Ján Náhlik
27,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Ján Náhlik
27,55 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Stromy světa
47,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Stromy světa
47,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Fotograf Tomáš Míček sa zameriava predovšetkým na samostatne stojace stromy. Svojimi fotografickými knihami potešil už mnoho čitateľov. Takmer mystickým spôsobom v nich zachytil „prítomnosť“ stromov a ich kúzlo. Svoj intuitívny prístup pritom kombinuje s dokonalosťou technickej fotografie. Pôvodným podnetom k tomuto dobrodružstvu bolo estetické čaro, úžas nad rozmanitosťou a výrazovou silou stromov – či už išlo o pletence gréckeho olivovníku, obrie sekvoje v Kalifornii, zvláštne africké baobaby alebo austrálske živičníky, ktoré vyzerajú akoby ani neboli z tohto sveta. Ako fotograf sa Míček sústredí na úžasne detaily ako je štruktúra kôry alebo sieťové prepletenie koreňov, inokedy však prichádza s abstraktnými snímkami, ktoré odhaľujú „tkanivo“ prírody.

5,99 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
5,99 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

päťročné obdobie prezidenta R.Šustera vo fotografiách na Slovensku i vo svete

Bíločerná Praha
13,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Bíločerná Praha
13,96 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Španělský fotograf narozený a žijící v Praze. Fotografování se začal věnovat až v hluboké dospělosti a dnes se věnuje převážně černobílé fotografii. Kniha obsahuje černobílé fotografie Prahy, pořízené v letech 2006 až 2023 během častých procházek ulicemi magického města. Černobílá podoba zvýrazňuje jádro a detaily fotografovaných scén zbavených tak rozptylujícího barevného hávu. Na fotografiích jsou zachyceny nejen ikonické stavby a scenérie, ale i méně fotografovaná zákoutí.

62,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
62,70 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Monografická kniha Remains představuje českého fotografa Ivana Pinkavu (1961) v celé šíři jeho fotografického díla s důrazem na poslední, současnou etapu tvorby. Vedle řady celostránkových reprodukcí a úvodního eseje Petra Vaňouse obsahuje publikace také přehled celé dosavadní fotografovy tvorby v přehledném, chronologicky řazeném soupisu. Ivan Pinkava si během takřka třiceti let vytvořil vlastní, svébytný vizuální jazyk, který lze ztotožnit s jeho uvažováním o světě. Jeho dílo je především nelítostnou referencí o stavu lidského ducha u jedince tzv. západní kultury. Vytváří sled tezí o identitě a pochybách člověka, jenž prochází dějinnými zkušenostmi - krizemi, vzestupy a pády, aby se vždy vracel k všeobecně platným pravidlům lidské existence, jejichž přesné pojmenování se vymyká našim možnostem. Vymykají-li se tato pravidla pojmenování slovem, pak je naopak vizuální evokace, fotografie - obraz, mnohdy silnější a pádnější. Monografie vyšla při příležitosti Pinkavovy výstavy v American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center ve Washingtonu v angličtině, pro český trh je doplněna českou textovou vložkou.

Michael Kenna
50,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Michael Kenna
50,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

At age eleven, Michael Kenna developed his first roll of black and white film in a makeshift darkroom at St. Joseph's College, Upholland, the seminary he attended with the idea of becoming a Catholic priest. Kenna abandoned his religious calling after leaving the seminary, but his experiences there have continued to inform his work for decades. These gorgeous, meditative photographs were taken when Kenna returned to visit the now-shuttered school in the early 2000s. All of the qualities that make Kenna's work so appealing and evocative are here-richly nuanced tones, studies in contrast, his ability to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary. But Kenna is also revisiting a way of life that may be disappearing-not only the, at times, ruthless discipline of the British boarding school, but also the somber beauty of religious practice. In page after page of richly toned images, Kenna's camera captures the architecture of the school's built environment as well as its spiritual architecture. Kenna's richly detailed biographical essay about his experiences and observations at St. Joseph's reveal much about the way Kenna thinks and works. A critical essay by Vincent Miles focuses on the 110-year history of the college, contextualizing Kenna's time there. At once captivating and haunting, this series is truly one of the photographer's most personal and powerful projects to date.

Vanity Fair: Oscar Night Sessions
75,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Vanity Fair: Oscar Night Sessions
75,00 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Ten years of luminous photographic portraits of Hollywood celebrities who attended the most exclusive and glamorous after-party of the year For the past decade, photographer Mark Seliger has set up an elaborate pop-up studio inside the annual Vanity Fair after-party on Oscar Night, producing exquisite portraits of Hollywood's A-list personalities in the immediate afterglow of cinema's biggest event of the year. Vanity Fair: Oscar Night Sessions gathers the best of these portraits in one volume and includes a foreword by Vanity Fair editor in chief Radhika Jones, as well as an afterword by actor Alan Cumming, who sheds light on what it's like to be in front of Seliger's lens on the night of nights. With more than 200 portraits, featuring names such as Lady Gaga, Robert DeNiro, Donald Glover, Jessica Chastain, Taika Waititi, Spike Lee, Regina King, and Timothée Chalamet, this over-the-top collection will be the talk of both the publishing and film worlds.

Sophie Calle
16,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Sophie Calle
16,63 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The perfect primer on acclaimed French artist Sophie Calle. Sophie Calle is a French writer, photographer, installation artist and conceptual artist. Her work is distinguished by its use of arbitrary sets of constraints, and frequently depicts human vulnerability, and examines identity and intimacy. She is renowned for her detective-like ability to follow strangers and investigate their private lives, which she has deployed in her acclaimed works Suite Venitienne, The Hotel and Address Book. She has had major exhibitions all over the world, including at the 2007 Venice Biennale, the Whitechapel Gallery in London, and the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark, and has worked closely with the writer Paul Auster. The Guardian called her 'the Marcel Duchamp of dirty laundry', and she was among the names in Blake Gopnik's list 'The 10 Most Important Artists of Today', with Gopnik arguing, 'It is the unartiness of Calle's work - its refusal to fit any of the standard pigeonholes, or over anyone's sofa - that makes it deserve space in museums.'

Colors - A Book About a Magazine About the Rest of the World
51,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Colors - A Book About a Magazine About the Rest of the World
51,30 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

he book COLORS aims to explore the best of visual and textual material of the 90 issues of the magazine, created by the photographer Oliviero Toscani and the art director Tibor Kalman in 1991. The content is presented transversely through a subdivision in ten macro-themes which highlight the "Tumblr ante litteram" nature of the magazine. Twenty-five years of images and texts are shaken and served using ingredients from different issues. The idea is to tell COLORS by using its own words, in a visionary journey through time, between irony and semiotics, rereading the analysis of the world carried out by the magazine, acknowledging its high research value. Among the objectives: - celebrating and narrating COLORS in a non-direct and linear way. - not providing an axiomatic volume or making it a monument, but rather making it a subject still alive and able to talk about today's world through the work carried out on the world back then.- producing an object attractive to both the collectors and those who do not know the magazine at all, trying to intrigue those who may have only a few numbers, those who believed it was no longer published and the most faithful readers. The project becomes the clarification of the exhibit of the "rest of world" made by COLORS over the years. The themes are: - BANG! (bang, bang, bang!) weapons, violence, lust, shock; - I WANT TO BELIEVE (oh my God, it's Sunday! - Time to wake up and smell the regret) everything relating to Sunday, faith, cults, national sport, what we worship; - PLACES (People write songs about places like you - You have ruined my life) places, countries, cities, and the rooms where things happen; - THAT'S AMORE (more amore) heart, physical love, the good despite everything - DRINKING BUDDIES (did somebody say "proprioception"?) portraits of people with stories to tell, human cases, superheroes; - ELVIS (the Good, the Bad and the Elvis) fame, excess, degeneration, disguise, kitsch. - WHERE THE HELL IS MY TAIL? ("Tienes hair muy bonito!" "Quien, yo?") the animal world, with hair, tails and everything else, missing links (?) included; - COLORS IS THE NEW BLACK the essence of COLORS through the use of colors, all the colors of its themes; - FUTURE IS TEN MINUTES AWAY (I wanted to be an architect but my parents said the) the future, predictions about the future and how we get ready for it. A tribute to COLORS # 13 ends off the volume: it is the issue where Tibor Kalman narrated without the use of words.

Miroslav Tůma
4,42 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Miroslav Tůma
4,42 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Fotograf Miroslav Tůma dnes patří k osobnostem spíše pozapomenutým. Je to způsobeno zejména dvěma osudovými důvody. Zaprvé tím, že tento Jihočech rodem spojil svůj život se svým krajem a nikdy se neocitl v centru výtvarného dění. Za druhé pak, že mu bylo dopřáno pouhých třicet let života. Mezi jeho nejkrásnější snímky patří elegické krajiny z jižních Čech, svou působivost neztratily ani portréty, zejména ty divadelní (Květa Fialová, Renata Havlová). Technický talent jej dovedl až k prvním experimentům s barevnou fotografií. Obsáhlá monografie jej představuje výběrem toho nejlepšího z jeho díla, reprodukce jsou seskupeny podle tematických okruhů (rybáři, venkov, město, portréty, akty). Publikace je uvedena zasvěceným textem jeho přítele Bohumíra Janouška.

28,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
28,92 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Nová publikácia Slovensko v podaní Alexandra Jirouška je hotovou národnou epopejou. Toto monumentálne dielo, ktoré je chválospevom krás našej vlasti, bude vzácnym darom nielen pre nás doma, ale aj pre našich krajanov v ďalekej cudzine. Nemalo by chýbať ani v jednej knižnici.

Černá a bílá
6,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Černá a bílá
6,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Monografie současné české fotografky. Olga Strohschneiderová se narodila roku 1963 v Teplicích, fotografii se věnuje od dětství, od roku 1996 používá digitální fotoaparáty, dosud publikovala pouze v denním tisku a na internetových stránkách. K zásadám vlastní tvorby poznamenává: hlavně žádné stylizace... život sám je pestrý... stačí se jen dívat... .

Liam Wong: After Dark
43,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Liam Wong: After Dark
43,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

An intimate, one-of-a-kind photographic journey that documents Liam Wong's nocturnal wanderings through the world's most captivating cities. In this singular photographic publication, Liam Wong weaves together a series of cinematic images that reveal the people and places, the slivers of life, that inhabit the mysterious space of night-time cities. Through his previous work as a videogame designer, Wong learned that 'real life is just as potent, bizarre and interesting as things we can imagine'. From Hong Kong and Seoul to London and Edinburgh, After Dark reveals shadowy cityscapes through the eyes of the insomniac artist. For centuries, artists have found both solace and fruitfulness in solitude. Through sleepless and solitary nights, After Dark explores the phenomenon of loneliness in city life, capturing urban interstices between dusk and dawn: the eerie emptiness of London's Piccadilly Circus at 4:00 a.m., Seoul's late-night taxi drivers moving along hushed roads and birds sharing the warmth of a neon sign in Hong Kong's TSM District - mysterious silhouettes representing lives lived in shadow, portrayed as intricate cinematic visions, all before the sun rises. Building on the success of his first monograph, TO:KY:OO, Wong widens his lens to capture the night in the world's most exciting cities. From workers leaving their night shifts to empty streets illuminated by neon signs, Wong charts the hours of darkness as populated scenes become deserted ones. The book's photography - framed to specific film ratios - is imbued with a cinematic intensity underscored by Wong's interest in film, while its themes are amplified through specially commissioned Chinese characters that pay homage to the works of celebrated Chinese director Wong Kar Wai.

36,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
36,05 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Charles Bukowski, the dirty old man of American literature whose poems and prose are closely interwoven with his life - how does one go about portraying a person like that? In 1985, the young photographer Abe Frajndlich took on this challenge. We can say this much: it was not a job that could be accomplished in one shot. The Shooting presents a photographer's attempt to zero in on a legend. "That face!" Glenn Esterly exclaims in his essay "The Pock-marked Poetry of Charles Bukowski" included in this volume. Everything fascinating about this monumental author is concentrated in his "look", as impressively demonstrated by the photographs of Abe Frajndlich, many of them previously unpublished. Portraying Bukowski in color and black and white, he gained the writer's confidence to the point that he was eventually invited to the wedding of Bukowski and Linda Lee Beighle. Telling the story of this meeting, the publication reproduces the various portrait series, culminating in the photographs of the wedding.

Wim Wenders
48,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Wim Wenders
48,40 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Wim Wenders, the distinguished filmmaker and co-founder of New German Cinema, is also a world-renowned photographer. He has exhibited his large-format, panoramic photographs in Paris, Hamburg, Berlin, Bilbao, Sydney, Shanghai, Rome, Sao Paulo, Moscow, Copenhagen, New York and Düsseldorf. Now, for the first time, this book – published to accompany an exhibition at London’s Photographer’s Gallery – presents his polaroids. Spanning the 1970s to the present day, they feature friends, actors and personal heroes, objects, places, spaces and situations from the everyday life of a travelling filmmaker. Wenders does not order his ‘photographic notes’, as he calls them, by theme, but as stories. They are accompanied by his own texts, short stories and haikus. Wim Wenders: Instant Stories is a photographic road trip through the life of the artist, from his early travels through America’s cinematic landscapes to the German provinces and beyond. Table of Contents Introduction • c. 240 polaroids

Digital Photography Month by Month
24,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Digital Photography Month by Month
24,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

From photographing a dewdrop in spring to a beautiful winter frost, follow your hobby throughout the year with renowned photographer Tom Ang. Whatever your level of expertise or type of camera, from the best digital SLRs on the market right down to camera phones, you'll find tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your shots. Now in its third edition, and fully updated with the latest developments in technology and equipment, this book will teach you everything you need to know to take great photographs that convey a sense of time, place and atmosphere. Packed with "how to" advice and projects to keep you snapping throughout the year, Digital Photography Month by Month is an inspiring and practical guide to taking beautiful photos whatever the season and weather conditions.

28,50 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
28,50 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Breathtaking photographs of thunder, lightning, storms, and other natural phenomena, captured by pilot Santiago Borja from his Boeing 767-300 cockpit. As a passenger jet pilot, Santiago Borja flies around the globe every day, often coming up against wild storms and various types of turbulence. In case of such encounters, Borja the "Stormpilot" always keeps his camera in the cockpit, capturing breathtaking images of the very center of the storm--swirling clouds, up-close lightning bolts, a surreal ghostly glow, and somewhere thousands of miles below, the flickering of civilization in the rain. Santiago's captivating aerial storm photographs, featured in a number of prestigious galleries, are brought together for the first time in this book, accompanied by lively and informative texts about the dramatic weather phenomena his photos reveal. For anyone captivated by life above the clouds and the violent beauty of nature, Borja's images offer awesome insights into a tempestuous world.

Testino, Kate Moss
32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Testino, Kate Moss
32,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Fashion's dynamic duo. Mario Testino's tribute to his greatest muse Mario Testino is recognized as the ultimate fashion photographer of his generation but his pictures of Kate Moss transcend fashion. The consequence of two decades of extraordinary friendship, and phenomenal glamor, this iconic collaboration is an intimate insight into the lives and minds of two of the world's definitive style leaders. Follow the journey of one of fashion's most extraordinary friendships, from early days backstage at the shows to behind-the-scenes glimpses of the ground-breaking editorials they continue to produce for the world's most respected magazines. Many photographs have been chosen from Testino's private archive and are published here for the first time. This book is Mario's personal homage to his greatest muse a young girl that captured his heart and eye with her beauty, humor and spirit, and whose image in his photographs has captured imaginations the world over. Contents include: Foreword by Mario Testino Exclusive essay by Kate Moss Over 100 images in black-and-white and color, including many unseen private photographs.

Jiný svět - Other World
12,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Jiný svět - Other World
12,45 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Světově uznávaný fotograf Angelo Purgert, který získal mnoho mezinárodních ocenění, vytvořil originální umělecký projekt s názvem Jiný svět, který přichází čtyři roky po velmi úspěšném fotografickém projektu První republika. Hlavním námětem fotografií v této knize je útěk od dnešní přetechnizované doby do světa, kde mizí předsudky mezi lidmi jejich rasou a životním prostředím a kde vládnou klidné a pokojné vztahy. Fotografie také vyjadřují návrat člověka k původním lidským hodnotám a vznikaly v nádherných přírodních scenériích Šumavy a středních čech. Kniha přinášející výběr těch nejzajímavějších snímků z projektu je opatřena anglickým překladem. Fotografický projekt Jiný svět má charitativní podtext a finanční výtěžek z této knihy podpoří Kliniku dětské hematolgie a onkologie v Praze 5, Motole.

The House of Glam
52,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
The House of Glam
52,25 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Welcome to The House of Glam -- Lush Interiors & Design Extravaganza. Challenging convention with maximalist flair, expect to see custom wallpapers, elegant fabrics, and rich marble, as well as mid-century design icons, geometry and echoes of Memphis. A new, young generation of interior designers like David Alhadeff, Cristina Celestino and Nina Yashar with an emphasis on personality are creating homes that aspire to be as unique as their inhabitants, propelling residential design into the future. This diverse architectural landscape of the book is a feast for the eyes, where expressive colors, textures, unusual forms, and exotic materials combine to create a contemporary interpretation of an art deco or classic 1950s Hollywood film set interior. After all, designers are innate history buffs and there is a wealth of history in architecture, decorative arts, fashion, and film through the ages to cherry pick and play with. These homes dream big. The House of Glam invites you into the most exciting homes, from Italy to the USA, that embody this decadent, playful trend, profiling key studios and designers at the forefront of the movement.

Obrazová fotografie / The Photographic Picture
17,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Obrazová fotografie / The Photographic Picture
17,20 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

První souborné vydání fotografií Eugena Wiškovského společně s jeho texty. Fotograf, pedagog, překladatel Sigmunda Freuda a v neposlední řadě také tenista Eugen Wiškovský (1888–1964) je stále více oceňován jako čelný představitel české avantgardy a řazen po bok autorům, jako je František Drtikol, Jaromír Funke nebo Jaroslav Rössler. Tvůrce co do rozsahu nevelkého fotografického díla byl také autorem nepříliš početných, ale o to inspirativnějších textů o fotografii, ve kterých shrnul principy avantgardní fotografie, obhajoval svébytnost fotografie mezi ostatními druhy umění a přinesl specifické pojetí jak vnímat černobílou fotografii. Americký historik umění Matthew S. Witkovsky jej v úvodním textu přibližuje jako fotografa, který zcela osobitě po svém reagoval na novou věcnost a spojoval přístup k fotografii s podněty z tvarové psychologie nebo psychoanalýzy. Tato první souborná reedice Wiškovského textů je jistě inspirativní nejen pro teoretiky umění, ale také pro ty, kteří hledají další cesty ve své vlastní fotografické tvorbě.

Anne Geddes - Small World
56,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Anne Geddes - Small World
56,95 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Baby Talk The Anne Geddes phenomenon An infant curled within a seashell, on a bed of flowers, or its mother's body. With her distinct style and sensitive compositions, Anne Geddes has become one of the world's most widely known and loved photographers, celebrated for her unique take on infancy and parenthood in soft, characterful, vibrant portraits. Like no photographer before, Geddes strives to capture the beauty, purity, and vulnerability of early childhood and to embody within an image her deeply held belief that each and every child must be "protected, nurtured and loved." Since its inception in 1992, The Geddes Philanthropic Trust has designated significant funds from the range of Anne Geddes products to help prevent child abuse and neglect in countries around the world. This Geddes retrospective draws from access to the photographer's complete archive, reaching back to the late 1980s. With many previously unseen images as well as a sticker motif, it honors not only a whimsical and endearing aesthetic but its underlying philosophy of care for the young and vulnerable and for the future of mankind.Text in English, French, and German

World without Me - Helmut Newton
41,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
World without Me - Helmut Newton
41,75 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Taken between the mid 1960s and early 1980s, this selection of Newton fashion editorials—one of the first books he ever published—is accompanied by journal entry-style texts by Newton providing anecdotes and describing the circumstances of each shoot. On every page is evidence of Newton‘s groundbreaking vision that transformed fashion photography—an influence that can still be seen today in the pages of the greatest fashion magazines.

Paul Outerbridge
26,13 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Paul Outerbridge
26,13 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Light and Shadows Paul Outerbridge's provocative nudes and pioneering color Whether in his sumptuous images for advertising or his soft-hued nudes, Paul Outerbridge (1896-1958) was an alchemist of desire. Color was integral to his aesthetic allure, embracing the complex tri-color-carbro process to create a seductive surface of texture and tone. His quest was for "artificial paradises"-a perfection of form, with a surreal edge. This concise monograph introduces Outerbridge's unique aesthetic and its commercial and artistic trajectory, from his professional peak as New York's highest-paid commercial photographer through to his retreat to Hollywood in the 1940s after a scandal over his erotic photography. With key examples from his oeuvre, the book explores Outerbridge's innovative style through Cubist still life images, magazine photographs, and his controversial nudes, as well as his interaction with other avant-garde photographers, such as Alfred Stieglitz, Paul Strand, and Man Ray. Along the way, we recognize Outerbridge's particular ability to transform everyday objects into a quasi-abstract composition and his pioneering role in championing the expressionistic, as much as commercial, potential of color photographs.

Elliott Erwitt - New York, Paris Box Set
66,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Elliott Erwitt - New York, Paris Box Set
66,41 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Elliott Erwitt’s glimpses of New York City are sometimes gritty, sometimes elegant, yet always true to life. His monochromatic tribute to the Big Apple contains all the shadings of this vital metropolis. Capturing the true diversity that makes this city great, this selection of images spans Erwitt’s career, including many previously unseen works from the ’50s and ’60s. It is a memorable tribute to a great city and a reflection of a great photographer’s genius. And yes, we’ll always have Paris and who better to capture all its moods than the inimitable Elliott Erwitt? With a keen eye for the real city, Erwitt sees beyond the tourist clichés. Whether the mightiest of monuments or the charm of la vie quotidienne this master photographer chronicles it all. Alternating intimate details with grand vistas, Erwitt captures the true flavor of la metropole.

Ansel Adams in the Canadian Rockies
24,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Ansel Adams in the Canadian Rockies
24,65 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

The first book of Ansel Adam's early photographs of the Canadian Rockies. 'These mountains are breathtaking - utterly different than anything we have seen. The peaks and forest and 'tone' fulfill almost every ideal I have had of what 'my' mountains could be...These are the great mountains we dream about.' - Ansel Adams to his wife Virginia, 1928 The Sierra Club's twenty-ninth annual outing or 'High Trip' was Ansel Adams's first as official photographer. It was during this expedition to the Canadian Rockies in 1928 that Ansel began to find his voice as a photographer. In ANSEL ADAMS IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES, we discover images of celebrated natural sites including Mount Robson, Amethyst Lake, Drawbridge Peak, and Bennington Glacier that foreshadow the majestic mountain vistas for which Adams would become renowned. A fine chronicle of one of Ansel Adams's earliest major photographic expeditions, and the only one he ever made outside of the United States, this book also serves as a record of Ansel's emerging style during these crucial years in his artistic development.

Svatý Vít
33,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Svatý Vít
33,44 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Další v řadě knižních vydání fotografických cyklů Josefa Sudka přináší unikátní svazek fotografií Svatovítské katedrály z dvacátých let, o jejichž knižní vydání autor neúspěšně usiloval po celý svůj život. Klíčové snímky vznikly v době přestavby katedrály, kdy měl fotograf možnost zachytit v jejím interiéru i hromady suti či lešení, vždy ve zcela ojedinělém osvětlení, na něž v budově čekal třeba celý den. Kniha je uvozena studií Josefa Mouchy a původním textem spisovatele Jaroslava Durycha z prvního Sudkova portfolia.

Libní s Bohumilem Hrabalem
8,43 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Libní s Bohumilem Hrabalem
8,43 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Fotografická publikace nás zavádí do zaniklých a zanikajících části Prahy - čtvrti Libně. Stejně tak zde nalezneme i řadu portrétů Bohumila Hrabala a Vladimíra Boudníka.

Fotografie po fotografii
7,59 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
Fotografie po fotografii
7,59 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

Esejistická kniha na pomezí dějin umění a teorie médií vykládá z různých úhlů pohledu a stanovisek specifickou povahu fotografie jakožto média, jež stálo na počátku cesty, která lidstvo dovedla do éry vizuální komunikace. Učebnice, která by shrnovala problematiku fotografického média, dosud chybí. Přesto existují osy a základní společné jmenovatele, jež jsou jakémukoli přemýšlení o fotografii společné a k nimž se úvahy autorů v průběhu dějin oboru stále vracejí a znovu je podrobují kritickému zkoumání: specifický vztah fotografie a času, fotografická reprezentace reality, objektivita fotografie či její schopnosti být stopou, indexem zobrazeného jevu. Autoři se v knize Fotografie po fotografii nad těmito otázkami zamýšlejí z perspektivy hypermediální, postfotografické společnosti. Esejistické kapitoly promlouvají skrze jednotlivosti a motivy o medialitě " fotografie, o proměnách jazyka, jímž se vyjadřovala od svých počátků až po digitální éru. "

22,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024
22,04 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 26.07.2024

In New York in 1948, photographer Philippe Halsman had a chance meeting with Fernandel, a French movie star from the vaudeville tradition, and asked the actor to participate in a completely original photographic experiment. Halsman would ask Fernandel questions about America to which he would respond using only facial expressions. With his wide, lovable horse-face, Fernandel mimicked the answers to such questions as “Does the average Frenchman still pinch pretty girls in a crowd?” (silly grin) and “What was your reaction to the great American game of baseball?” (perplexed). Fernandel’s reactions are laugh-out-loud funny, and the book that resulted from this unusual collaboration is nothing short of wonderful. The Frenchman has been out of print for over fifty years, but TASCHEN’s reprint thankfully brings it back to life.