Příklady z trestního práva hmotného a procesního - Kolektív
15,15 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Příklady z trestního práva hmotného a procesního - Kolektív
15,15 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Sbírka příkladů je dílem autorského kolektivu z Právnické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy. Příklady jsou sestaveny tak, aby pokrývaly materii trestního práva hmotného (obecné i zvláštní části) i procesního včetně trestní odpovědnosti mladistvých, trestní odpovědnosti právnických osob a oblast mezinárodní justiční spolupráce.Ve čtvrtém vydání byla sbírka aktualizována v návaznosti na rozsáhlé novelizace trestních předpisů a recentní judikaturu a doplněna na současných 580 příkladů.Pod zadáním každého příkladu je dostatek prostoru pro poznámky.Sbírka příkladů je povinnou literaturou pro studenty magisterského studia na pražské právnické fakultě, může však posloužit všem zájemcům o trestní právo, kteří si chtějí své teoretické poznatky ověřit na řešení konkrétních příkladů.

Sin City 5: Rodinný hodnoty - Miller Frank
15,62 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Sin City 5: Rodinný hodnoty - Miller Frank
15,62 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Dwight McCarthy se rozhodne splatit starý dluh a pomoci děvčatům ze Staré čtvrti. Jako obvykle nic není takové, jak se na první pohled zdá, a obrana rodinných hodnot bude stát mnoho krve a nejeden život.Kniha vychází v novém překladu, poprvé s českými SFX (zvukovými efekty) a s novými obálkami Franka Millera.

Letters of Note: Dogs - autor neuvedený
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Letters of Note: Dogs - autor neuvedený
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

In Letters of Note: Dogs, Shaun Usher brings together a delightful collection of correspondence about our canine friends, featuring affectionate accounts of pups' playful misdemeanours, heartfelt tributes to loyal fidos and shared tales of remarkable hounds. Includes letters by: Clara Bow, Bob Hope, Charles Lamb, Sue Perkins, Marcel Proust, Gertrude Stein,E.B. White &,amp, many more

Krumau - Die Stadt der mystischen Rose - Vokolek Václav
20,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Krumau - Die Stadt der mystischen Rose - Vokolek Václav
20,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Die Stadt Krumau ist nicht nur eine der schönsten tschechischen Städte mit vielen außergewöhnlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten und schönen Ansichten, die sich zu allen Tages- und Jahreszeiten verändern. Krumau ist auch ein spiritueller Ort, an dem sich viele Einflüsse kreuzten, verborgene und offensichtliche. Die Geschichte Krumaus wurde aufgeschrieben und verheimlicht. Vision von Realität zu unterscheiden ist hier manchmal sehr schwer. Dieses Buch über Krumau will kein normaler Touristenführer sein, sondern es möchte die Stadt aus einer etwas anderen, ungewöhnlichen Perspektive betrachten. Es will den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Esoterischen, also dem Verborgenen, und dem Ofensichtlichen beschreiben. Diese Zusammenhänge sind zum besseren Verständnis wichtig und bilden das, was man seit Menschengedenken als den Genius loci, den Geist eines Ortes, bezeichnet. Der Geist des Ortes verbirgt sich in Ereignissen, die sich hier abspielten, deshalb werden wir einige von ihnen genauer betrachten.

Drobek - Báječná ženská - DVD - CD
7,26 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Drobek - Báječná ženská - DVD - CD
7,26 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Vademecum of International Law - Tomáš Mach
17,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Vademecum of International Law - Tomáš Mach
17,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Vademecum of International law, as the label of this textbook indicates, is a brief handbook of public international law. The objective of this textbook is to provide its readers with a coherent introduction into the study of public international law. This textbook therefore explains the main concepts and institutions of public international law. In doing so, where appropriate, the text takes into consideration historic origins and development of the respektive institutions of public international law, as well as the historic development of public international law as a whole. This textbook also deliberately includes extensive quotations of both primary texts (such as court decisions or texts of international treaties) as well as thoughts of influential writers in the respective fields of public international law. The resort to extensive quotations should provide the reader with first hand resources without the (always subjective) deformation of the respektive source via paraphrasing. This textbook is not intended to serve as an all-encompassing textbook or encyclopedia. After all, for that it would be too short in the first place. The objective here is to provide the reader with a basic introduction into the key areas of public international law, foundations upon which one can built further study. The reason is that this book is primarily intended as a main textbook for a one semester course called Introduction to Public International Law taught at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and frequented primarily by Erasmus exchange students for whom English is in most cases a foreign language. In doing so, this textbook leaves out certain areas of public international law that ought to be read elsewhere, inter alia: material maritime law, international criminal law, space law, aviation law, international environmental law, and human rights law. Other areas are discussed in volume and depth appropriate to a one semester course in a qualifying law degree program.

Praha - malá/česky, francouzsky, italsky, španělsky - Sváček Libor
9,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Praha Libora Sváčka v „malém“ - architektonické a umělecké skvosty hlavního města České republiky.Obrazová fotografická publikace zobrazuje na barevných fotografiích hlavní město Prahu v různých obdobích, náladách, barvách, v nezvyklých pohledech či detailech, s řadou úchvatných leteckých záběrů. Texty jsou stručné, orientační. Kniha má obrazový charakter, důraz je kladen na fotografie vysoké technické a umělecké kvality a vychází v čtyřjazyčné jazykové mutaci.

Sámo - CDmp3 - CD
17,19 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Sámo - CDmp3 - CD
17,19 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Velký vládce Čechů a tajný vyslanec krále ChlotharaNebýt nedlouhé zmínky v prastaré kronice tak řečeného Fredegara, možná bychom ani nevěděli, že francký kupec a později první známý český král vůbec existoval. Dokázal, co nikdo před ním a málokdo po něm – sjednotit naše předky, dát zemi pevné postavení mezi evropskými královstvími, získat jí respekt a celých třiatřicet let v jejím čele moudře vládnout. Jaká ale byla jeho životní pouť, prostředí, které tu nalezl, kudy se ubíraly jeho myšlenky a smělé plány? Kterak se žilo v době před čtrnácti stoletími, kdy byli obyvatelé dnešních Čech, Moravy a části Rakouska ohrožováni Avary, než se pod Sámovým vedením spojili a stali se svobodnými a posléze i svornými?

Ztřeštěný dům na stromě - 26 pater - Andy Griffiths
13,01 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Ztřeštěný dům na stromě - 26 pater - Andy Griffiths
13,01 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Pojďte se s námi podívat za Andym a Terrym do jejich nově rozšířeného šestadvacetipatrového domu na stromě! Andy a Terry přidali dalších třináct zbrusu nových pater, například: autodrom, skate rampu (s nebezpečím pádu do krokodýlí jámy), arénu na zápasy v bahně, antigravitační komoru, nahrávací studio, mechanického býka Jardu, ATM (automatickou tetovací mašinu), zmrzlinárnu s nabídkou sedmdesáti osmi příchutí, kde vás obslouží zmrzlinový robot jménem Ledoruký Edvard a Labyrint zkázy - bludiště tak strašně složité, že se z něj ještě nikdy NIKDO nedostal. ... a zbývá jim vyřešit jeden drobný problém s děsně naštvanými piráty... Doporučuje Jeff Kinney, autor bestselleru Deník malého poseroutky! ,,Úsměv, smích a ještě větší smích. S každým patrem Griffiths šroubuje gagy ještě výše! Prostě úžasná zábava, z které jsem doslova na větvi! Všichni fanoušci Deníku malého poseroutky se budou u této knihy popadat smíchy za břicho!"

Hovory o (ne)obyčajnom kresťanstve - Lewis C.S.
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Hovory o (ne)obyčajnom kresťanstve - Lewis C.S.
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

C. S. Lewisa počas druhej svetovej vojny požiadala rozhlasová stanica BBC o sériu príhovorov o základoch kresťanskej viery. Tieto texty neskôr C. S. Lewis doplnil a tak vznikla jedna z jeho najčítanejších kníh pod názvom „Mere Christianity“. Autor sa v knihe podujal na vysvetlenie a obhajobu základných stavebných kameňov kresťanskej viery. V rozsiahlom prieskume 100 najvplyvnejších kresťanských kníh 20. storočia, ktorý usporiadal časopis Christianity Today, sa kniha umiestnila jednoznačne na 1. mieste.

Bloggers 3 (A2.1) – kniha testů - autor neuvedený
5,17 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Bloggers 3 (A2.1) – kniha testů - autor neuvedený
5,17 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Tituly pro učitele

Sekáč - Úžasná zeměplocha - 2 CD (Čte Jan Vondráček) - CD
20,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Sekáč - Úžasná zeměplocha - 2 CD (Čte Jan Vondráček) - CD
20,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Co když ze světa zmizí smrt? Kritický nárůst životní energie způsobuje na Zeměploše zmatek. Vzduchem létá haraburdí, nadávky se zhmotňují do podoby zmutovaných komárů, blábolící mágové čelí invazi nákupních vozíků – a staří ne a ne umřít, ani když jim ostatní „pomůžou“ a zakopou je pár sáhů pod zem. Rodí se odbory nemrtvých a ožívají i kopky hnoje... Kam se poděl Smrť? Neodešel, jak si mnozí mysleli... dostal padáka! Tou dobou se kdesi na venkově zjeví cizinec v sedle ušlechtilého bílého koně a nabroušená kosa ho poslouchá snad na slovo. Inu, na farmě slečny Zahořalé se při žních hodí každý pomocník, a tak se sekáč pouští do práce, i když někdy tak trochu po svém... Audiokniha je součástí série ÚŽASNÁ ZEMĚPLOCHA. délka nahrávky: 11 hodin 59 minut

Domek pana Stilburyho - Fencl Ivo
6,69 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Domek pana Stilburyho - Fencl Ivo
6,69 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

„Bylo nás pět? Ne, dva,“ vzpomíná Domek pana Stilburyho na dětství žité s mladší sestrou v rodině herečky a spisovatele. Zčásti stylem Škvoreckého humoristické knihy Ze života lepší společnosti si hoch vede deník, což je první částí Domku. Teprve druhá osvětlí, co idylu umožnilo. Kdo osaměle, oddaně a právě uvnitř magického domku píše naše životy. Ano, pan Stilbury...Ivo Fencl pracoval jako učitel a geodet, napsal přes 440 článků a povídek do deníku Neviditelný pes a další pro Plž, v časopise Tvar (asi 150 příspěvků) uveřejňoval po dobu jednoho roku první český životopis R. L. Stevensona (knižně 2012) a biografií O. Neffa se fakticky stala obsáhlá kniha Královská zábava (2010). Realizoval řadu rozhovorů s prozaiky a malíři, připravil pořady o Charmsovi, Prutkovovi a Wittlinovi a napsal 11 knih.

Jak uhasit dračí tlamy - Petrov Michal
13,01 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Jak uhasit dračí tlamy - Petrov Michal
13,01 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Pro zvířátka ze Zvířátkovského lesa to měly být Vánoce jako každé jiné. Měly napsat dopis Ježíškovi, ten jim měl nadělit dárky, o které si napsala, a pak si je měla užívat až do dalších Vánoc. Jenomže to by si Liška nesměla přát pod stromeček brčoch. Že nevíte, co to je? Ona to také nevěděla, ale strašně moc si to přála. Kdyby jen tušila, co všechno tenhle tajemný předmět způsobí. Že kvůli němu budou muset pomáhat Drakovi od lásky k princezně. Že budou muset pomáhat trpaslíkům před potopou. Že se budou muset postavit zlé čarodějnici Jehuli, která je všechny začaruje, aby už se nikdy nesmála a byla na sebe zlá a protivná. Kdyby tohle Liška věděla, nejspíš by si brčoch k Vánocům nepřála. Ale to byste si zase nemohli přečíst tuhle půvabnou knihu, a to by byla ještě větší škoda, než když Drak začal brečet a brečel a brečel a brečel, až zatopil celý les.Hravý pohádkový debut Michala Petrova, autora bestselleru RETRO, je bohatě vybaven půvabnými ilustracemi Ivety Autratové.

Abeceda na útěku - autor neuvedený
6,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Abeceda na útěku - autor neuvedený
6,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Připoj se k neobyčejnému hledání pokladu. Marek bude mít brzy narozeniny a každý den dostane nápovědu – jedno písmeno. Objev všechna písmena spolu s Markem a zjisti, jaký dárek dostane k narozeninám. Kniha je určena pro děti, které už znají jednotlivá písmena abecedy, stále ale potřebují pomoci s jejich čtením. Jak dítě čte jednoduché i složitější nápisy, postupně získává jistotu při rozpoznávání písmen. Kniha obsahuje tipy, jak obrázky a předměty v nich využít k dalšímu prozkoumání. Užijte si s dítětem společné čtení: zatímco se bude procvičovat ve čtení nápisů velkými písmeny, vy můžete dítěti přečíst příběh o Markovi a jeho hledání nápovědy. Co Marek k narozeninám nakonec dostane?

The Quantum Universe - Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw, Penguin Books Ltd
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Quantum Universe - Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw, Penguin Books Ltd
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

What is quantum physics? How does it help us understand our amazing world? Where does it leave Newton and Einstein? And why, above all, can we be sure that the theory is good? This title gives us the real science behind the bizarre behaviour of the atoms

You Are Incredible Just As You Are - autor neuvedený
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
You Are Incredible Just As You Are - autor neuvedený
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Find happiness by embracing your perfectly imperfect self. This inspiring journal is designed to help you find your way in a world where comparison and judgement can make it hard to stay true to yourself. Using a mixture of prompts, tick boxes and space to write down thoughts, as well as uplifting quotes and thought-provoking words, this beautifully designed book by the creator of The Happy News will help you feel more confident in yourself and less anxious about what other people think.With advice on using social media in a positive way, embracing failure, celebrating your differences and finding people who make you feel happy, this book is designed to help you be kinder to yourself. Because when you embrace your insecurities, differences, and everything that makes you unique, you'll realise that the only person you need to be is your strong, special, perfectly imperfect self.

Puffin Peter - Horáček Petr
14,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Puffin Peter - Horáček Petr
14,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Delightful and witty, this is a simple story of mistaken identity!Peter and Paul are the best of friends, but when Peter gets lost in a terrible storm he can't find Paul anywhere. With the help of a big blue whale Puffin Peter sets off to find him. They find all kinds of birds that match Peter's description but none of them is quite like Paul.

Kto si? - Joanna Olech, Edgar Bak
14,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Kto si? - Joanna Olech, Edgar Bak
14,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Ilustrovaná knižka o vlastenectve, ktorá učí detiaj dospelých, ako si vytvoriť pozitívny vzťah k svojej krajine a zostať pritom dobrým človekom.Kto si? je detská knižka o budovaní vlastnej identity, ktorá je protikladom k nacionalizmu postavenom na rozdiel od vlastenectva na polopravdácha mýtoch. Hovorí o budovaní si pozitívneho vzťahu k svojmu okoliu cez záujem o históriu, záujem o ľudí a konanie dobrých skutkov, ktoré môžeme každý deň vykonávať a vďaka nim zlepšovať svet, v ktorom žijeme.Autorom grafického spracovania je poľský dizajnér Edgar Bąk, držiteľ mnohých dizajnérskych ocenení, ktorý spolu s Joannou Olech pracuje na ilustrovaných detských knihách o ľudských právach a spoločenskej zodpovednosti.

Ocean Meets Sky - autor neuvedený
9,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Ocean Meets Sky - autor neuvedený
9,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

From the creators of The Night Gardener, comes a stunning new picture book about a young boy who sets sail to find a place his grandfather told him about... the spot where the ocean meets the sky.It's a good day for sailing. Finn lives by the sea and the sea lives by him.Every time he looks out his window it's a constant reminder of the stories his grandfather told him about the place where the ocean meets the sky. Where whales and jellyfish soar and birds and castles float. Finn's grandfather is gone now but Finn knows the perfect way to honor him.He'll build his own ship and sail out to find this magical place himself!And when he arrives, maybe, just maybe, he'll find something he didn't know he was looking for.

Chlapec, který následoval svého otce do Osvětimi - Jeremy Dronfield
15,57 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Gustav Kleinmann, vídeňský židovský čalouník, je v roce 1939 zatčen nacisty a spolu se svým dospívajícím synem Fritzem odvlečen do německého Buchenwaldu. Tam se začíná jejich nepředstavitelný příběh plný násilí, hladu a nucených prací, v rámci nichž budovali koncentrační tábor, své vlastní vězení. Když Gustava zařadili do transportu do Osvětimi, což se tehdy rovnalo rozsudku smrti, odmítl ho Fritz opustit. V časech hrůz, jichž se stali svědky, i utrpení, jež prožili, je naživu držela jediná jistota: láska mezi otcem a synem. Kniha vychází z Gustavova tajně vedeného deníku a je podložena důkladným archivním výzkumem. Poprvé vypráví jejich příběh – příběh o odvaze a přežití, v dějinách holokaustu bezprecedentní. Chlapec, který následoval svého otce do Osvětimi je připomínkou jak té nejlepší, tak té nejhorší stránky lidství, síly rodinného pouta i nezdolnosti lidského ducha.

Hviezda, hviezdička - autor neuvedený
5,61 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Hviezda, hviezdička - autor neuvedený
5,61 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Veršovaný príbeh na dobrú noc o líštičke, ktorej sa nechcelo ísť večer spať, a preto sa rozhodla za svitu hviezdičky hľadať nových kamarátov.

Škola naděje - Rawlinsová Rosemary
15,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Škola naděje - Rawlinsová Rosemary
15,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Příběh péče o partnera s vážným poraněním mozku – kniha o strachu, soudržnosti a vzájemné lásceÚspěšný manažer a vášnivý cyklista Hugh Rawlins je při jedné z vyjížděk na kole sražen na silnici nepozornou řidičkou. Utrpí natolik vážné poranění hlavy, že není zpočátku jisté, zda vůbec přežije – a pokud ano, tak s jakými následky. Jeho ženě Rosemary a dvěma nedospělým dcerám se rázem obrátí život naruby. Z živitele rodiny je náhle bezmocný muž s rozumem malého dítěte, který potřebuje dohled a pomoc ve dne v noci. S obtížemi se rozpomíná na svou identitu a dřívější život, znovu se učí chápat realitu a zvládat nejjednodušší úkony, jako je osobní hygiena a oblékání. A co teprve čtení, psaní, schopnost udržet pozornost, rozumět a rozhodovat se...Rosemary Rawlinsová nachází úlevu v psaní deníku, v němž podrobně a upřímně, dokonce s humorem popisuje každodenní boj o návrat k normálnímu životu a postupné uzdravování svého muže. Nevyhýbá se ani obdobím beznaděje a zoufalství, kdy se mohla opřít jen o neochvějnou víru ve šťastný zvrat. Ten nakonec přichází a Hugh se vrátí nejen k práci, ale také k cyklistice a surfování. Jsme svědky dvou let zápasu naplněného intenzivními zážitky, jež všechny členy rodiny emočně promění, uvolní a otevřou novým možnostem.

Brevíř bílé magie - Rozjímání o prameni magických sil a moudrosti - Mala Matthias
15,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Brevíř Bílé magie je kouzelná kniha, která uchovává skraté moudrosti pro toho, kdo dokáže nabízená tajemství rozluštit, V tom směru je to opravdu mistrovský kousek esoterické poetiky. Kniha je otevřeným tajemstvím, jež je přístupné jen tomu hledajícímu, který je natolik zralý, aby ho rozeznal. Brevíř poskytuje duchovní základy každému magickému vývojovému stupni. Kontemlace, meditace a zakódované čarování se střídají jako jemné zasvěcení. Poznáte vlastnosti a strukturu magie. Vaše magická praxe dostane solidní základ. Začne k vám proudit magická síla. Dovede vás na nejušlechtilejší cestu bílé magie, totiž k poznání sebe sama. Stanete se bílým mágem.

Pohádky z parkoviště - Pospíšilová, Michal Sušina Zuzana
13,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Pohádky z parkoviště - Pospíšilová, Michal Sušina Zuzana
13,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Parkoviště plná aut se zdají být jen tichými řadami barevných plechových strojů. Nenechte se ale mýlit. Pod kapotou to žije. Každý motorista by mohl vyprávět jedinečný příběh svého věrně sloužícího vozu a stejně tak každé auto má v zásobě kupu historek o svém řidiči. Jako lidé odpradávna při setkání mluví, klábosí a tlachají, také auta na parkovišti toho napovídají... hotové pohádky. Zrovna jako v této knížce, ve které vás staroušek automobil provede světem, který voní benzinem a naftou.

Spartan (Joe DeSena) (česky)
2,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Spartan (Joe DeSena) (česky)
2,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Star Wars - Legends - The Old Republic - Revan - 0
12,34 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Star Wars - Legends - The Old Republic - Revan - 0
12,34 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Hrdina, zrádce, dobyvatel, zlosyn, spasitel - tím vším byl muž jménem Revan. Z Coruscantu odletěl jako Jedi, rozhodnutý odrazit útok Mandalorianů. Vrátil se jako stoupenec Sithů, odhodlaný zničit Republiku.

Vodník a mlynářův tovaryš (Věra Formánková) (česky)
0,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Vodník a mlynářův tovaryš (Věra Formánková) (česky)
0,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

This Can Never Not Be Real - Sera Milano, Egmont
9,98 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
This Can Never Not Be Real - Sera Milano, Egmont
9,98 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

A compelling, heartbreaking and hopeful book for fans of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Jennifer Niven and Holly Jackson. In the unremarkable town of Amberside, the unthinkable has happened: Terrorists have attacked a local festival. No one knows why, and no one knows who the attackers are, but that doesn't matter.What matters first is survival. And what matters after that is survival, too. In this brilliantly written account of hope, humour and humanity, five ordinary teenagers are caught up in a truly extraordinary situation.It's a heart-pounding and gripping account of the fight for survival as the attackers prowl the festival grounds, told from multiple perspectives. This is a book for teenagers facing the barrage of bleak reports that fill our newsfeeds and for anyone who needs to see that behind the hate that makes the headlines, there is always love.

The World at Night : Spectacular photographs of the night sky - autor neuvedený
34,15 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

See the full beauty of our night sky revealed as never before in over 200 photographs from around the world. Bringing together the images of over 40 photographers across 25 countries, be astounded by the lights of the night sky in some of the darkest places on earth, discover the beauty of galaxies, planets and stars, view great celestial events, and see some of the world's most important landmarks against the backdrop of an incredible nightscape. Babak Tafreshi, founder of the international organisation The World at Night, has curated the images in this collection - many of them previously unseen - to reveal the true splendour of the sky at night.A specialist guide to night-sky photography will help you capture your own gorgeous images of the heavens. Commentary on the science, astronomy and photography accompany stunning images organised by theme:Symbols of all nations and religions embraced by one sky of endless beautiesUNESCO World Heritage Sites at nightThe Universe revealed through constellations, sky motions, atmospheric phenomenon, Aurora and other wondersImages highlighting the beauty of dark skies away from light-polluted urban areasCelestial events, from great comets to spectacular eclipsesAstro-tourism destinations, like ancient astronomical monuments and modern observatories

Fear: Trump in the White House - Bob Woodward, Simon & Schuster
23,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Fear: Trump in the White House - Bob Woodward, Simon & Schuster
23,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER THE INSIDE STORY ON PRESIDENT TRUMP, AS ONLY BOB WOODWARD CAN TELL IT. 'I think you've always been fair.' - President Donald J. Trump, in a call to Bob Woodward, August 14, 2018 'The sheer weight of anecdotes depicts a man with no empathy and a pathological capacity for lying.' - The Financial Times 'Fuelling his narrative is an astonishing cast of rogues, ideologues, self-made millionaires and men in uniform who have spent the past two years in and out of Trump's administration.' - The Sunday Times 'Woodward's meticulous account of office intrigues, the president's men don't seem to be trembling with fright.What they mostly feel is contempt for Trump or pity for his ignorance and the ",teenage logic", of his obsessively vented grievances.' - The Observer 'Horribly fascinating. Strongly recommended. If you can bear it.' Richard Dawkins 'To me the standout message from the book...is that the president is a bit clueless, a bit vain, a bit dangerous even, but his people are utterly at sea...' - Justin Webb, The Times 'He is the master and I'd trust him over politicians of either party any day of the week.' -Peter Baker, New York Times 'His work has been factually unassailable .. . In an age of `alternative facts' and corrosive tweets about `fake news,' Woodward is truth's gold standard.' - Jill Abramson, The Washington Post 'Fear depicts a White House awash in dysfunction, where the Lord of the Flies is the closest thing to an owner's manual.' The Guardian 'I wonder how many journalists have arrived in Washington over the years dreaming of becoming the next Bob Woodward .. . Though his books are often sensational, he is the opposite of sensationalist.He's diligent, rigorous, fastidious about the facts, and studiously ethical. There's something almost monastic about his method . .. He's Washington's chronicler in chief.' - Nick Bryant, BBC 'I've been on the receiving end of a Bob Woodward book. There were quotes in it I didn't like.But never once-never-did I think Woodward made it up. Anonymous sources have looser lips and may take liberties. But Woodward always plays is straight.Someone told it to him.' - Ari Fleisher, White House Press Secretary for George W. Bush With authoritative reporting honed through eight presidencies from Nixon to Obama, author Bob Woodward reveals in unprecedented detail the harrowing life inside President Donald Trump's White House and precisely how he makes decisions on major foreign and domestic policies. Woodward draws from hundreds of hours of interviews with firsthand sources, meeting notes, personal diaries, files and documents.The focus is on the explosive debates and the decision-making in the Oval Office, the Situation Room, Air Force One and the White House residence. Fear is the most intimate portrait of a sitting president ever published during the president's first years in office.

The Impossible Climb - Mark Synnott, Allen & Unwin
23,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Impossible Climb - Mark Synnott, Allen & Unwin
23,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

One slip, one false move, one missed toehold and you're dead. On June 3rd 2017 veteran adventure journalist and professional climber Mark Synnott was in Yosemite to witness something that only a handful of people knew was about to occur: the most famous climber in the world, Alex Honnold, was going to attempt to summit one of the world's most challenging ascents, a route called Freerider on the notorious rock formation El Capitan. It is a climb extraordinarily dangerous and difficult, and yet Honnold was going to do it 'free solo'.Meaning no help. No climbing partner. No equipment.No rope. Where a single small mistake would mean certain death. To most, it would be an insane proposition.But most are not Alex Honnold, and few know this better than Mark Synnott, which is why National Geographic sent him there to cover the story. Indeed, to summit El Cap free solo was a feat likened to Neil Armstrong first walking on the moon. In The Impossible Climb, Mark Synnott uses his own career as a professional climber, its intersection with that of Alex Honnold and the lead-up to Honnold's historic ascent, to paint a insider portrait of the elite climbing community, exploring what motivates them, the paradoxical drive to keep the sport pure and at the same time to fund climbs, and the role that awareness of mortality plays in the endeavour.We watch through Mark's eyes as Alex plots, trains and attempts his heart-stopping free-solo ascent. Ultimately this is a story not only about climbing but about what makes us human, how we respond to fear and our drive to transcend the inevitability of death.

Hold - Michael Donkor, Fourth Estate
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Hold - Michael Donkor, Fourth Estate
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Moving between Ghana and London, Hold is an intimate, powerful coming-of-age novel. It's a story of friendship and family, shame and forgiveness, of learning what we should cling to, and when we need to let go.Belinda knows how to follow the rules. As a housegirl, she has learnt the right way to polish water glasses, to wash and fold a hundred handkerchiefs, and to keep a tight lid on memories of the village she left behind when she came to Kumasi.Mary is still learning the rules. Eleven-years old and irrepressible, the young housegirl-in-training is the little sister Belinda never had.Amma has had enough of the rules. A straight-A pupil at her exclusive South-London school, she has always been the pride of her Ghanaian parents. Until now. Watching their once-confident teenager grow sullen and wayward, they decide that sensible Belinda might be just the shining example Amma needs.So Belinda is summoned from Ghana to London, and must leave Mary to befriend a troubled girl who shows no desire for her friendship. She encounters a city as bewildering as it is thrilling, and tries to impose order on her unsettling new world.As the Brixton summer turns to Autumn, Belinda and Amma are surprised to discover the beginnings of an unexpected kinship. But when the cracks in their defences open up, the secrets they have both been holding tightly threaten to seep out.

The Courage of Hopelessness - Slavoj Žižek, Penguin
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Courage of Hopelessness - Slavoj Žižek, Penguin
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The maverick philosopher returns to explore today's idealogical, political and economic battles, and asks whether radical change is possibleIn these troubled times, even the most pessimistic diagnosis of our future ends with an uplifting hint that things might not be as bad as all that, that there is light at the end of the tunnel.Yet, argues Slavoj Žižek, it is only when we have admit to ourselves that our situation is completely hopeless - that the light at the end of the tunnel is in fact the headlight of a train approaching us from the opposite direction - that fundamental change can be brought about.Surveying the various challenges in the world today, from mass migration and geopolitical tensions to terrorism, the explosion of rightist populism and the emergence of new radical politics - all of which, in their own way, express the impasses of global capitalism - Žižek explores whether there still remains the possibility for genuine change. Today, he proposes, the only true question is,or should be, this: do we endorse the predominant acceptance of capitalism as fact of human nature, or does today's capitalism contain strong enough antagonisms to prevent its infinite reproduction? Can we, he asks, move beyond the failure of socialism, and beyond the current wave of populist rage, and initiate radical change before the train hits?'Žižek is a thinker who regards nothing as outside his field: the result is deeply interesting and provocative' - Guardian 'Žižek leaves no social or cultural phenomenon untheorized, and is master of the counterintuitive observation' -New Yorker

Gifted - Donald Hounam, Penguin Random House Children's UK
10,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Gifted - Donald Hounam, Penguin Random House Children's UK
10,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The Bishop of Oxford is very, very dead. At least the police think it's the Bishop - it's impossible to be sure, since someone has made off with his head. By the terror that he's losing his Gift - the ability to work magic. And by all those stupid rules w

Poslední restaurace v Paříži - Graham Lily
20,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Poslední restaurace v Paříži - Graham Lily
20,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Historický román Lily Graham přináší svědectví o lidech, kteří vytrvali až do konce a i v těžkých dobách v sobě dokázali najít sílu k boji proti nepříteli na všech frontách.*****Zatímco v nacisty okupované Paříži trpí místní hladem a strádáním, ozývá se z oken jedné restaurace hudba a smích. Její majitelka Marianne zde vaří pro nacistické důstojníky a sklízí jejich obdiv a pochvalu. S vytrvalým úsměvem na tváři připravuje zdravá jídla z Provence a nikdo by neuhodl, jakou hlubokou nenávist skrývá ve svém srdci. Jednoho večera však Marianne beze stopy zmizí a za sebou zanechá jenom mrtvá těla svých hostů.*****O několik desítek let později stojí její vnučka Sabine pod vybledlou zelenou markýzou a dívá se na nápis vyrytý do okna restaurace: zrádce a vrah.*****Skutečně se její babička dopustila neodpustitelné vraždy? Kolaborovala s nacistickým režimem a nezaslouží si tak nic jiného než pouhé pohrdání? Jak úzká je morální hranice mezi spravedlností a pomstou a kdo dokáže bez časového odstupu posoudit rozdíl mezi zločinem a hrdinstvím?

Milá Páně (Cohen, Albert) (česky)
1,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Milá Páně (Cohen, Albert) (česky)
1,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Deník tvrdohlavého režiséra
15,67 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Deník tvrdohlavého režiséra
15,67 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Václav Marhoul je na české filmové scéně úkazem, který nemá obdoby. Jde si za svým, vždy a za každé situace. Jedni ho milují, druzí nenávidí. Co ho během natáčení motivuje a kde bere inspiraci? Jak ho vidí jeho nejlepší přítel Jaroslav Róna, kameraman Vladimír Smutný nebo filmová produkční Kateřina Špůrová? Odhalte tajemství Marhoulova úspěchu v jeho osobních deníkových zápiscích, které vás vezmou přímo na plac během natáčení filmu Tobruk.

Zakletá říše - Apple po smrti Steva Jobse
9,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Zakletá říše - Apple po smrti Steva Jobse
9,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Stalo se to v minulosti už mnohokrát. Profitující firma, tahoun oboru, s odchodem svého zakladatele ztrácí dech a padá ke dnu. Je to i případ Apple? Yukari I. Kaneová, novinářka dříve působící například ve Wall Street Journal, je přesvědčená, že ano. Podle ní smrtí Steva Jobse v roce 2011 a nástupem Tima Cooka do čela Apple začal neodvratitelný pád kultu, který dal světu produkty Mac, iPhone či iPad. „Jablko je odsouzeno k zániku,“ píše Kaneová a odvolává se na vyjádření autorit – během práce na knize oslovila více než 200 bývalých i současných obchodních partnerů Apple, zaměstnanců firmy i nezávislých pozorovatelů zvenčí. Rozhovor odmítl jen málokdo. Knižních pokusů o nastínění další budoucnosti Apple bylo vydáno již několik, žádný si ale nezasloužil přímou pozornost Tima Cooka. Ten na adresu autorky poznamenal:„ Kniha naprosto selhává v zachycení Applu, Steva či kohokoliv jiného uvnitř společnosti.“ Mnozí se však shodují, že si pouze nechce připustit realitu. Kniha Zakletá říše: Apple po smrti Steva Jobse vyvolává protikladné reakce i mezi čtenáři a odbornou veřejností. Na jedné straně hlasitý souhlas, na straně druhé stejně hlasité odmítnutí. Za přečtení stojí v každém případě. Především pak tehdy, když jste přesvědčeni, že váš názor na Tima Cooka a budoucnost Apple je daný a nemůže jej nic změnit.

Druhá strieborná kniha snov
11,39 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Druhá strieborná kniha snov
11,39 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Liv je zdesená: Top Secret pozná jej najtajnejšie tajomstvá. Ale odkiaľ? A čo pred ňou skrýva Henry? Aká tajomná postava vyčíňa v noci v nekonečných chodbách snového sveta? A prečo je zrazu jej sestra Mia námesačná? Nočné mory, záhadné stretnutia a divoké naháňačky Liv vôbec nedovolia, aby si počas spánku oddýchla. A pritom sa už aj cez deň musí vyrovnať s veľkými problémami novopečenej patchworkovej rodiny vrátane intrigánskej starej mamy. A tiež so skutočnosťou, že existujú ľudia, ktorí s ňou majú nevybavené účty rovnako cez deň ako aj v noci... Druhý diel napínavej snovej trilógie od bestsellerovej autorky Kerstin Gierovej.

Národné jedlá
16,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Národné jedlá
16,10 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Nová kniha autorky úspešného Umenia sovietskej kuchyne je brilantným skúmaním jedla a národnej identity po celom svete. „S nástupom a dominanciou globalizácie,“ vysvetľuje Anya v úvode, „sa národy a nacionalizmus javia zastaralejšie a zároveň dôležitejšie a relevantnejšie ako kedykoľvek predtým.“ A neexistuje lepšia prizma, cez ktorú by sme to mohli vidieť, ako jedlo. Vydáva sa pátrať po pravde, ktorá sa skrýva za večným klišé „sme to, čo jeme“, a to do veľkých gastronomických centier Paríža, Neapola, Tokia, Sevilly, Oaxacy a Istanbulu – so záverečnou zastávkou pri ukrajinskom boršči. V Paríži zisťuje prekvapujúci nezáujem o tradičné francúzske pot-au-feu, pričom francúzski gurmáni uprednostňujú novšie, trendovejšie medzinárodné kuchyne; v Neapole skúma skromné a nesprávne chápané začiatky pizze; v Tokiu ju prekvapí uprednostňovanie ramenu pred tradičným gohanom a konbinizácia spoločnosti; v Seville odhaľuje náboženské dôsledky jamónu a vznik tapas; v Oaxace rozpletá komplikované prelínanie domorodého a európskeho a opätovné presadenie kukurice; a nakoniec ju čaká komplikované dedičstvo multikulturalizmu v Istanbule. Anya sa zaoberá týmito ikonickými jedlami svojím zvedavým pohľadom a nezameniteľným vtipom, keď sa rozpráva s kuchármi, remeselníkmi, vedcami, politickými aktivistami a úplne cudzími ľuďmi, pričom sa snaží pochopiť, čo predstavuje „národnú“ kultúru jedla. V knihe odhaľuje a prehodnocuje fascinujúcu úlohu, ktorú jedlo zohráva pri vytváraní kultúrneho dedičstva – s tým, ako sa mení politická a sociálna identita národa, mení sa aj jeho chuť.

Rebelové věčnosti
5,69 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Rebelové věčnosti
5,69 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Co když věčnost zmizí jediným mrknutím oka? Nadnárodní korporace Tempus Fugit dosáhla nemyslitelného – dokáže obchodovat s časem. Chcete koupit nebo prodat deset let života? Nebo rovnou celý? Věčný život se zdá na dosah. Ale je tato převratná technologie skutečně tak bezpečná, jak tvrdí Tempus Fugit? Nebo jsou všechny ty podivné události, které se dějí po celém světě, důsledkem zahrávání si s časem a tím i celým vesmírem a dříve či později uvrhnou svět do chaosu, jak tvrdí tajemná organizace Rebelové věčnosti? A jak s tím vším souvisí Willis, který se o nic z toho nezajímá a pouze se raduje z právě získané svobody a vlastního bytu? Nakonec si však i on bude muset vybrat jednu ze znepřátelených stran. A rozhodně to nebude lehká volba, protože věci nejsou takové, jakými se zdají být…

Jediný okamžik - Linda Greenová
18,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Jediný okamžik - Linda Greenová
18,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Když se desetiletý Finn a bezmála šedesátiletá Kaz potkají poprvé v kavárně – on coby zákazník, ona v roli číšnice – netuší, že si pro ně osud nachystal ještě jedno setkání, tentokrát za mnohem dramatičtějších a hrozivějších okolností. Dokážou společně čelit prožitému traumatu? Mohou dva lidé ze zdánlivě zcela odlišných světů vůbec najít něco, co je spojuje? Oblíbená autorka Linda Greenová ve svém novém románu vypráví příběh nepravděpodobného, ale krásného přátelství dvou lidí z naprosto nesourodých sfér, které dohromady svedl děsivý zážitek.

Chobotnice 3 (Nese, Marco) (česky)
1,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Chobotnice 3 (Nese, Marco) (česky)
1,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Cannibal Capitalism - Nancy Fraser, Verso Books
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Cannibal Capitalism - Nancy Fraser, Verso Books
13,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Shortlisted for the Deutscher Memorial Prize 2023Capital is currently cannibalizing every sphere of life-guzzling wealth from nature and racialized populations, sucking up our ability to care for each other, and gutting the practice of politics. In this tightly argued and urgent volume, leading Marxist feminist theorist Nancy Fraser charts the voracious appetite of capital, tracking it from crisis point to crisis point, from ecological devastation to the collapse of democracy, from racial violence to the devaluing of care work. These crisis points all come to a head in Covid-19, which Fraser argues can help us envision the resistance we need to end the feeding frenzy.What we need, she argues, is a wide-ranging socialist movement that can recognize the rapaciousness of capital - and starve it to death.

Lives Of Others (Neel Mukherjee) (EN)
1,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Lives Of Others (Neel Mukherjee) (EN)
1,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Slavia stoletá (Josef Klempera) (česky)
8,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Slavia stoletá (Josef Klempera) (česky)
8,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Öltöztesd fel új barátnőidet a divatbemutatóra!
3,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Öltöztesd fel új barátnőidet a divatbemutatóra!
3,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Ha kinyitod ezt a füzetet, hat új barátnőre találsz, akik éppen egy parádés divatbemutatóra készülődnek. Ahogy az általában lenni szokott, minél jelentősebb egy esemény, annál nehezebb eldönteni, hogy milyen ruhát vegyünk fel. Új barátnőid nagyon örülnének a segítségednek, ha a füzetben található 70 újraragasztható matrica közül kiválasztanád a legmegfelelőbb ruhadarabokat!

The Good Ancestor
17,58 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Good Ancestor
17,58 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

'This is the book our children's children will thank us for reading' - The Edge, U2 The greatest challenge facing humankind is not climate change, or extreme inequality, or terrorism; it is our inability to think long term. 'The most important question we must ask ourselves is, "Are we being good ancestors?"' So said Jonas Salk, who cured polio in 1955, saving millions of lives, but refused to patent his discovery or make any money out of it. His radical rethinking of what we owe to future generations should be an inspiration to us all, but it has hardly taken root. That's because we're living in the age of now. Businesses can barely see beyond the next quarterly report, nor politicians beyond the next election. Markets spike then crash in speculative bubbles. In this right-here, right-now society, we rarely stop to consider if we're being good ancestors. But the future depends on it. Here, leading public intellectual, philosopher, and bestselling author Roman Krznaric explains how we lost sight of the future, and introduces the six simple, practical ways that we can change our thinking today to give our children, and our planet, a chance at a better tomorrow.

Angry Birds: Fowl Play
6,18 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Angry Birds: Fowl Play
6,18 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

"The Angry Birds Fowl Play Sticker Book" is full of crazy activities and stickers inspired by the wonderful world of Angry Birds. The survival of the Angry Birds is at stake! It's bird vs pig in this new sticker activity book for "Angry Birds" fans. Have hours of Angry Birds fun completing the activities and using the zany stickers. The perfect children's activity and sticker book for fans of this amazing game. Enhance your "Angry Birds" experience with more children's books from Puffin including the "Angry Birds Official Sticker Book", "Mystery of the Green Bird", "Pig and Mix Puzzle Book" and many more to come!

Rosszcsont Peti bankot rabol
4,71 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Rosszcsont Peti bankot rabol
4,71 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

A Rosszcsont Peti sorozat legújabb kötetében Peti kalózbulin vesz részt, újságot szerkeszt és több ízben összecsap legnagyobb ellenségével Szeszélyes Szonjával. Vigyázat! Röhögőgörcs garantálva!

Žulové město
6,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Žulové město
6,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Blíží se Vánoce, studené, temné a vlhké a s nimi přichází smrt. Detektiv seržant Logan McRae je první den v práci po roční nemocenské a horší směnu snad zažít nemohl. V zatopeném kanálu se našlo tělo čtyřletého Davida Reida; je uškrcený, zohavený a hodně dlouho mrtvý. Ale tím to teprve začíná. V Žulovém městě řádí sériový vrah a místní média prahnou po krvi. Mrtvých v pitevně přibývá skoro stejně rychle jako čerstvě napadaného sněhu v ulicích a Logan ví, že čas letí. Přibudou další mrtví. Když si nedá pozor, mohl by být jedním z nich.

Biblia pre deti
11,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Biblia pre deti
11,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Tato bohatě ilustrovaná Bible pro děti přináší působivě a citlivě vyprávěné biblické příběhy o Noemovi a jeho arše, o Josefovi a jeho bratrech, o Mojžíšovi a vyvedení z Egypta, jakož i o Davidově odvážném boji proti Goliášovi. Dětskému čtenáři je přizpůsobený poutavý popis života a působení Ježíše a jeho učedníků. Texty jsou doplněny názornými ilustracemi s oživujícími výjevy ze Starého i Nového zákona.

Dear You, Young Girl (Dixon Nasheema S.)
11,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Dear You, Young Girl (Dixon Nasheema S.)
11,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pstrongDear You, Young Girl is a children's version of the poetry book Dear You, I Dare You. It is one long length letter poem written to encourage and empower young girls to stay true to who they are and dare to be the best that they can. Living in a society with double standards young girls with dreams need to know that their dreams are more than possible.strongp

The Phillips History of Fall River; Volume 1 (Phillips Arthur Sherman 1865-1941)
22,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.ppWe appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

Healthy. Happy. Whole.: A Health and Wellbeing Workbook (Palmer Barbara A.)
11,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pIf you have a deep desire to grow your happiness and overall wellbeing, where would you start You may be surprised to learn the best place to start is not where you expected but is easy to access.ppYour journey to new levels of aliveness awaits you as you read this book and navigate twelve steps towards a greater mind-body connection and a prosperous soul.pulliONE maximize your awareness and set SMART goalsliliTWO clarify wellness and wellbeingliliTHREE stress managementliliFOUR stress management self-assessmentliliFIVE explore negatively charged emotions like depressionliliSIX differences between depression and grief or lossliliSEVEN your relational support systemliliEIGHT support system developmentliliNINE assertivenessliliTEN coaching, counseling facts, myths, and fictionliliELEVEN reassess, review, and realignliliTWELVE prayers and affirmations.liul

Fuck Whales: Also Families, Poetry, Folksy Wisdom and You: Pretty Essays from a Brilliant Mind (Maddox)
16,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

bA collection of satirical, crass, comedic essays from famed Internet personality andi New York Timesi bestselling author Maddox, of the infamous website iThe Best Page in the Universei.b pIn this third book from Maddox, the reigning king of Internet satire delivers a collection of humorous, unapologetic essays in the same voice that propelled him into comedic stardom. With all-new material, iFck Whales idelivers on his personal brand of satire, complete with self-promotion, petty rants, and brilliant essays on anything and everything Maddox deems worthy of his ire.

Episodes: All In All (Smith Alexander M.)
18,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Episodes: All In All (Smith Alexander M.)
18,48 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pWe're all familiar with the old saying, Think before you act but how many of us actually do. Or do we sometimes just react or respond with very little thought. Not truly realizing that by answering no to a particular question instead of yes is in many instances just enough to change the course of our entire lives. Hind-Sight truly being 20-20, how many times have you yourself uttered those regrettable words If I coulda, woulda, shoulda. We can all look back on our past and recall at least one event where had we chosen the exact opposite action or reaction, might very well have changed life as we knew it. Some of us chalk up these episodes have you, as what makes us who we are. Sometimes, a simple one night stand or casual sexual encounter brings with it, a change that totally affects our lives. Some minor, while others on a major level. These episodes are the cornerstones of our very essence. So take a moment or two and review this collection of Episodes or building blocks if you will, some that maybe you to have experienced. I wish you Good Reading!p

When the Wicked Seize a City (McIlhenny Chuck)
11,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
When the Wicked Seize a City (McIlhenny Chuck)
11,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

EAN: 9780595154326McIlhenny ChuckAuthorhouse

Daily Paragraph Editing Grade 4 (Evan-Moor Educational Publishers)
18,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.09.2024
Daily Paragraph Editing Grade 4 (Evan-Moor Educational Publishers)
18,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.09.2024

pstrongemDaily Paragraph Editing, Grade 4em covers grade-level skills in these areas strongp ullicapitalizationli lilanguage usageli lipunctuation apostrophesli lipunctuation commasli lipunctuation periodsli lipunctuation quotation marksli liother types of punctuationli lispellingli ul pstrongemDaily Paragraph Editingem extras include strongp ullia reproducible student language handbook that provides simple, clear rules and examples of their application to guide students in correct use of the mechanics, grammar, and spelling skills covered in the daily paragraphs.li lia page of reproducible proofreading marks that models the standard markings used to correct and edit text.li lian editing checklist to guide students in reviewing and revising their own writing or that of a peer.li lian assessment rubric to guide teachers in conducting a holistic evaluation of student writing.li ul

Shadow of a Mouse: Performance, Belief, and World-Making in Animation (Crafton Donald)
34,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Animation variously entertains, enchants, and offends, yet there have been no convincing explanations of how these films do so. iShadow of a Mousei proposes performance as the common touchstone for understanding the principles underlying the construction, execution, and reception of cartoons. Donald Crafton's interdisciplinary methods draw on film and theater studies, art history, aesthetics, cultural studies, and performance studies to outline a personal view of animated cinema that illuminates its systems of belief and world making. He wryly asks Are animated characters actors and stars, just like humans Why do their performances seem live and present, despite our knowing that they are drawings Why is animation obsessed with distressing the body Why were California regional artists and Stanislavsky so influential on Disney Why are the histories of animation and popular theater performance inseparable How was pictorial space constructed to accommodate embodied acting Do cartoon performances stimulate positive or negative behaviors in audiences Why is there so much extreme eating And why are seemingly insignificant shadows vitally important Ranging from classics like iThe Three Little Pigs ito contemporary works by Svankmajer and Plympton, these essays will engage the reader's imagination as much as the subject of animation performance itself.

Posthumanism in Young Adult Fiction: Finding Humanity in a Posthuman World (Tarr Anita)
44,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pContributions by Torsten Caeners, Phoebe Chen, Mathieu Donner, Shannon Hervey, Angela S. Insenga, Patricia Kennon, Maryna Matlock, Ferne Merrylees, Lars Schmeink, Anita Tarr, Tony M. Vinci, and Donna R. WhiteppFor centuries, humanism has provided a paradigm for what it means to be human a rational, unique, unified, universal, autonomous being. Recently, however, a new philosophical approach, posthumanism, has questioned these assumptions, asserting that being human is not a fixed state but one always dynamic and evolving. Restrictive boundaries are no longer in play, and we do not define who we are by delineating what we are not animal, machine, monster. There is no one aspect that makes a being human--self-awareness, emotion, artistic expression, or problem-solving--since human characteristics reside in other species along with shared DNA. Instead, posthumanism looks at the ways our bodies, intelligence, and behavior connect and interact with the environment, technology, and other species.ppIn Posthumanism in Young Adult Fiction Finding Humanity in a Posthuman World, editors Anita Tarr and Donna R. White collect twelve essays that explore this new discipline's relevance in young adult literature. Adolescents often tangle with many issues raised by posthumanist theory, such as body issues. The in-betweenness of adolescence makes stories for young adults ripe for posthumanist study. Contributors to the volume explore ideas of posthumanism, including democratization of power, body enhancements, hybridity, multiplicityplurality, and the environment, by analyzing recent works for young adults, including award-winners like Paolo Bacigalupi's Ship Breaker and Nancy Farmer's The House of the Scorpion, as well as the works of Octavia Butler and China Mi ville.p

Hueco Tanks Climbing and Bouldering Guide, Second Edition (Sherman John)
32,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The definitive guide to bouldering problems in this important climbing area in Texas. Includes maps.br

Keepers Of The Gate (Billups E. Denise)
16,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Keepers Of The Gate (Billups E. Denise)
16,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pIn 1779 Kanadasaga, Sullivan's Expedition torches a Seneca village and many others, destroying the Iroquois Confederacy. Awakened from sleep, Pilan and Teka flee their blazing longhouse into the woodlands. After a soldier's bullet thwarts their escape, Pilan vows to meet his beloved Teka again in another life.ppTwo hundred years later in present-day Geneva, New York, historical relics rise. Twilight Ends, a grand Victorian bed-and-breakfast run by the Newhouse family, sits on the property the Iroquois village used to thrive on.ppAfter Twilight Ends' long-standing matriarch Tessa Newhouse dies, her daughter and granddaughter, Skylar and Twyla, discover two artifacts under the maple tree in the backyard, and an ancient mystery as old as time begins to unravel.ppBut will they have the courage to follow the path their ancestors didp

Mr. Hervey's Contemplations on a Flower-Garden, Done Into Blank Verse, (After the Manner of Dr. Young by T. Newcomb, M.A. (Hervey James)
15,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The 18th century was a wealth of knowledge, exploration and rapidly growing technology and expanding record-keeping made possible by advances in the printing press. In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind. Now for the first time these high-quality digital copies of original 18th century manuscripts are available in print, making them highly accessible to libraries, undergraduate students, and independent scholars.Western literary study flows out of eighteenth-century works by Alexander Pope, Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Frances Burney, Denis Diderot, Johann Gottfried Herder, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and others. Experience the birth of the modern novel, or compare the development of language using dictionaries and grammar discourses. The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to insure edition identification British LibraryT076143Dedication dated June 29, 1757. With an errata leaf after the dedication.London printed for J. Rivington and J. Fletcher, 1757. 8,80p., plate 8

Hacker Basic Security: Learning effective methods of security and how to manage the cyber risks. Awareness program with attack and defense st
26,76 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

strongemDo you wish to learn some tools of basic security emstrongpbrpstrongemDo you want to find out how to protect yourself and your data from online attacksemstrongpbrpstrongemHacking has never been more important than now! emstrongpbrppstrongKeep reading if you want to learn more...strongppbrppIn our daily life we are constantly connected, using our computer or phones in order to access and share information online. While these various connections help improve our online life, they also pose a cause for concern on what they are sharing and that's why it's important to understand what cybersecurity mean. Knowledge is power!ppThe book Hacker Basic Security contains various simple and straightforward strategies to protect your devices both at work and at home and to improve your understanding of security online and fundamental concepts of cybersecurity.ppThe book extensively exploresppbrppstrongemvarious topics includingemstrong pp- The fundamentals and importance of cybersecuritypp- The various types of cybersecurity with threats and attackspp- Cybersecurity basics Protect your computer network against virus and malwarepp- Breaches in cybersecuritypp- The types and ways of preventing data security breachespp- Malware - Attacks, types, and analysispp- Computer virus and prevention techniquespp- Basic concepts of cryptographypp- The assumptions of hackersattackerspp- The benefits, drawbacks, and future of cryptographypp- An extensive topic on virtual private networksppbrppAnd there's so much more to learn!ppHacker Basic Security provides an insight into everything concerning cybersecurity even if you have no technical knowledge about it.ppHacking is real, and what better way to protect yourself than being pro-active and arming yourself with the knowledge on how it works and what yo

The One and the Other (D'Aniello Charles)
28,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The One and the Other (D'Aniello Charles)
28,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The town of Athens is an unfortunate place for all vampire-- humans who psychically absorb the emotive energy of those around them. In a curiously antiquated world in the far future, in which vampire suffer marginalization, Thomas Walker becomes fascinated with the vampiric literary journal called Leecherary, and its elusive author. As he plunges into a universe of illicit publications and nighttime lurking, his connection to his newfound companion deepens, and they find themselves in the midst of an escalating fight for justice and dignity for the vampir community. This queer ownvoices story about the death of silence and the birth of a movement is the first book in the series titled Leeches.

S Is My Favourite Letter (Tomangana Shirley)
10,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
S Is My Favourite Letter (Tomangana Shirley)
10,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pMy favourite letter of the alphabet is 's'. Can you think of a word that starts with 's'ppbrpp65279Your purchase of this book supports Library For All in its mission to make knowledge available to all, equally.p

Panther in the Hive (Cole Olivia a.)
16,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Panther in the Hive (Cole Olivia a.)
16,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Panther in the Hive is at once an unforgettable coming-of-age story and a captivating vision of an unsettling future. Tasha Lockett, orphan, oddball, and former fashion addict, is alone in a Chicago overrun with citizens-turned-weapons, the result of the cybertronic disaster that brought the country to its knees four days ago. When Tasha receives a letter from her estranged sister warning her of the catastrophe and urging her to travel to the South Side where there is rumored to be a safe zone, Tasha must face what the world has become. With only her precious Prada backpack and a sturdy kitchen knife, she embarks on an epic journey through the wasteland Chicago has become, forming alliances and discovering that although the world may be in pieces, she might still become whole.

Lena Likes Lizards (Dora Liza)
19,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Lena Likes Lizards (Dora Liza)
19,52 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pemLena Likes Lizards emaddresses gender stereotypes in an imaginative and fun way, appropriate for ages 3 to 9 years. A young girl is told she's brought the wrong toy to the play ground. She goes on a journey of self-discovery and concludes that people are people and should be able to do what they choose. p p p

The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging (Vogl Charles)
19,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Art of Community: Seven Principles for Belonging (Vogl Charles)
19,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Create a Culture of Belonging brStrong cultures help people support one another, share their passions, and achieve big goals. And such cultures of belonging aren't just happy accidents - they can be purposefully cultivated, whether they're in a company, a faith institution or among friends and enthusiasts. Drawing on 3,000 years of history and his personal experience, Charles Vogl lays out seven time-tested principles for growing enduring, effective and connected communities. He provides hands-on tools for creatively adapting these principles to any group--formal or informal, mission driven or social, physical or virtual. This book is a guide for leaders seeking to build a vibrant, living culture that will enrich lives. brWinner of the Nautilus Silver Book Award in the Business and Leadership Category.

White Leaves of Peace (Iceton Tracey)
11,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
White Leaves of Peace (Iceton Tracey)
11,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The final volume in the Celtic Colours Trilogy focuses on the Green Friday peace agreement and a young man's struggle to find a place as Belfast undergoes radical political changes that leave too little unaltered. -- Cinnamon Press

The Princess Diaries, Volume VI: Princess in Training (Cabot Meg)
9,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Princess Diaries, Volume VI: Princess in Training (Cabot Meg)
9,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pstrongThe sixth book in the 1 emNew York Times embestselling Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot.strongppStudent body president, that is--nominated by her power-mad best friend, Lilly. This is not how Mia imagined kicking off her sophomore year, but as usual, she has bigger problems to worry about, like Geometry. And now that Mia's one true love, Michael, is uptown at college, what's the point of even getting up for school in the morning But the last straw is what Lana whispers to her on the lunch line about what college boys expect of their girlfriends. . . . Really, it's almost more than a princess in training can bear ppemPrincess in Training emis the sixth book in the beloved, bestselling series that inspired the feature film starring Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews. Beautifully repackaged in paperback, this title will appeal to new readers as well as fans looking to update their collection.p

Cazadora (Garber Romina)
19,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Cazadora (Garber Romina)
19,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

piWerewolves. Witches. Romance. Resistance. p Enter a world straight out of Argentine folklore...i p Following the events of iLobizonai, Manu and her friends cross the mystical border into Kerana--a cursed realm in Argentina--searching for allies and a hiding place. As they chase down leads about the Coven--a mythical resistance manada that might not even exist--the Cazadores chase down leads about Manu, setting up traps to capture and arrest her. p Just as it seems the Cazadores have Manu and her friends cornered, the Coven answers their call for help. As Manu catches her breath among these non-conforming Septimus, she discovers they need a revolution as much as she does. pBut is she the right one to lead them After all, hybrids aren't just outlawed. They're feared and reviled. What happens when the Coven learns of Manu's dual heritage Will they still protect her Or will they betray her pAnd after running this far, for this long--how much farther can Manu go before her feet get tired, and she stops to take a standp

Salt Lake City Cemetery (Smith Sexton Mark E.)
20,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Salt Lake City Cemetery (Smith Sexton Mark E.)
20,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The Salt Lake City Cemetery was established in September 1847 when George Wallace, who arrived with the first company of Mormon pioneers two months prior, buried his young daughter on a picturesque hillside above the Salt Lake Valley. It has since grown to become the largest municipal cemetery in the United States, containing approximately 130,000 gravesites. To walk through the Salt Lake City Cemetery's 120 acres is to trace a path through Utah history and experience a mosaic of the diverse and fascinating individuals who have shaped it politicians, pioneers, artists, inventors, outlaws, educators, activists, and currently 12 presidents of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This book highlights these influential figures and many more. It also serves as a guide for navigating the cemetery grounds in person, with grave locations accompanying most captions.

Nor and the Centaurs: A Tale of Woe (Baca Ron)
25,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Nor and the Centaurs: A Tale of Woe (Baca Ron)
25,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pNo silver spoon for this prince. From the time of his birth, life for this prince has been anything but privileged or easy. Now this prince, some thirteen winters of age, and his eleven similarly aged companions must endure a life-changing journey into manhood. Their primary task is to take the undesirable sickly children to the Tree of Sorrow where they are to bind and leave these poor young souls behind for the evil warlock to take to maintain peace. This is where their true journey begins as their destiny awaits them. The young prince and his companions will discover that their future and fate are tied together not just in this journey but upon returning home and after. The innocence, heartbreak, courage, betrayal, evil, love, bonds of friendship, and the hardships of these seven- to nine-foot-tall warriors shall captivate you to your very core and take you from pillar to post from beginning to endor is it the endp

Condillac: Essay on the Origin of Human Knowledge (Condillac Etienne Bonnot De)
91,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Condillac's Essay on the Origin of Human Knowledge, first published in French in 1746 and offered here in a new translation, represented in its time a radical departure from the dominant conception of the mind as a reservoir of innately given ideas. Descartes had held that knowledge must rest on ideas Condillac turned this upside down by arguing that speech and words are the origin of mental life and knowledge. His work influenced many later philosophers, and also anticipated Wittgenstein's view of language and its relation to mind and thought.

STAY (Don't You Want To See How It Ends?) (Brandt Jenna)
10,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
STAY (Don't You Want To See How It Ends?) (Brandt Jenna)
10,72 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

EAN: 9789358736557Brandt JennaBookleaf Pub

Plain Words To Children (1876) (How William Walsham)
27,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Plain Words To Children (1876) (How William Walsham)
27,56 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Plain Words To Children is a book written by William Walsham How in 1876. The book is intended for children and is aimed at providing them with a clear and concise understanding of important religious concepts. How's writing style is straightforward and easy to understand, making it accessible to young readers. The book covers topics such as the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, the Beatitudes, and the life of Jesus. How uses simple language and relatable examples to explain these concepts in a way that is engaging and informative for children. Plain Words To Children is a classic work of religious literature that continues to be a valuable resource for parents and educators who wish to introduce children to the teachings of Christianity.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

The Beckom Bunyip (Fernance Gina)
8,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Beckom Bunyip (Fernance Gina)
8,24 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

EAN: 9781035805778Fernance GinaAustin Macauley 2024

The Sicilian Inheritance (Piazza Jo)
24,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Sicilian Inheritance (Piazza Jo)
24,12 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

bFrom bestselling author and award-winning journalist Jo Piazza, comes a transporting novel rooted in the author's own family history about a long-awaited trip to Sicily, a disputed inheritance, and a family secret that some will kill to protect . . .b pSara Marsala barely knows who she is anymore after the failure of her business and marriage. On top of that, her beloved great-aunt Rosie passes away, leaving Sara bereft with grief. But Aunt Rosie's death also opens an escape from her life and a window into the past by way of a plane ticket to Sicily, a deed to a possibly valuable plot of land, and a bombshell family secret. Rosie believes Sara's great-grandmother Serafina, the family matriarch who was left behind while her husband worked in America, didn't die of illness as family lore has it . . . she was murdered. p Thus begins a twist-filled adventure that takes Sara all over the picturesque Italian countryside as she races to solve a mystery and learn the story of Serafina--a feisty and headstrong young woman in the early 1900s thrust into motherhood in her teens, who fought for a better life not just for herself but for all the women of her small village. Unsurprisingly the more she challenges the status quo, the more she finds herself in danger. p As Sara discovers more about Serafina, she also realizes she is coming head-to-head with the same menacing forces that took down her great-grandmother. At once an immersive multigenerational mystery and an ode to the undaunted heroism of everyday women, iThe Sicilian Inheritancei is an atmospheric, page-turning delight.

Methode Berlitz Fr Den Unterricht in Den Neuerensprachen, 12 Auflage (Berlitz Maximilian Delphinus)
19,08 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world, and other notations in the work.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppAs a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

Overdose in Paradise (Brown Deborah)
17,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Overdose in Paradise (Brown Deborah)
17,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

A woman's been found dead in Dr. A's beach house, facedown in enough cocaine to put him away for life. It's going to take more than trading a couple of favors to help the doctor, who's always been there for Madison, no questions asked, no blood left behind. Hard as Madison and Fab have tried to keep their promise to stop playing sneak-around-chick, prying up the evidence that could set their friend free requires a skillset from their shady past. When they open up this set of Pandora's boxes, it's too late to mind their own business. Plus being on the radar of a big-time drug dealer, shoots up the street value on their lives a million-fold. They could be in a felonious hot mess.Nice things about living in Tarpon Cove Favors are traded like cryptocurrency. If anybody asks, nobody saw anything. And even the worst day can end with a pitcher of margaritas-glass optional.

The Boy and the Lake (Pelzman Adam)
13,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
The Boy and the Lake (Pelzman Adam)
13,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pstrongemThe Boy and the Lakeem is a poignant and haunting coming-of-age story ... a multifaceted, evocative and masterfully told tale. -Lynda Cohen Loigman, USA Today bestselling author of emThe Two-Family Houseem and emThe Wartime SistersemstrongppstrongPelzman excels at creating an intensely atmospheric setting and revealing how it shapes his characters' identities and worldviews ... The narrative is full of rich, descriptive language ... a well-developed vintage setting and classic but thought-provoking coming-of-age theme. -emKirkus ReviewsemstrongppSet against the backdrop of the Newark riots in 1967, a teenage Benjamin Baum leaves the city to spend the summer at an idyllic lake in northern New Jersey. While fishing from his grandparents' dock, the dead body of a beloved neighbor floats to the water's surface-a loss that shakes this Jewish community and reveals cracks in what appeared to be a perfect middle-class existence. Haunted by the sight of the woman's corpse, Ben stubbornly searches for clues to her death, infuriating friends and family who view his unwelcome investigation as a threat to the comfortable lives they've built. As Ben's suspicions mount, he's forced to confront the terrifying possibility that his close-knit community is not what it seems to be-that, beneath a fa ade of prosperity and contentment, darker forces may be at work.ppIn emThe Boy and the Lakeem, Adam Pelzman has crafted a riveting coming-of-age story and a mystery rich in historical detail, exploring an insular world where the desperate quest for the American dream threatens to destroy both a family and a way of life.ppstrongPraise for Adam Pelzman's emTroikaemstrongppRiveting drama and sensuous prose make for an unforgettable love story ... a beautifully rendered debut. -Kirkus Reviews starred reviewppPelzman's talent and vision are formidable ... -emPublishers Weeklyempp... trans

The Teacher'S Handbook Of The Tonic Solfa System; A Guide To The Teaching Of Singing In Schools By The Tonic Sol-Fa System (T. Cringan Alexander)
15,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

The Teacher'S Handbook Of The Tonic Solfa System A Guide To The Teaching Of Singing In Schools By The Tonic Sol-Fa System has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. So that the book is never forgotten we have represented this book in a print format as the same form as it was originally first published. Hence any marks or annotations seen are left intentionally to preserve its true nature.

Gli Ultimi Anni Di Lorenzo De' Medici: Duca D'Urbino (1515-1519) (Verdi Adolfo)
19,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pBiografia del celebre uomo politico e mecenate italiano Lorenzo de' Medici, detto il Magnifico. Il libro si concentra sugli ultimi quattro anni della vita di Lorenzo de' Medici, dal momento in cui divenne Duca d'Urbino fino alla sua morte, descrivendo i suoi successi, le sue aspirazioni e i suoi amori.ppThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

The Wild and Cultivated Cotton Plants of the World: A Revision of the Genus Gossypium, Framed Primarily With the Object of Aiding Planters and Invest
31,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.ppThis work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity individual or corporate has a copyright on the body of the work.ppScholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.p

If You Build Papa A Fire (Hewes Jacob)
16,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
If You Build Papa A Fire (Hewes Jacob)
16,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pDoes your Papa have a step counter and swing his arm to get steps, a tendency to take naps wherever he pleases, and a particular lawn maintenance routine Does he enjoy hot dogs, whiskey, and Blue-footed boobies If the answer is yes to any or all of these questions, then look no further. This book tells a story of a beloved Papa and the cause and effect that occurs if you build him a fire.p

Ghosts: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History (Buse P.)
121,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Ghosts: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History (Buse P.)
121,16 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Did you know that the father of psychoanalysis believed in ghosts, or that Frederick Engels attended seances Ghosts Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, History is the first collection of theoretical essays to evaluate these facts and consider the importance of the metaphor of haunting as it has appeared in literature, culture, and philosophy. Haunting is considered as both a literal and figurative term that encapsulates social anxieties and concerns. The collection includes discussions of nineteenth-century spiritualism, gothic and postcolonial ghost stories, and popular film, with essays on important theoretical writers including Freud, Derrida, Adorno, and Walter Benjamin.

Violet (Duggal Manasvini)
10,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Violet (Duggal Manasvini)
10,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

A collection of verses written over twenty-one days, Violet brings to you the words and mind of a young adult guiding herself over the looming expanse of her twenties. With themes of life, its exploration and young love, the author fixes her attention on the experiences she has had so far, and the exciting uncertainty of what is yet to come. A successor to a debut written from a teenager's outlook, this book means to traverse the age-old conditions of young adulthood from the lens of someone living those experiences as they come.

Chimaera (Irvine Ian)
25,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Chimaera (Irvine Ian)
25,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pemAll resistance has been crushed. In a few minutes of overwhelming violence the Council's air-dreadnought fleet has destroyed Fiz Gorgo's defences. Xervish Flydd, Irisis and their allies have been condemned to die in a brutal aerial spectacle designed to reinforce Chief Scrutator Ghorr's power and majesty.emppNish is their one remaining hope. But Nish is trapped in a burning watchtower, and hunted by both the scrutators and his former lover, Ullii, whose twin brother he accidentally killed. Before Nish can hope to rescue his friends, he must convince Ullii to spare him, then overcome the most powerful cabal of mancers in the world as well as the Council's four hundred crack guards.ppAnd even if he succeeds, to win the war the allies still have to defeat the scrutators and overthrow Nennifer, the corrupt Council's dread bastion, before the rampaging lyrinx overwhelm all Santhenar.p

Malabar Mind (Nair Anita)
9,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Malabar Mind (Nair Anita)
9,64 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

In Malabar Mind, Anita Nair's debut collection of poems, the real and corporeal, landscapes and mindscapes are explored with a fluid ease. From the quirky resonance of Malabar's names to the stressed drone of television newscasters during war time from the apathy of non-stick frying pans to the quiet content of cows chewing cud, Anita Nair rakes through the everyday, pausing each time for an unusual moment.Love, failure, humor, irony, lust, hope, anguish beaches, crows, bus journeys, hospitals, just about every aspect of the human existence finds place in this collection of poems written over a decade.

134,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
134,32 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

EAN: 9781614709756Nova Science Publishers Inc 2012

Sisterhood Is Deadly: A Sorority Sisters Mystery (Emory Lindsay)
14,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Sisterhood Is Deadly: A Sorority Sisters Mystery (Emory Lindsay)
14,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pemWe'll be sisters 'til we die...emppMargot Blythe is a professional sorority girl. As a Sisterhood Mentor for her beloved Delta Beta, she travels to colleges around the country, advising on serious sorority issues and picking up all the gossip along the way. Margot is thrilled when she's invited back to her alma mater to assist the Delta Betas--but tragedy strikes when their chapter advisor drops dead during a meeting, sending shockwaves down sorority row.ppShaken by the death--especially when foul play is suspected--Margot has to step up. Appointed the honor of serving as temporary chapter advisor, she now must manage the drama of fifty frazzled sorority women with secrets to hide protect the house from the annual fraternity pledge pranks, which are more ominous than they seem and worst of all, combat the ruinous rumors surfacing about a Delta Beta phone sex ring. If she wants to keep rival sororities and a suspicious but dangerously cute local policeman from bringing Delta Beta's reputation down, it's up to Margot to find out the truth--about whether a sister could have committed such an unimaginable sin as murder.ppA sassy debut for fans of Susan McBride and Meg Cabotp

Big School of Drawing Workbook: Exercises and Step-By-Step Drawing Lessons for the Beginning Artist (Walter Foster Creative Team)
12,84 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

pbINTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING SERIES, now in English! More than 2.3 million copies sold in 23 languages!bpp Perfect for beginners, the iBig School of Drawing Workbooki begins with bbasic pencil techniquesb, such as shading, crosshatching, and adding texture. Then follow along as you use those pencil techniques to create detailed step-by-step drawings, bwith space provided on each pageb for you to follow along, as you learn to create your own realistic drawings. ppbCompanion to the original iBig School of Drawingi reference bookb, this b112-page interactive workbookb provides beginning artists with a focused, hands-on approach to learning. ppbPractice directly inside the book, with more than 50 step-by-step drawing lessons, including bpulli Pencil techniques lili Adding shading, texture, and highlights lili Drawing from basic shapes lili Flowers and still life lili Trees, rocks, and landscapes lili Architecture and perspective lili Animals, dogs, cats, and horses lili People and portraits liulp br With helpful tips and easy-to-follow, step-by-step lessons, iBig School of Drawingi is bthe perfect series for beginning artistsb ready to grab a pencil and get started drawing. With practice, you'll soon be able to create your own realistic pencil drawings. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. p

Viola Tricolor (Storm Theodor)
13,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
Viola Tricolor (Storm Theodor)
13,36 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

EAN: 9789356903272Storm TheodorAlpha Ed

The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America 1638-1870 (Du Bois W. E. B.)
21,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

Based on the Harvard thesis of DuBois-one of the great black intellectuals of American history-and incorporating analyses of national, state, and colonial statues, Congressional documents, personal narratives, and other foundational sources, this essential work of African-American history examines the prosecution of slavery laws in the early colonies in North America and explores the moral, political, and economical ramifications of the slave trade and its opposition. Topics covered include . the Revolutionary period . the Federal Convention of 1787 . Toussaint L'Ouverture and the antislavery efforts of 1787 to 1807 . the international slave trade . the rise of the cotton kingdom from 1820 to 1850 . the Civil War era . and more This study of the slave-trade laws remains a vital resource for students of early America. American writer, civil rights activist, and scholar WILLIAM EEDWARD BURGHARDT DUBOIS 1868-1963 was the first black man to receive a PhD from Harvard University. A cofounder of the NAACP, he wrote a number of important books, including The Philadelphia Negro 1899, Black Folk, Then and Now 1899, and The Negro 1915.

A Pony Named Bart (Hobbs Angela)
7,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024
A Pony Named Bart (Hobbs Angela)
7,28 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 07.09.2024

This story is written through Bart's observations and thoughts of his life from early memories to the present day. pAs well as telling his story it is also educational. Bart teaches many aspects of horse and pony care. He explains his early training, both as a riding and driving pony. He tells his readers about the many animals who live in the New Forest and life in this magical place. pIt is presented with warmth and humour and provides an insight into the lives of these noble creatures.