Tokijský ghúl: re 11
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Tokijský ghúl: re 11
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Haise Sasaki je mrtev, ať žije Ken Kaneki v roli Jednookého krále! Jenže ani přes značnou podporu svých přátel to nebude mít s bojem za mírové soužití lidí a ghúlů lehké. ÚPG pod velením úlisného inspektora Furuty totiž blokuje každý pokus o vyjednávání – ať to stojí, co to stojí...

Zaslíbená Země Nezemě 12
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Zaslíbená Země Nezemě 12
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Démoni z Goldy Pond jsou mrtví, ať žije svoboda! Jenže... ne tak docela. Emma a její přátelé totiž dosáhnou skutečné svobody teprve tehdy, až se jim podaří opustit svět démonu. K tomu je třeba nalézt tajemných Sedm zdí, a také osvobodit zbylé děti z Grace Fieldu. Začíná nová etapa dobrodružství, na jejímž konci čeká buďto vytoužená budoucnost, nebo krutá smrt.

Naruto 47 - Prolomení pečeti!
11,97 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Naruto 47 - Prolomení pečeti!
11,97 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Naruto se vrátil ze svého výcviku a nachází vesnici uprostřed boje se šéfem Akacuki. Nindžové zvolna prohrávají a Hokage dělá, co je v jejích silách, aby ztráty udržela na minimu. Jen Nartuto sám tak stojí mezi Painem a zničením své milované Konohy. Aby ji však mohl zachránit, musí odhalit skutečnou totožnost Paina a překonat útoky jeho nesmrtelných klonů.

Gantz 9
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Gantz 9
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Celý jeho tým je mrtvý a nikdo nový se neobjevil. Kei Kurono musí tentokrát zlikvidovat nepřátele sám. Ale početní převaha není jediný problém, kterému bude muset čelit. Monstra, se kterými bojuje v Gantzově brutálním klání, si ho najdou i v normálním světě. Nikde není v bezpečí.

Moriarty the Patriot 9
10,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Moriarty the Patriot 9
10,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The untold story of Sherlock Holmes’ greatest rival, Moriarty! Before he was Sherlock’s rival, Moriarty fought against the unfair class caste system in London by making sure corrupt nobility got their comeuppance. But even the most well-intentioned plans can spin out of control—will Moriarty’s dream of a more just and equal world turn him into a hero…or a monster? The true mastermind behind the Jack the Ripper murders is none other than Britain’s media king, Charles Augustus Milverton. After the case comes to a close, Milverton digs into William Moriarty’s past, and it doesn't take long for him to discover a certain court case where a boy from the slums took a noble to court. Once he’s dragged all the skeletons out of the closet, will Milverton have uncovered the truth of that fateful night when the Moriarty manor burned down?

Fullmetal Alchemist 21 - Ocelový alchymista
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Fullmetal Alchemist 21 - Ocelový alchymista
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Přípravy vrcholí! Zaslíbený den se blíží a schyluje se k poslední bitvě. Dokáží Ed a Hohenheim překonat zlou krev a spojit se proti nepříteli?

Tokyo Revengers Omnibus 1-2
21,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Tokyo Revengers Omnibus 1-2
21,80 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The critically acclaimed manga series about a man time-traveling back to his youth to save his girlfriend from a street gang-which inspired the wildly popular anime and live-action film! Watching the news, Hanagaki Takemichi learns his junior-high girlfriend Tachibana Hinata has died. A sudden shove sends him 12 years into the past to face the Tokyo Manji Gang that once made his life hell, which is also responsible for Hinata's death in the present. To save Hinata and change the future, Takemichi must rise to the top of Kanto's most sinister delinquent gang! But things aren't so simple when he befriends the gang's leader, Mikey. What turned Mikey from a petulant child to the leader of the most infamous gang in Tokyo?

Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 18
10,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 18
10,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation. Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi's greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone at school mistakes her crippling social anxiety for cool reserve. Luckily she meets Tadano, a timid wallflower who decides to step out of his comfort zone in order to help her achieve her goal of making 100 friends. The culture festival might have been a huge success, but Komi and Manbagi are still reeling from the shocking discovery that they both like Tadano! When everyone goes to karaoke after the festival closes, the girls see a perfect opportunity to woo their crush. Too bad neither of them can sing!

My Hero Academia 14: Moje hrdinská akademie
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
My Hero Academia 14: Moje hrdinská akademie
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Letní prázdniny skončily a studenti z Júei se vracejí do školy. Než však Izuku a Kacuki znovu usednou do školních lavic, nevyhnou se vzájemné konfrontaci, ke které se už dlouho schylovalo!

Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 13
10,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Komi Can't Communicate, Vol. 13
10,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation. Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi's greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone at school mistakes her crippling social anxiety for cool reserve! Luckily she meets Tadano, a timid wallflower who decides to step out of his comfort zone in order to help her achieve her goal of making 100 friends. Komi's family is hosting a guest, and the standoffish Rei is really putting Komi's friendship skills to the test! But Komi sees a bit of her old loneliness in the child and won't give up on making a connection, even if she has to chase Rei all over town to do it!

Ima Koi: Now Im in Love 1
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Ima Koi: Now Im in Love 1
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Sometimes the greatest romantic adventure isn't falling in love-it's what happens after you fall in love! After missing out on love because she was too shy to confess her feelings, high school student Satomi blurts out how she feels the next time she gets a crush-and it's to her impossibly handsome schoolmate Yagyu! To her surprise, he agrees to date her. Now that Satomi's suddenly in a relationship, what next? Given how fast everything has happened, Satomi is still clueless about how dating is supposed to work. How will she forge ahead in her relationship with Yagyu?

Sakamoto Days 3
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Sakamoto Days 3
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Pan Sakamoto a Šin se účastní výročního turnaje v paintballu, jelikož mají zálusk na první cenu v podobě milionu jenů. Do jejich týmu se však dostane i poněkud tupohlavý sniper Heisuke, který má v plánu Sakamota zastřelit a shrábnout odměnu vypsanou na jeho hlavu. A jako by toho nebylo málo, o slovo se hlásí i zlé síly z laboratoře, kde Šin strávil dětství...

Zabiják démonů 15: Nový úsvit
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Zabiják démonů 15: Nový úsvit
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Tandžiró konečně zahání do kouta Hantenguovo hlavní tělo. Co nevidět má ale vyjít slunce, takže se musí rozhodnout mezi záchranou Nezuko a honbou za nepřítelem. Jak si nakonec poradí? Dokáže porazit vyšší Měsíc? A přežije jeho mladší sestra?

Ragnarok: Poslední boj 12
11,97 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Ragnarok: Poslední boj 12
11,97 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Šestý souboj mezi Buddhou, jediným osvíceným mezi nebem a zemí, a Zerofukuem, legendárním zlým bohem, dospěl k nečekanému zvratu! Cesta vedoucí k osvícení Buddhy, muže, který žil dlouhý život, je konečně odhalena. V zákulisí se mezitím začínají objevovat noví bohové. Co chystají?

Berserk 17
15,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Berserk 17
15,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Velitelka Farnese má v úmyslu Gutse zlomit a přimět k pokání. Netuší však, jaká temnota jej obestírá, a jak moc nebezpečná je pro všechny kolem něj. A neví ani, že víra toho v takovém případě mnoho nezmůže...

Spy x Family: Family Portrait
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Spy x Family: Family Portrait
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Join the beloved cast of the best-selling series Spy x Family as they embark on five all-new adventures in this exciting novel! Join the beloved cast of the best-selling Spy x Family as they embark on five exciting adventures! In this book of Spy x Family original prose stories, Anya attempts to make friends with her target Damian during an Eden Academy camping trip, Yuri spends his day off babysitting his niece, and Franky seeks Loid’s help in winning the heart of a blind opera singer. Then, when the family sits for a portrait painting, Yor is terrified that her secret identity will be blown. And in the final story, the family is scrutinized by a pair of unseen observers… There’s never been a family quite like this one!

My Happy Marriage (manga) 03
17,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
My Happy Marriage (manga) 03
17,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

A Cinderella-inspired, slow-burn historical romance with a paranormal twist set in Taisho-era Japan! A browbeaten and mistreated daughter is cast out of her home and sent to audition as a bridal candidate for the heir to one of the most powerful families in the land… For failing to inherit the boon of unusual power that is the Saimori birthright and bringing shame to the family name, mistreated Miyo is cast out to become another’s problem. Sent to the Kudo clan—itself preternaturally powerful—as a potential bride for its heir, Kiyoka, Miyo is surprised to experience kindness for the first time in her thus far sad life. Though the rumors make him out to be cold and haughty, Kiyoka Kudo quickly warms up to the Saimoris’ eldest daughter. Intrigued by the girl who stands worlds apart from the spoiled, social-climbing women who usually vie for his hand, Kiyoka soon comes to regard Miyo with affection. Just as Miyo believes she may have found happiness at last, her jealous half sister, Kaya, kidnaps her and locks her in a cellar. Kaya’s eyes are red with rage as she declares her intention to dissolve Miyo’s engagement to Kiyoka and replace Miyo as his fiancée herself! Will Kiyoka’s supernatural abilities deliver her from Kaya’s clutches in time?

One-Punch Man 19
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
One-Punch Man 19
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Life gets pretty boring when you can beat the snot out of any villain with just one punch. Nothing about Saitama passes the eyeball test when it comes to superheroes, from his lifeless expression to his bald head to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking guy has a not-so-average problem—he just can’t seem to find an opponent strong enough to take on! The Monster Association has kidnapped Tareo, the boy who admires Garo, and now Garo finds himself plunging headfirst and alone into the heart of the Monster Association’s hideout. Meanwhile, the Hero Association pushes forward with its operation to rescue Waganma, while Genos and the others are living it up enjoying hot pot at Saitama’s place!

Noragami Stray God 17
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Noragami Stray God 17
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

PLAYING WITH FIRE The battle intensifies as Bishamon approaches the crafter. Kazuma and her other shinki are spared divine retribution, but Kazuma will stop at nothing to save his master from punishment. Meanwhile, Yato faces Takemikazuchi in an attempt to reason with the Heavens. But how can he fight a force of nature?

Noragami Stray God 18
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Noragami Stray God 18
12,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

LIVES ON THE LINE Now that Yato has defeated Takemikazuchi, he must protect Bishamon long enough for the thunder god to convince the Heavens to call off their punishment. Meanwhile, Yukin. strives to keep Yato and the crafter alive to ensure Yato’s safety, but when Bishamon takes deadly aim at Koto, Yukin. resorts to drastic measures…

Gabriel Dropout 12
15,15 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Gabriel Dropout 12
15,15 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

When Gabriel’s older sister Zeruel descends from heaven to spend sometime with her, Gabriel panics until she learns Zeruel’s true objective?to play games for the first time! But after Zeruel boots up a dating sim, her paranoia threatens to ruin the experience… Meanwhile, after Satanya makes another dubious purchase from the Hell Shopping Network, she ends up locked in a room with Raphy, and the only way out is to smooch! In any other situation, Raphy would be eager to embarrass Satanya…but she’s never kissed anyone before!

One Piece 3In1 Edition 26 (Includes 76, 77, 78)
15,15 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
One Piece 3In1 Edition 26 (Includes 76, 77, 78)
15,15 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Join Monkey D. Luffy and his swashbuckling crew in their search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece. As a child, Monkey D. Luffy dreamed of becoming King of the Pirates. But his life changed when he accidentally ate the Gum-Gum Fruit, an enchanted Devil Fruit that gave him the ability to stretch like rubber. Its only drawback? He’ll never be able to swim again—a serious handicap for an aspiring sea dog! Years later, Luffy sets off on his quest to find the “One Piece,” said to be the greatest treasure in the world… The dastardly Doflamingo family’s grip on the nation of Dressrosa tightens in a bloody battle for the heart and soul of the New World nation. When Trafalgar Law, a “Surgeon of Death” with Devil Fruit powers, allies with rubber-limbed Luffy, bizarre new battle powers emerge!

Fist of the North Star, Vol. 8
18,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Fist of the North Star, Vol. 8
18,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

In the original classic manga set in a postapocalyptic wasteland ruled by savage gangs, a hero appears to bring justice to the guilty. This warrior named Ken holds the deadly secrets of a mysterious martial art known as Hokuto Shinken—the Divine Fist of the North Star! In a postapocalyptic world, humanity has risen from the ashes of all-out nuclear war to a nightmare of endless suffering. It is a time of chaos. Warlords and gangs of savage marauders rule the broken ruins of civilization, terrorizing and enslaving the survivors. Life has become a brutal struggle for existence and death the only release. Kenshiro takes on Holy Emperor Souther, the most powerful of the Six Holy Fists of the South Star. If Kenshiro defeats him, it will set up a fateful battle between Raoh and Toki—a confrontation between motion and stillness, of ferocity and serenity—in which neither master will yield an inch. Shichosei, the star that presages death, shines overhead as Toki unleashes what could be his final strike.

Wolf Girl and Black Prince, Vol. 1
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Wolf Girl and Black Prince, Vol. 1
11,35 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

High school girl Erika may be on Kyoya’s leash, but she’s determined to break free and unleash his heart! Fed up with being hopelessly single, high schooler Erika makes up a boyfriend to fit in. When her lies start to unravel, her schoolmate Kyoya offers to be her pretend boyfriend—for a price. With no other choice, Erika finds herself at the mercy of a blackhearted prince! But is Kyoya truly as blackhearted as he seems? Fed up with her friends’ constant bragging about their boyfriends, high school student Erika Shinohara decides to make up one of her own. When her lie starts unraveling at the seams, her charming schoolmate Kyoya Sata agrees to be her pretend boyfriend, seemingly saving her reputation. She won’t get off that easy, however, as she soon discovers her white knight is actually a blackhearted prince! Now Erika must be at his beck and call or risk her lie being exposed. But is Kyoya really as blackhearted as he seems?

Classroom of the Elite (Light Novel) Vol. 1
13,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Classroom of the Elite (Light Novel) Vol. 1
13,60 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The cutthroat school drama light novels that inspired an anime! Students of the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School are given remarkable freedom—if they can win, barter, or save enough points to work their way up the ranks! Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has landed at the bottom in the scorned Class D, where he meets Horikita Suzune, who’s determined to rise up the ladder to Class A. Can they beat the system in a school where cutthroat competition is the name of the game?

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Vol. 3 (light novel)
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Vol. 3 (light novel)
15,68 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

After a furious battle with the orcs, peace has once again returned to the Forest of Jura. Rimuru may be heading up the Great Forest of Jura Alliance, but he's mostly worried about finishing his town...until a visit from King Gazel Dwargo of the dwarves turns everything upside down. Not only that, but he's about to have a run-in with an exceptionally dangerous demon lord. What's a slime to do?!

The Seven Deadly Sins 27
11,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The Seven Deadly Sins 27
11,88 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

When they were accused of trying to overthrow the monarchy, the feared warriors the Seven Deadly Sins were sent into exile. Princess Elizabeth discovers the truth - the Sins were framed by the king's guard, the Holy Knights - too late to prevent them from assassinating her father and seizing the throne! Now the princess is on the run, seeking the Sins to help her reclaim the kingdom. But the first Sin she meets, Meliodas, is a little innkeeper with a talking pig. He doesn't even have a real sword! Have the legends of the Sins' strength been exaggerated...?

your name. 2
13,78 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
your name. 2
13,78 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The second installment of the manga adaptation of the film that took the world by storm!

Don't Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro, Volume 3
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Don't Toy With Me Miss Nagatoro, Volume 3
14,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Nagatoro teases Senpai to no end, yet she can't stay away from him. Senpai gets embarrassed by Nagatoro, yet he can't stop thinking of her when they're apart. After having fun at the beach and playing video games at Nagatoro's, the two only get closer and closer...

[Moje hvězda] 2
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
[Moje hvězda] 2
13,02 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

V okamžiku, kdy rukou stalkera vyhasl život mladé hvězdy Ai Hošino, skončilo i idylické dětství jejích utajovaných potomků, dvojčat Aquy a Ruby. O deset let později dvojčata nastupují na střední školu a kromě vzpomínek na minulé životy je spojuje i odhodlání vstoupit do světa showbyznysu. Ovšem zatímco Ruby chce kráčet ve stopách své matky, Aqua po žádné slávě netouží – jde mu v první řadě o pomstu.