppHer tween charge isn't the only one who could use some help fitting in, though. According to...well, everyone emexceptem Burgess, he needs to get back on the dating scene, and adventurous Tallulah is just the girl to show him how. But as boundaries are slowly crossed and Burgess finds himself pulled between his daughter, who wants her parents back together, and his insane chemistry with Tallulah, a huge rift is formed, and Tallulah does the right thing--breaks her own heart and walks away. ppThough Burgess knows it's for the best--he's too jaded, with too much baggage--a chance meeting, and a new push from his daughter, forces him to put everything on the line and fight to prove he learned his lessons well and is worthy of a happily ever after with Tallulah. pbr